LI- Imagine Legolas acting as a matchmaker between Haldir and you

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"Haldir of Lórien," he turned and formally greeted his friend. You turned as well, finally seeing the infamous Haldir for the first time. The first thing that you thought of when you finally had a look at him was that he was good-looking.

His golden hair was styled the same way as Legolas'.s The top half of his hair was tied in the back with a braid, and two braids were coming down each side of his head, adorning his hair. His facial features were soft, and he had a slightly crooked yet adorable nose. After standing to his full height, Legolas and Haldir both outstretched their arm toward each other, their palms facing upward, in the normal elf greeting.

"You were in bad condition the last time I saw you, and now you look renewed. I think a sword fight is appropriate," Legolas said. Haldir smiled, silently accepting Legolas' challenge. You could not help but stare. I would have remembered if I had seen him around, you thought. You were admiring Haldir when he suddenly turned to look at you. You immediately averted your eyes and felt your face grow warm. If you had not looked down, you would have noticed that Haldir's eyes never wavered away from you.

"Haldir," Legolas gestured toward you. You stood. Haldir was much taller than you. "This is my good friend, daughter of Arphen," Legolas finished.

"Arphen from the council of Elrond," Haldir supplied. He nodded at you, and you returned the gesture, smiling at him politely. "I do not believe I have seen you around in the times I have sojourned here."

"Neither have I seen you. However, I have heard highly of you, Haldir," you said. His eyes slightly grew in wonderment. His gaze shifted to the floor while clearing his throat.

"I will be waiting for a challenge, Legolas." Haldir turned to him with a smile, half turning to leave.

"It was a pleasure," he said. He stopped to look at you once more before leaving. You stood watching after him and did not pay attention to Legolas until he cleared his own throat, which in return startled you.

"You like him," he stated matter-of-factly.

"You know nothing," you replied as you walked away from Legolas.The sun had set four times, and the elves of Lothlórien were still in Rivendell, meaning you were not yet able to leave. You were getting rather impatient and began thinking that maybe Legolas and you should leave without telling anyone.

During his stay there, you did not see much of Haldir. The last time you had talked to Haldir was when the elves of Lothlórien had arrived at Rivendell. You had seen him around a few times, but whenever you smiled at him, he would look away. You found it rather odd and rude, so now you pretended not to see him whenever you walked by him. So much for an honorable elf, you thought bitterly.

Legolas would ask you about him, but there was nothing to say. The day after the sixth moon fall of their stay, Haldir had finally taken Legolas up on his challenge, and both were going to battle for practice. Legolas wanted you to be there, but truthfully you did not want to be anywhere near Haldir. After asking you many times, Legolas finally convinced you to go.

You stood in front of the collective number of garments that were yet not packed. You were having trouble choosing the piece you wanted to wear. Even after Haldir made it clear he was not interested, you still wanted to catch his attention. You mentally scolded yourself and decided against changing. With a huff, you exited the room and wandered toward the training grounds. When you spotted Legolas, your steps became faster. You decided that you were finally going to tell him about your plans to sneak out of Rivendell. You shouted his name. Upon hearing you, he turned around. However, it was not Legolas.

"Haldir," you stated, confused, and looked around for a way to leave. Where was Legolas? You turned back to look at Haldir, but he had already turned his back to you. Sudden anger had you clenching your fists at your side. You did not know why Haldir was treating you like this. You had done nothing to earn this type of treatment.

"Do you hate me?" the words escaped your mouth before you could stop them. His back went rigid, yet he stayed quiet. You planned to leave, but he replied before you could make up your mind.

"Of course not." He still couldn't face you.

"You cannot even look at me," you scoffed. "I do not remember doing anything to you, but if I did, I apologize," you said, sounding more angry than sincere.

"If I look at you, I am afraid I will never stop looking," he mumbled. There was a moment in which you did not know what to think, let alone say. So you stood there dumbfounded, trying to process the words he had just spoken.

Haldir's eyes were downcast. His head was bowed and turned to the opposite side of where you stood. You slowly walked toward him, but even then, he did not lookup.

"I do not feel like myself when I get anywhere near you. I feel like I cannot breathe. My stomach feels like—"

"—like there are millions of butterflies flying around inside," you finished. Haldir's head slowly lifted upon hearing your words until his blue eyes were staring at your own. You felt breathless at the intensity of his blue and grey speckled eyes.

"Yes," he replied in the same breathless manner you were feeling.

"I feel the same way," you replied in a trembling voice. "Haldir-" he stared at your mouth.


"I do not think Legolas is coming. He planned this," you said silently, your gaze intent on Haldir's soft-looking lips.

"Good," his eyes roamed your face. "May I...kiss you?" he asked in a quiet voice. You smiled and felt yourself nod in acceptance. At that moment, you decided to let Legolas off the hook just this once.

The moment his soft, warm lips met yours, all thoughts escaped your mind, and you melted into his arms, savoring your first kiss. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*Arphen means noble person.

Legolas Imagines (The Hobbit)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن