Chapter Seven

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Let it hurt. Then let it go. Anonymous

A/N: I was going to put the song I orginally wanted to put here but I thought it was perfect for the ending instead.

(Marinette's pov)

Ugh. What's that beeping sound in the distance? Wait a second, am I dead? Um, I didn't know when you died you just got trapped into your mind. Kind of a rip off if you ask me.

"Marinette? Marinette!" A voice calls to me.

"Uh, hello? What kind of mumbo jumbo has being dead turned into?" The last question I make to myself.

"Listen, I don't have much time left before your conscious again but I need you to listen close. You, Adrien, your friends, and Paris are in danger. Hawk..." The voice fades in and out as the beeping sound increases.

"She...coming back...trouble...ladybug.."

Okay I am majorly confused right now. Who's this she, why are we talking about my alter ego, and what trouble is happening in the future? I don't have time to figure that out though as another voice calls to me from the outside world.

"Marinette! Alya get the doctor she's gaining consciousness but it's like something is pulling her under!" Someone yells.

"I don't know your still there uh, voice, but I feel like you and someone else are playing tug of war with my mind. It's starting to give me a headache." I say.

"I think your confused Marinette. Your not dead, just unconscious. The real world is trying to pull you back in but I still have one last thing to tell you so I'm trying to keep your here. I only have thirty seconds left so I need to say this fast."

"Okay, what is it?" I ask.

"You mustn't lose hope. Don't doubt yourself because your the only one that can stop-"

The voice disappears. I blink my eyes a few times trying to comprehend what just occurred.

"Marinette, how are you feeling?" My eyes meet with a sea of emerald green ones.

"Adrien? But.. I thought I was dead? Or stuck in some weird place in my mind?" Adrien looks heartbroken when I mention the word dead.

"No, you blacked out after you were shot. You've been unconscious for a few hours."

I remember what the voice in my mind had told me. I guess I wasn't really dead. I think.

"Why would you do that?" He asks me in a hoarse whisper.

"I'm sorry. I just didn't want to cause another death." I hear Adrien's breath hitch.

"That was not your fault. None of us had any idea someone was going to rob that cafe. Don't you dare put that on you Mari, everyone isn't your responsibility." He firmly states.

"But it is! Didn't you hear what the guy said? He said something about getting a reward from his boss for capturing or killing me! For all I know he's been stalking me for days and knew I was going to the cafe. I refuse to sit by to watch other people get hurt because of my lack of selflessness to turn myself in." His green eyes widen in horror.

"M-mari you can't be serious!"

"I am."

"I need you." He whispers. "I just got you back and then you want to walk out of my life again? That's not happening. Do you realize how miserable I was when you were gone? Marinette you are my life line, the yin to my yang, the tree that provides my oxygen. I need you, badly." My eyes water.

"Your so cheesy!" I giggle. I turn serious for a moment. "I need you too. I don't have a heartful speech like you but, I'm better at showing then telling."

I lean in to give him a kiss. I pour all my emotions into it. I love you, I'm sorry, I won't leave you again. I'm yours forever. That's all I need to communicate in our intimate moment and I know he understands.

A doctor barges into the hospital room interrupting us. We pull away quickly, accidentally bumping foreheads in the process. I blush furiously while Adrien has a cheeky grin on his face.

"Sorry, for interrupting your little moment." She smiles knowingly. "But Marinette is free to be discharged within the next hour. The bullet was pulled out during your unconscious sleep and we gave you a few stitches. Be sure to take it easy Marinette. Your doing better but you won't be completely healed for a couple of days." The doctor informs us.

"Thank you." I say grateful to be getting out of here.

"Where were we?" Adrien slyly smirks as the doctor leaves. I roll my eyes.

"The moment is over kitty cat."

"But-" I cut him off.

"Sorry, you'll have to catch me when you give another romantic confession."

"Roses are red-" He begins.

"Not happening!"

I spent the rest of the time ignoring Adrien's attempts to woo me.

I can't believe Christmas Eve is tomorrow! This month went by really fast. Until next time!

-Lots of Love, Lanie🌸

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