Chapter Five

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The class was still congratulating Harry and (Y/N) on their amazing flying when McGonagall came into the courtyard."Harry Potter,(Y/N) Weasley!" Harry had never felt a smile wipe itself off his face so quickly,and he'd lived with the Dursley's before Hogwarts."Follow me." The two,still clutching their brooms,followed McGonagall down several seemingly endless corridors in silence,they were too scared to talk. (Y/N) looked around at the corridor slowly. This might be her very last time looking at it. Instead of ending up infront of a teacher's office like they'd expected,they ended up outside the DADA classroom."You two wait here." McGonagall instructed Harry and (Y/N) when they were within earshot of the classroom. The two of them came to a sudden halt as McGonagall pushed open the door."Professor Quirell,excuse me,excuse me," she began,ensuring she had Quirell's attention."Could I borrow Wood for a moment,please?" (Y/N),deciding to take a risk,poked her head into the classroom just in time to hear Quirell stuttering out a 'yes' and see a tall,brown-haired boy come out of the classroom. This was a person she knew quite well. This was Oliver Wood,captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team and friend of Fred and George's."Potter,this is Wood. Weasley,I expect you already know Wood. Wood,I have found you a seeker and chaser." McGonagall pointed to each of them in turn. Harry looked utterly confused,but (Y/N) couldn't restrain herself from letting out a small whoop in happiness."Your brothers will be proud,(Y/N)." Oliver grinned before shutting the classroom door. By the time McGonagall had finished with Harry and (Y/N),class had been dismissed. Not only that,someone had heard McGonagall's conversation with the three students,and now even the ghosts knew that Harry was seeker and (Y/N) was chaser."Seeker? Chaser? But first years never make the house teams. You two must be the youngest Quidditch players in a...""Century," Harry cut in,"According to McGonagall." That's when two identical figures appeared and swung their arms round (Y/N)'s shoulders."Hey,well done,Harry,(Y/N). Wood's just told us." George grinned,clearly embarrassed that he'd underestimated his sister."Fred and George are on the team too...Beaters." (Y/N) explained to Harry."Our job is to make sure that you don't get bloodied up too bad." Fred said,pointing at Harry."Can't make any promises,though. Rough game,Quidditch." Fred laughed."Brutal," George agreed,"No one's died in years. Someone will vanish occasionally...""But they'll turn up in a month or two!" The twins yelled at Harry's retreating back."Oh,go on Harry,Quidditch is great! Best game there is."Ron said enviously."Yeah,don't take something Fred and George said seriously! You'll be fine!" (Y/N) nodded. Hermione,noticing the three,grabbed Shelena by the hand and caught up with Ron,Harry and (Y/N)."But I've never even played Quidditch before. What if I make a fool of myself?" Harry moaned."You won't make a fool of yourself." Shelena piped up encouragingly."It's in your blood." The three girls said in unison."How do they do that?" Ron asked Harry as the three girls led the way to what seemed like a trophy cabinet. Harry shrugged and turned to look at the golden plaque Hermione was pointing at."Woah. Harry,you never told me your father was a Seeker too!" Ron nudged Harry."I... didn't know." Harry replied,the smile fading from his face. (Y/N),who noticed Harry's crestfallen expression,pat his arm soothingly while sending a glare in Ron's direction. After going to see the plaque,the five Gryffindors decided to go back to the common room. As they were climbing the staircases,Ron pointed out to Harry:"I'm telling you,it's spooky. They know more about you than you do!""Who doesn't?" Harry countered. That's when the staircases suddenly unhinged itself from its landing and moved. They let out gasps and yells,but composed themselves in seconds."What's happening?" Harry asked as he grabbed onto the railing next to him."The staircases change,remember?" Hermione asked,grabbing onto the other railing."Well,apparently not if they don't even know what's happening." (Y/N) scoffed as Shelena went into peals of laughter."You're mean,you are." Ron said,swatting at (Y/N)'s head. As soon as the staircase reattached itself onto another landing,the five quickly made their way up to the landing."Let's go this way," Harry suggested."Before the staircase moves again." Ron agreed,trying to walk as fast as he could. Harry opened the only door in sight as he led the other through it."Does anybody feel like we shouldn't be here?" Ron asked."Because we're not supposed to be here. This is the third floor. It's forbidden." Hermione confirmed. As they were about to walk past a unlit lamp,it burst into flames. Shelena let out a whimper and clutched onto (Y/N)'s arm,terrified."Let's go," Harry decided. Just as they turned around,a yowl sounded through the quiet corridor."It's Filch's cat!""Run!" The