Vacation with the Squad P6 - Beach House P1 - Old Friends P1

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Seraphina: Sera





Arlo: Blyke, Elaine where are John and Seraphina

Blyke: John said he'll be down in a minute, he's also asking Seraphina what she's doing and stuff I guess

Arlo: Okay well if we want to get to the beach before the sun goes down they better hurry

Isen: I actually like the night skies on the beach

Elaine: I do too! They're great!

Arlo: I can't argue with that

With John and Seraphina

John: Hey Sera what are you doing?

Sera: Just unpacking

John: Here do that later, let's get to the beach before the sun goes down

Sera: Okay just let me change

John: Okay, i'll wait here I also need to change

Sera: You can just do it in here while I use the restroom

John: You sure?

Sera: Yes, plus i'll take a bit longer then you will

John: Oh okay then sure

Sera: Okay see you in a bit John

John's thoughts: I wonder what she would look like in a bikini? Wait no I can't think like that! Well then again we have been getting closer lately and I kinda like her I think? Oh fuck it who am I kidding I totally fell for her a while back, now I've got to tell her I've been keeping secrets for 2 years! I'm so screwed man, I just hope this goes well and doesn't end up like last time...

John changes before Sera get's out and waits for her like a patient puppy

Sera exits the bathroom

'Note they will have clothes over their swimsuits until they reach the beach'

John: Oh hey Sera you took your time

Sera: I was only 10 minutes

John: Yeah I know

Sera: Okay let's go down stairs I'm sure they're waiting for us

John: Yeah you're right, we don't want Arlo throwing another fit like a child

Sera: Oh like you don't

John: Who knows

Sera: I do, I witness it everytime

John: Oh.. i'm not that bad?

Sera: Compared to Arlo, no

John: I'll take that as a compliment then!

Sera: Dork you're adorable

John: Hey!

Sera: Haha you should've seen your face!

John: Oh is that how you want to play... princess?

Sera: Oh don't even John

John: Okay okay anyways let's head downstairs before Arlo heads up here

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