Vacation with the Squad P7 - Beach House P2 - Old Friends P2

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Seraphina: Sera







John is pacing back and forth nervously looking like he can explode and second now

Blyke: Woah dude chill or you're definitely going to scare them like that

Isen: Yeah man take a seat and chill

John: I can't! I'm to nervous I need a punching bag or something!!

Arlo: There's a gym on the first floor it should have one

John: Thank you Arlo!!

Arlo: He's going to be down there for a minute or two

Isen: I'll tell them when they get here you get him

Arlo: Alright, we'll leav him be for now

With Claire and Adrion..

Claire: Adrion are you sure this is a good idea???

Adrion: Who knows, we'll just have to wait and find out. I'm sure he's extremely nervous as well

Claire: You think so?? Well that's a relief or something at least

Adrion: I'm sure it'll be fine, they even invited us over later tonight!

Claire: Really?

Adrion: Yeah but it's going to be strange

Claire: What do you mean

Adrion: So you know how I said he was a cripple for 2 years and still going right?

Claire: Yeah what about it?

Adrion: Well he kinda put himself in a situation

Claire: Normal ole John

Adrion: True that

Claire: What is it this time? 'sigh'

Adrion: So he has a extremely close friend

Claire: Boy or girl, name?

Adrion: Girl, and Seraphina.

Claire: Okay continue

Adrion: So everyone else knows about his ability one way or another, except her. She still thinks he's a cripple and all so he kinda needs all our help with telling her sometime this week

Claire: So he lied to her for 2 years?

Adrion: Yeah

Claire: This is going to suck, and I thought that meeting John again would be the hard part

Adrion: You would think so

Claire: Yeah yeah okay

About 13 minutes later Claire and Adrion head over to the Squads beach house.

Adrion: You ready?

Claire: Yeah I think so.

Adrion: Welp better to do it now then never

Claire: Yeah I guess so

Adrion: Okay well let's go

Adrion knocks on the door a few times and is greeted by some yelling and stuff and finally Isen appearing at the door

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