Chapter Two

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The bravest thing I ever did was continuing my life when I wanted to die. -Juliette Lewis

This whole book is triggering I guess so just read each chapter with caution.

(Adrien's pov)

I feel like I just got hit with a bus. Worse than that actually but I don't know how to describe it. Why? Why did she do it? That's the only thing that doesn't make sense to me. She seemed happy and normal, no signs of anything wrong. So, what happened?

"You should just keep reading kid." The voice of my kwami interrupts my train of thought.

"I'm guessing you looked?" I ask.

"Yeah. Adrien, I'm really sorry but I think it will be best if you just read along and find out as much as possible. Dwelling over questions when you have possible answers right in front of you is waste of time."

For once, his advice is helpful. Just this once. But, he is right. All my questions are getting me no where if I don't even read her diary where I could find out everything right now.

Entry #1: Explaining

It's not your fault. In fact, it's nobody's but mine. I should have been exactly like her but I'm not. Everyone thinks Ladybug is so perfect, but Marinette? Nah she's just a mistake. All the time people would always talk about Ladybug in my face after our identities were reveal. Ladybug this, Ladybug that. Nobody wanted to talk to the real me, not Marinette.

Marinette is just a unless, unwanted girl being who was unfortunately born into the world. I can't be who they want me to be that's why I'm leaving. I just can't do this anymore.

Adrien, I'm sorry I couldn't be the perfect girlfriend for you. I love you with all my heart, but you have to move on. Any other girl out there is better than myself so it shouldn't be too hard picking one.

I can't believe this. All this time Marinette felt like this? All of it was unreal to me. I felt rage at whoever made my princess feel less than just because of her famous alter ego. An angry tear fell down my cheek, onto the paper.

Needing some fresh air, I decided on taking a walk. I leave the bakery, the sweet aroma of pastries fading away the further I walk.

"Hey Plagg?" I call out to my kwami.

"Yeah?" He responds.

"Did I ever treat Marinette as if her begin Ladybug was the only thing that mattered about her?"

"If I'm honest Kid, you were the only one besides Alya and the others that made her feel special about her true self." He says sighing.

"I just feel like I let her down. I should have noticed how down she was and tried to help." I look sadly at the ground.

"There's nothing you could do. She had her mind made up." My gaze snaps up at the flying creature and my eyes narrow.

"What do you mean she had her mind made up? Did you know about all this before?" His guilty look answers my question.

"Plagg, are you kidding me! You knew about her plan and your tiny brain didn't think to tell me?! If you would have opened your mouth to put it to a good use for once, Marinette would probably still be alive!" I shout. Instantly, I regret my words after I see his hurt expression.

"Plagg I-" The destructive kwami cuts me off.

"I found out through Tikki. It was the night before the "accident". Tikki told me about how Marinette planned to stage the drowning as an accident and everything. I told her we should let you know so you could stop her but Tikki told me not to. She's very wise and I knew there had to be a reason she didn't want me saying anything. Sorry Adrien."

"No Plagg, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said those mean things to you I guess I  just feel so, so lost right now. But that doesn't excuse the way I yelled at you. Will you forgive me?" I plead. He gives me a nod and a smile which is all I need to know everything is fine between us.

I do have one question though. Why would Tikki purposely not let Plagg tell anyone if Marinette was planning on drowning. Is there a possibility that.. no way. Could Marinette be alive?

Ooo, a cliffhanger 👀. Well, there's chapter two, hoped you all enjoyed! Until next Wednesday!

-Lots of Love, Lanie🌸

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