five sprinted faster than they'd ever ran in their lives and quickly caught sight of another door."Quick,let's hide through that door!" Harry pointed to it and gestured for the others to hurry up. Harry began pulling on the door knob,but it didn't open."It's locked!" Harry cried angrily,,nearly pulling the door knob out on the process."That's it. We're done for." Ron said mournfully."Oh,move over!" (Y/N) snapped,irritated. She whipped out her wand and pointed at the knob."Alohomora," the door swung open and the five stepped behind the door and shut it."Alohomora?" Ron questioned his twin,looking at her in admiration."Standard book of spells,chapter 7." Hermione butted in."Anyone here,my sweet?" The voice alone made the five students cringe. Filch. He was talking to Mrs. Norris,who simply meowed at him. Not seeing anything worth investigating, Filch beckoned for his cat to follow him and the two walked out of the room."Filch's gone.""Probably thinks the door's locked." Ron said,heaving a sigh of relief."It was locked." Hermione grumbled,clearly scared that she'd be expelled or something."For good reason," Harry muttered as Ron,Hermione and (Y/N) turned to face the room. A large three-headed dog was growling at them,looking ravenous. One head moved closer to the five,while the other two growled lowly and yawned. Suddenly,the dog stood up and inched even nearer to them,resulting in five loud yells echoing across the room"Ahh!"  Harry raced back to the door as fast as he possibly could,Ron and Hermione right on his tail. Shelena was paralysed by fear,so (Y/N) doubled back to pull her through the door. Luckily,the dogs' head was too big to fit through the door,so Harry,Ron,Shelena,(Y/N) and Hermione pushed as hard as they could against the door. Once it shut with a snap,Hermione locked the door."What do they think they're doing?!" Ron exploded."Keeping a thing like that locked up in a school?" By this time,they'd made it back to Gryffindor common room and were bringing a shaking Shelena back up to her dorm."You don't ask your eyes do you?" Hermione asked,amazed that someone so foolish could have a person as sharp and witty as (Y/N) as their twin."Didn't you see what it was standing on?" Hermione turned to the four behind her."I wasn't looking at its feet! I was a bit preoccupied by its heads. Or maybe you didn't notice;there were three!" Ron shot back defensively. (Y/N) rolled her eyes."It was standing on a trapdoor," she explained."Which means it wasn't there by accident. It's guarding something." (Y/N) insisted."Guarding something?" Harry asked,glancing at Ron to see what he thought."That's right," Hermione nodded."Now,if you two don't mind,I'm going to bed before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed or worse–expelled. Shelena,(Y/N),let's go." And with that,she grabbed her two friends and shut the door with a slam."She needs to sort out her priorities.." Ron muttered,and Harry couldn't help but agree,but of course he would never admit this to her. The next morning,Halloween,Oliver brought Harry and (Y/N) to the Quidditch pitch to give them an idea of the game."Quidditch is easy enough to understand. Each team has 7 players;3 chasers,-that's you (Y/N)-2 beaters,one keeper,and a seeker. That's you." He nodded toward (Y/N) and Harry in turn. Oliver opened up the trunk he and Harry were holding between them."There are three kinds of balls. This one's called the 'Quaffle'." He threw the large red ball into Harry's hands."Now,the chasers handle the Quaffle and try to put it through one of those three hoops,you got that (Y/N)?" he pointed to three tall golden hoops,each about twenty feet high."The keeper-that's me-defends the hoops. With me so far?" (Y/N) nodded and Harry said"I think so. What are those?" Harry was looking at the two brown balls in the trunk,each restrained by straps. These balls were a bit smaller than the Quaffle and seemed to be trying to escape their straps."You two better take these," Oliver handed (Y/N) and Harry a bat each. Harry grabbed the handle of the bat hesitantly while (Y/N) looked positively ecstatic. Oliver released one of the balls and it went flying. All three of them craned their necks,eager to see where it'd gone. After soaring up about 40 feet,the brown ball came hurtling back down. Harry swung his bat as hard as he could and hit the ball square in the middle. (Y/N) whooped in encouragement and Oliver raised his eyebrows in amazement."Not bad,Potter. You'd make a fair beater." Harry grinned proudly. All his life,the Dursley's had told him he was pathetic,but here,he was actually good at something! Just as Harry was about to dance around the field in jubilation,the ball came back."Uh-oh," Oliver whispered as he caught it with a 'oof'. The ball knocked the wind out of him and he fell backwards onto the ground. Grunting and struggling with the ball,Oliver eventually managed to retrain it."What was that?" Harry asked,now a little more confident since the ball was back in the trunk."Bludger. Nasty little buggers. But you...are