chapter 4 (y/n pov)

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i was trying so hard to contain myself. here we were, sitting on my bed as he brushed my hair. 

i could tell he was doing at as softly as he could, but my hair wasn't tangled because i attempted to condition it. 

"you're hair is getting long, i like it" he told. 

"thank you, i'm growing it out. i like it better when it's long" i rambled. 

he got done brushing out my hair, and he sat the brush on the night stand. i turned my body toward him

he cupped my cheek, slightly rubbing it with his thumb. 

this dabi is a whole different dabi when we are around the l.o.v. 

he is usually stuck up his ass and always in a bad mood. 

but i think this is the dabi he is meant to be. this is the side he hides so he can come off as mean and rude, but i really think he is a sweet person. 

he pulled me into a kiss, and a very passionate one. 

as he kissed me, he was still rubbing his thumb on my cheek. 

hopefully he couldn't feel my face heating up. 

he broke the kiss, leaving another kiss on my forehead. 

"go to sleep brat" he said jokingly. 

"ok ok asshole" i replied. 

i layed down on my side facing him, and stared. 

"whatcha looking at" he said as he was lighting a cigarette. 

"nothing! im going to sleep" i said with an attitude. 

 he chuckled as he exhaled the smoke, and all i could smell was a freshly lit cigarette and my vanilla body wash. 

i started to doze off, as i heard him inhale and exhale the smoke, and it was kind of comforting. 

but that bastard needs to stop smoking, his lungs are crying for help. 

as i fell asleep, i heard dabi getting up to put out his cigarette. 

when i woke up the next morning, i smelt the familar smell of cigarettes, as i opened my eyes to see dabi's chest. 

i guess when i was sleeping he came into bed and started cuddling me. 

he was still asleep, so i just stared at his purplely, blue scars. along with the staples. 

i gently lifted my hand, and ran my finger slightly across his scars, feeling the bumpy dry skin on my finger tip. 

he jolted a bit in his sleep, so i moved my hand away quickly. 

as i was going to put it back down on my side, i felt his hand grip mine. 

he took my hand and put it back were it was, signaling for me to continue rubbing his scars. 

"it felt good" he said in a sleepy, groggy voice. 

so, i continued gently rubbing his scars as he would slightly jolt when i went in certain spots. 

i guess they are sensitive as i thought they would be. 

i leaned my head closer to his body, and kissed the scar on his chest. 

he ran his hand on my back, as i moved my head back to where it was. 

he looked down at me, and left a peck on my lips. 

i started to sit up, and he went back into the position he was in and started to go back to sleep. 

i got out of bed, and stretched my arms. i could barely lift them with out my lower back aching. 

"you son of a bitch look what you did to me" i mumbled to myself. 

he chuckled a bit, still lying there trying to go back to sleep. 

i walked out of the room, cussing up a storm about him under my breath, and walked into the bathroom. when i walked in, there was a huge mess from last night. my dirty clothes from last night were laying in the floor, soaking wet. 

the bathtub was filled with about an inch of water, that hadn't drained yet. 

we really need to fix that. 

there was water on the floor, just a mess everywhere. 

i started to clean it, picking up my clothes and putting them into the laundry basket, and grabbing a used towel to soak the water up with.

once i got finished, i could continue with my morning routine.

i did the usual, washed my face, brushed my teeth etc. 

after that, i walked into the kitchen to have a drink, and shigaraki, twice, and toga were sitting there. 

"hey! we got back early" toga explained to me. 

i wasn't expecting them to be back early, so i was only in dabi's hoodie, no pants or shorts. 

i pulled down his hoodie a bit to cover myself up, but shiggy and toga noticed it anyways.

"oouuu~ rumor is that dabi's hoodie i see~" toga teased me. 

"tch- clean yourself up we have to go somewhere today" shigaraki said.

i walked back into my room to see dabi smoking a cigarette. 

he obviously couldn't go back to sleep so he decided to smoke instead.

i walked over to him, and grabbed the cigarette out of his mouth and put it out on the ash tray.

he threw his hands up questioning with his expression why i did that. 

i explained to him that they were back, and we had some place to go. 

as i was explaining it, i walked over to my closet to find some clothes to wear, just the same type of outfit id wear everyday. (insert your fav outfit t wear >:p)

i took the hoodie off, only standing there in my underwear, facing away from dabi. he stood up and came up behind me and started hugging me. his hands started on my lower stomach, but was slowly making their way up my body 

eventually, of course his hands "accidentally" made onto my boobs. 

"little bastard" i said quietly. 

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