Chapter Two

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"Whoa.." That was the first thing (Y/N) heard from her twin when she got off the train. The four girls turned to see what Ron was staring at,and their jaws dropped. Standing in front of the six children was a large man,twice the height of an ordinary man and three times as wide. Harry,however,broke into a cheerful grin as he looked up at the giant man."Hello Hagrid!" "Ah,Harry! Didn' see yer there! 'Scuse me now. Firs' years this way! Make yer way ter the Black Lake!" Hagrid roared over the loud talking and general din that students were causing at the Hogsmeade station. Shelena,Lisa,Hermione and (Y/N) made their way to the Black Lake and saw several dozen small boats lined up at the shore. Hagrid now had all of the first years at the shore and began calling out,"Four ter a boat! Four ter a boat!" So the four girls piled into one small boat. Hagrid,after making sure everyone had gotten into a boat,stepped into his own boat at the front and all the boats started moving in sync. No more than a few minutes could have passed when the students caught sight of the Hogwarts castle in all its glory. Mere seconds later,the boats came to a halt at the shore of the Black Lake and the students piled out of the boats. (Y/N) and the others were led to the large doors of Hogwarts and up several flights of stairs until they stopped in front of a stern-looking elderly witch in emerald green robes and a pointy black witches hat. Professor McGonagall. After scanning the Entrance Hall with her sharp cat-like eyes,professor McGonagall began to speak to the first-years about the four houses they could possibly end up in;Gryffindor,Ravenclaw,Hufflepuff and Slytherin,how their house mates would be like their family,that their triumphs would gain them points,and any rule-breaking would lose them points. She finished off by saying that they had to wait in the Entrance hall,and would be called into the Great Hall when it was ready for them. With that,she left for the next room,presumably the Great Hall. That's when a cold,drawling voice rang throughout the area:"So it's true then,what they were saying on the train...Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts." Excited gasps and whispers could be heard from every corner of the Entrance hall,as students whispered to their partners,either explaining or asking who was Harry Potter. (Y/N) could see Malfoy,smirking as he rapidly gained the full attention of everyone in the Entrance Hall."This is Crabbe,and that's Goyle," he said lazily,walking over to Harry,Ron and (Y/N)."And I'm Malfoy,Draco Malfoy." Ron let out a snigger as (Y/N) rolled her eyes. Draco turned his head sharply in their direction,and surveyed the two with disgust."Think my name's funny,do you? I don't need to ask yours. Red hair,and hand-me-down robes? You must be Weasleys. I should have known." He sneered,directing the last part of his sentence toward (Y/N)."You'll soon see that some wizarding families are better than others,Potter. You don't want to go mixing with the wrong sort. I can help you there." Draco said,nodding toward the two Weasleys as he extended his hand. Harry felt angry. If anything,Draco seemed to be the wrong sort,and Harry stated that quite clearly:"I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself,thanks." Draco looked positively livid now,and was probably about to insult one of them again,but the three were saved by professor McGonagall. She walked up behind Malfoy and tapped him on the shoulder with some parchment before announcing,"We're ready for you." At that moment,an interruption in the form of a slimy toad appeared. It landed on professor McGonagall's foot and a round-faced boy let out a gleeful cry."Trevor!" He leapt out from amongst the crowd and cradled Trevor in his hands as he looked up at professor McGonagall's face,which seemed to be slightly disgusted. The boy,Neville,bowed his head in embarrassment before sidling back to his place among the students amidst giggles. Professor McGonagall turned sharply on her heel and directed the first-years through a large door in pairs. (Y/N),who wound up walking next to Hermione,was talking excitedly to the bushy-haired witch about how they'd read in Hogwarts,a History that the ceiling was enchanted to look like the sky outside it. Professor McGonagall brought the first-years to a halt right in front of a old, three-legged stool with an even older-looking hat perched on top of it."Now,when I call your name,you shall come forth,I shall place the Sorting Hat on your head,and you will be sorted into your houses. Hermione Granger." (Y/N) could feel Hermione tensing up beside her and mumbling what seemed to be:"Oh no. Ok,relax." With that,she walked up to the stool and sat down as (Y/N) heard Ron whisper to Harry:"Mental,that one,I'm telling you." Hermione sat down on the stool and McGonagall lowered the Sorting Hat onto her head. Much to the amazement of several students,the hat began to speak."Ah,right then. Hmmm, right. Ok.... Gryffindor!" The Gryffindor table rang with applause as Hermione got off of the stool and skipped over to the red and yellow table."Draco Malfoy." Professor McGonagall called,as (Y/N) and Ron shared a knowing glance. They had a pretty clear idea of what was about to happen. Draco sat down and McGonagall began to lower the hat onto his head. Before it had even rested on his head,however,it called out:"Slytherin!" Slytherin table cheered as Draco smirked proudly."There's not a single witch or wizard who went bad who wasn't in Slytherin." Ron explained to Harry."Susan Bones" became the first new Hufflepuff,but that's not what Ron or (Y/N) noticed. Harry was wincing in pain and one hand was clapped onto his scar."Harry!" "What is it?" The twins asked in turn."Nothing." Was the reply,but (Y/N) had caught him glancing at a professor who was dressed in all black."Ronald Weasley." (Y/N) could see her twin's mouth hang open in fear. She knew all too well the pressure he was feeling,she was feeling it too. All the Weasleys before them had been in Gryffindor,and they felt the need to be there too. Ron walked slowly up to the Sorting Hat with a terrified expression etched on his face. He lowered himself onto the stool and caught sight of his sister crossing her fingers together and mouthing 'You got this,Ron!' Professor McGonagall let go of the hat as it began talking almost at once."Another Weasley,eh? I know just what to do with you....Gryffindor!" Cheers