a seeker. The only thing I want you to worry about is this,the Golden Snitch." Oliver handed Harry a small golden ball and Harry took it with bated breath."I like this ball." He declared."Ah,you like it now. Just wait. It's wicked fast and damn near impossible to see.""What do I do with it?" Harry asked."You catch it...Before the other team's seeker. You catch this,the game's over. You catch this,Harry,and we win." (Y/N) piped up. Oliver nodded as he grinned in (Y/N)'s direction."What she said,Potter. Your brothers trained you well Weaslette." Harry and Oliver watched the Snitch as it flew out of Harry's hand and hovered several inches above them. While Oliver and (Y/N) lost sight of it nearly instantly,Harry's eyes never left the golden ball. Harry's mouth hung open in wonder as he let out a soft "Whoa". After Oliver left to get to his first class,Harry and (Y/N) decided to head to their first lesson:Charms. According to (Y/N),who seemed to be able to memorise everything with utmost ease,their class would be learning the levitation spell:Wingardium Leviosa. Professor Flitwick had had them practising the 'swish and flick' for weeks on end,and most of the class was becoming agitated. Harry and (Y/N) made their way over to the Charms classroom while talking about Quidditch. (Y/N),who trusted Harry more than most of her many friends,nearly revealed her Elementum powers to him. Dumbledore had kept to his word and helped (Y/N) channel her powers properly so that she didn't reveal her powers in public due to anger. Now that she'd been training for a month,(Y/N) was able to lift small objects like ink pots and quills. That's when she felt a soft tap on her shoulder. She snapped out of her trance and found herself staring into Harry's worried green eyes."S-sorry,but you just sort of zoned out and then your quills and ink pot came flying out of your back and flew back in after a few seconds." He stuttered nervously. Shrugging,(Y/N) stepped away from Harry and into the Charms classroom. Once inside,she sat down next to Shelena and began talking rapidly to her,scared that Harry might bring up the fact that she'd just done wandless magic."One of a wizard's most rudimentary skills is levitation,the ability to make objects fly!" Tiny little Professor Flitwick,perched on his usual stack of books,squeaked."Now,do you have your feathers?" Flitwick peered round at the class. Hermione,eager to impress,raised her feather into the air while Ron was slumped down in his seat with his head resting on his book."Good. Now,don't forget the nice wrist movement we've been practising,hm? The swish and flick. Everyone," "The swish and flick." The class parroted lazily."Good. Oh,and enunciate. Wingardium Leviosa. Off you go,then." Soon,everyone in the class was reciting the incantation over and over again."Wingardium Leviosar." Ron tried,completely disregarding Flitwick's beloved 'swish and flick'. Hermione stuck her hand out and stopped Ron from going any further."Stop,stop,stop. You're going to take someone's eye out. Besides,you're saying it wrong. It's LeviOsa,not Leviosaar." Hermione rolled her eyes. Ron,who wasn't particularly friendly with Hermione,snapped,"You do it then,if you're so clever. Go on,go on." From the look on Hermione's face,she had accepted the challenge and picked up her wand."Wingardium Leviosa!" With a swish and flick,Hermione's feather rose steadily into the air. That's when Ron heard a squeal from behind him,it seemed (Y/N) and Shelena had managed to levitate their feathers too. Flitwick looked positively overjoyed."Oh,well done! See here,everyone. Miss Granger,miss Thompson and miss Weasley have done it! Oh,splendid!" Harry abandoned his own feather to watch the three girls levitate their feathers and listen to Flitwick complimenting them over and over again. It was then when a loud boom distracted everyone. Looking to see what had caused the commotion,everyone soon found out that Seamus had blown up his feather."I think we're going to need another feather over here Professor..." Harry muttered,staring up at the minute man. After class had ended,Harry,Seamus and Dean had to endure Ron's complaints about Hermione:"It's LeviOsa,not Leviosaar," he said amidst laughs."She's a nightmare. Honestly,no wonder she hasn't got any friends." What the four boys didn't know,was that Hermione,(Y/N) and Shelena were walking right behind them,and heard every word Ron had just said. Hermione pushed past the boys in tears,Shelena ran off too,to comfort her,but (Y/N) stayed behind."I think she heard you." Harry said. Whack!"Ow!" The three boys turned to see Ron clutching his head in pain with (Y/N) standing over him,triumphant and glowering."You're damn right she heard him,Harry. And by the way,if any of you had eyes,you'd notice that Shelena and I are Hermione's friends! Unless,of course,you boys feel I'm nonexistent?" All four boys shook their heads hastily and (Y/N) smirked before turning and leaving to find Hermione and Shelena.

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