chapter 3 (dabi pov)

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as i walked out of the door, i heard her slightly giggle, flipping around onto the other side of the bed. i went to my room, grabbing a hoodie because it was getting late and colder outside.

i put on my docs, walking out the door. i didn't really know what kind of food to get, but i needed to figure out soon because i always get the munchies after sex

i walked into (insert your fav food restaurant here) and went to the front to order.

i had my hood up so no one would recognize me as dabi. the hair gives it away.

i started ordering food, and lots of it. i didn't know if she liked to eat after sex like i do, but i still ordered a lot.

after i got the food, i walked out of the place getting lots of stares. i just kept my head down so i wouldn't make any unnecessary eye contact with anyone.

as i was walking back, everything that me and rumor just did registered in my head. i was glad because i've been waiting to do that for a long time.

"she was exactly how i imagined it."

"everything about her is perfect, and i want her to myself."


"i want her?? to myself?"

"what have i gotten myself into."

i shook my head, walking back into the old bar. i didn't hear a sound, so i thought maybe she had fallen asleep.

i walked back to her room, to see her lying on the bed sound asleep.

i leaned over, pecking her lips, and sat the food down onto her desk. i started to take everything out of the bag as i heard the bed creak.

she sat up, rubbing her head.

"your back? sorry i fell asleep" she said in her sleepy voice

i looked at her and said 

"it's okay, go back to sleep if your tired babe."

she stood up, her legs shaking as she slightly lost her balance, and walked over to me.

i turned her way, as she pulled me into a hug.

my head squished into her stomach, as she held me close.

she smelt like vanilla.

"are you okay? did i do to much?" i asked her.

"no it was great, i had a good time." she replied

"we should do it again."

i heard her say it, but i pretending like i didn't so i could hear her say it again.

"what did you say? i didn't hear you"

"n-nothing!" she said, playfully hitting my head.

she let go of me, stealing some food and pulling a chair over to the desk.

"i'm super hungry" she told me, stealing some more food.

"so you get the munchies after sex like i do huh?"

she looked at me, her face bright red.

"d-dont just say that out loud like it!! someone could hear you mentioning that we had sex!"

i looked at her, smiling.

"no ones here" i said turning my head and starting to eat.

"so what you dumbass!!" she replied

no matter what we did together, she was the same ol rumor that i knew.

after we finished eating, i took her to the bathroom to help her shower. she could barely walk without loosing her balance, it was pretty cute.

i turned on the water, adjusting it to her liking.

i helped her strip her clothes off, but i could tell she was still a little to shy and tried to cover herself up.

"don't cover yourself up, you are perfect" i told her, reassuringly.

she smiled and got into the shower. she let out a soft "ah" as the warm water went down her body.

"do you still need my help? want me to wash you up?"

"i can do it, thank you baby." she said.

that was the first time she called me that.

i walked out of the bathroom, closing the door behind me.

i felt a wave of relief go down my body as i walked away.

"so she really loves me?" i thought to myself.

i went into her room, sitting back down at her desk and finishing up any food that was left. i took a drink of my soda, and went and sat on the bed.

i took out my phone and a cigarette, and waited for her to come out of the shower.

as time passed i felt myself starting to doze off a bit.

the shower was really loud, so i could hear when she would turn it off, but it was still running.

about 35 minutes passed, and she was still in the shower.

i got up, lighting another cigarette and walked to the bathroom

"y/n? are you done?" i asked.

it was silent for a few seconds then i heard her laugh.

"i need help" she said.

i walked into the bathroom, and slightly opened the shower curtain.

i could tell she was really struggling to wash herself up, so i helped her. i grabbed the body wash and put some in my hand, and started to help her wash up.

i rubbed my hands around her body, making sure i got everywhere.

i tried to be slick, and started washing her boobs, ( i did that to get an excuse to feel them up) but she swatted my hand away and said

"i got it you dumbass"

now i know why she smelled like vanilla, it was because she had the girliest vanilla body wash

it was kind of cute if you ask me. it had a little cute cat on the bottle, and it smelt really good.

"i like the way that body wash smells, i might have to use it for myself" i told her.

she looked at me and said "if you use my expensive body wash i will not hesitate to hurt you"

damn, i didn't know that she cherished that body wash.

"i spent a lot on it ok??" she said looking at me.

i finished washing her up, and grabbed her towel for her.

she struggled as she dried her body off, and i helped her walk back to her room. 

i went into my room, grabbing another hoodie and took it to her.

"y/n, where this it will keep you warm" i said handing it to her.

she pushed me out of her room, as she dressed herself.

she was still very shy, but it was cute.

she called me back in, and she was sitting on the bed and started brushing her hair.

"wait, i want to try" i told her, grabbing the brush.

i sat behind her, running the brush down her silky hair, making sure there were no knots so i wouldn't hurt her while brushing it.

whenever i was with her, i felt safe. i had a big soft spot for her, a side that i wouldn't let anyone else see except her.

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