could be heard from the corresponding table as Ron sighed with relief. He could see his twin brothers Fred and George standing up to welcome him to the table."Harry Potter." This silenced the cheering crowds immediately,and even Professor Dumbledore looked mildly interested. Harry's eyes widened as (Y/N) pat his arm reassuringly. He pushed his way through the crowds of first-years and sat down slowly. The hat spoke,"Hmm. Difficult,very difficult. Plenty of courage,I see. Not a bad mind,either. There's talent,oh yes,and a thirst to prove yourself. But where to put you?" (Y/N) saw Harry's mouth forming the words 'not Slytherin,not Slytherin.' "Not Slytherin,eh? Are you sure? You could be great,you know. It's all here in your head. And Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness,there's no doubt about that. No? Well,if you're sure...Better be... Gryffindor!" The cheering at the said table was louder than ever before as Harry sped off toward it,met with a flurry of red hair. That all died down in a while,as it was (Y/N)'s turn to be sorted. From what Ron had told him,half of the table seemed to be Weasleys,and Harry was having a hard time believing that one person could have so many children without going insane. All four Weasleys watched with bated breath as the Sorting Hat sprung to life again."Ah,a Weasley,eh? Yes,you're definitely going to be hardest to sort,and I've sorted countless Weasleys...I sense deep compassion for those around you,and is that extreme resourcefulness? Witty,definitely,and clever,creative,no doubt. Oh,a sarcastic nature and mean streak,good at getting what you want,eh? Quite the charmer too. But you're brave above all else;ready to take risks and fight for those you love,fierce and strong. Gryffindor!" The Weasleys exploded with happiness and excitement as McGonagall took the hat off of (Y/N)'s head and she sprinted over,only to be caught in a tangle of arms and red hair. Hermione and (Y/N)'s friend, Shelena, became a Gryffindor,while Lisa became a Hufflepuff. Soon,all the laughing and chatter became softer when the clinking noise of metal against glass could be heard from the Teachers table."Your attention,please. Professor Dumbledore would like to say something." The students watched as the old man that was professor Dumbledore rose."I have a few start of term notices I wish to announce. The first years,please note that the Dark Forest is strictly forbidden to all students. Also,our caretaker,mr. Filch," Dumbledore gestured to an old, surly man standing near the doors of the Great Hall who had a grey tabby cat at his feet."Has asked me to remind you that the third floor corridor on the right- hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a most painful death. Thank you. With that,let the feast begin." Much to the astonishment of the first-years,food simply appeared onto the plates surrounding them. Harry was grinning from ear to ear,(Y/N) was grabbing whatever food was nearest to her,and Ron and Shelena were already shoving drumstick after drumstick into their mouths,apparently trying to find out who could eat a dozen drumsticks the fastest. (Y/N) was soon talking to two boys seated next to her,Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnagan."I'm a half and half," Seamus explained."Me dad's a Muggle,mum's a witch. Bit of a nasty shock for him when he found out." (Y/N) snorted with laughter and bombarded Seamus with questions about the Muggle world and its inventions."Takes after Dad,she does." Fred and George explained to Hermione,who looked rather shocked that (Y/N) knew almost nothing about the Muggle world."Say,Percy," Harry began,catching Percy's attention and nodding toward the professor dressed in all black,"Who's that professor talking to professor Quirell?" "Oh,that's professor Snape. Head of Slytherin house." "What's he teach?" "Potions,but everyone knows it's the Dark Arts he fancies. He's been after Quirell's job for years." Harry looked back at professor Snape,while Ron reached for what seemed like his hundredth drumstick. Before he could get to it,though,something-or rather,someone,-stuck his head out of the platter."Hello!" He said jovially,"How are you? Welcome to Gryffindor." A gust of wind suddenly blew across the hall,and several more ghosts flew in through various windows and walls."Hello,Sir Nicholas. Have a nice summer?" "Dismal." The ghost responded,well,dismally."Once again,my request to join the Headless Hunt has been denied." He said,floating away. Before he'd even made it a metre away from the table,however,Ron called out,"I know you. You're Nearly Headless Nick!" "I prefer Sir Nicholas,if you don't mind." Nearly Headless Nick replied rather coolly."Nearly headless? How can anyone be nearly headless?" Hermione wondered aloud."You really don't want to know..." (Y/N) hissed at her,but but Nick was already saying:"Like this," and pulling at his hair so that his head was only hanging onto his neck by an inch of flesh. This caused a very mixed reaction;Ron let out a short yell,Hermione visibly tensed and shut her eyes,Shelena whispered 'Awesome!',(Y/N) remained unimpressed(she'd already heard of him from Fred and George),but Harry smiled slightly. Nick then reattached his head to his neck and floated away as if it were completely normal. After dinner,Ron and (Y/N)'s older brother Percy,who was a prefect,led the way up to the Gryffindor common room."Gryffindors follow me,please. Keep up,thank you." "Ravenclaws follow me. This way." The Ravenclaw prefect was telling the Ravenclaw students."This is the most direct way to the dormitories. Oh,and keep an eye on the staircases,they like to change." Percy had begun speaking again. Harry was confused,but looked up just in time to see a staircase detach itself from a landing and move to another."Keep up please,and follow me. Quickly now,come on." Percy began walking up a flight of stairs and the Gryffindors hastened to follow."The pictures are moving!" Ron pointed out to Harry and (Y/N),as a subject in a painting curtsied to them,and another seemed to be typing on a typewriter."Welcome to Hogwarts!" One painting said,grinning proudly at the passing Gryffindors. Percy led them along one final corridor that was beginning to get darker and stopped outside a portrait of a fat lady in a frilly pink dress. She stared at down at them and finally,she said:"Password?" "Caput Draconis." Percy said,and the portrait nodded and swung open.

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