Chapter Eleven

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"That was no stranger Hagrid met in the village. It was Snape,which means he knows how to get past Fluffy." Harry said as soon as they had escaped McGonagall's classroom. "But,I'm sure Hagrid would have recognised Snape's voice. It's not very often you meet someone with a voice like that." (Y/N) muttered,then did a very good impression of Snape. "Potter,detention for blinking." The others burst out laughing,but Hermione stopped them. "And with Dumbledore gone—" "Good afternoon," Hermione's mouth hung open and she swung back to look who'd interrupted her,only to be met with billowing black robes and very black hair. Snape. Shelena whimpered slightly. When it came to Potions,she might as well have been Neville's long lost twin, and that caused her trouble with Snape. "Now what would five young Gryffindors such as yourselves be doing inside on a day like this?" "Uh-" Hermione looked to Ron for aid,but he just nodded his head nervously. "We-uh,w-we were ju-" "People will think you're...up to something." (Y/N) decided to stand up to him,which made Harry even more sure that the girl had a death wish;provoking Malfoy was one thing,but Snape was a whole other matter. "And what would the head of Slytherin house such as yourself be doing inside on a day like this? People definitely think you're up to something." She smirked innocently. Snape's eyes widened in shock and fury as he glared down at the fiery redhead. Deciding that (Y/N) was not worth his time,Snape turned and walked off with his robes billowing behind him. "Now what do we do? (Y/N),I love you loads,but you can be a bloody idiot at times you know that?!" Hermione hissed like a cat. "Tonight," Harry said softly,not bothering to try to stop (Y/N) sending sharp glares in Hermione's direction. The girl was hot-tempered as it was,what with not being able to get Saskia to talk to her. "We'll go down the trap-door. Tonight. (Y/N),if you want to talk to Saskia,now's the time. And take Shelena with you,she might be able to help." (Y/N) nodded grimly and walked off toward the Slytherin dungeons with a squeaking Shelena on her tail. They reached the entrance and (Y/N) muttered the password:pureblood. "How d'you know the password?" Shelena asked,in awe of the dark common room and how lucky the two Gryffindors were that it was empty. "Two things:one,most of the Slytherins are pureblooded brats. Two,when we had to serve detention with Malfoy,I figured I might need the password soon so I read his mind." "Nice thinking. But,how do we find Saskia's room?" "Uhh,I hadn't thought of that."  But the girls got even luckier,because there were small whiteboards outside the dormitories for the occupants to write their names down. (Y/N) and Shelena walked down the girls corridor slowly,reading each and every whiteboard to make sure that they didn't miss Saskia's room. When they did reach the dorm,it was at the very bottom of the dungeons. Unlike the Gryffindor dorms which were nice and warm all-year round,the Slytherin dungeons were like a freezer. "H-how d-do th-they s-s-survive winter?" Shelena asked,teeth chattering from the cold. "Dunno,but I do wonder what their mums feed them. We should knock now,we've been standing outside Saskia's dorm forever!" Shelena nodded in agreement and peered at whiteboard to check who the girl's dorm mates were. She groaned loudly. "Pansy Parkinson and Millicent Bulstrode? You've got to be kidding!" She whisper-shouted. Rolling her eyes,(Y/N) knocked sharply on the door and it cracked open moments later. A short bob of brown hair appeared and a pug-like face glared out at them. "Thompson. Weaslette senior. What are you two doing here? We don't want filthy mud-bloods and blood-traitors here." She hissed. "Parkinson. How nice to see your pugsy face. Though I'm sure pugs as a species are highly offended that you are associated with them,back to business,I need to see Fernsby. Lemme in." "No. If I say I don't want you here,no one wants you here." "Fine then. I was hoping to avoid this." (Y/N) grabbed Pansy by her robes and dropped onto the floor right outside her dorm. "Petrificus Totalus!" Pansy's arms snapped to her sides and she went stiff. Man,she's heavy, Shelena thought as she dragged Pansy to a side of the small corridor. She scurried over to join (Y/N) at the dorm door just as the latter swung it open. The chattering inside it stopped as Shelena saw who was inside. Malfoy,Crabbe,Goyle,Nott, Zabini,Bulstrode and,the girl they were looking for,Saskia. While all the others had clearly been talking before the Gryffindors came in,Saskia was huddled up on what seemed to be her bed,reading a thick book. "What are you doing here,Weaslette?" Malfoy spat. He was still annoyed at her for the pumpkin juice incident,although it was months ago. "Whatever Malfoy,I don't have time to deal with your childish nonsense. Saskia,mind if I have a word?" The mousy-brown haired girl nodded wordlessly and stood up to follow (Y/N) and Shelena outside the dorm. "Have you heard of the Mirror of Erised?" The former asked immediately after shutting the door to the dormitory. Saskia nodded her head slightly. "I read about it somewhere. It shows a person's greatest desires,right?" Shelena nodded. "(N/N) over here saw you,some Hufflepuff girl and the rest of her friends in the mirror. But we were 17 or 18." "So what exactly do you want from me?" Saskia asked timidly. "I'm not supposed to be seen around Gryffindors. That's why Father assigned Draco to be my personal bodyguard." She grimaced slightly. Shelena quirked her head in confusion and gestured for Saskia to continue. "Well,as (Y/N) knows,my dad is in Azkaban. He got sent in because the Minister found out he was spying for the Death Eaters a few weeks ago. Mother isn't a Death Eater,but she may as well be. I don't have any plans of going down the same path as my parents,I want to be on Dumbledore and Harry's side,your side. Father found out about my dreams a few months before term started,so he told Draco to make sure I don't hang around with...people like you. But,back to the mirror. You saw me in it,(Y/N)? Why?" "I don't know,but when I talked to Dumbledore about it he said it told me the future,not my hearts desires. Said it worked differently for me." Saskia looked thoroughly impressed,but then she frowned. "How does any of this involve me? You saw me in a mirror,no biggie. Dumbledore said it tells the future; Dumbledore could be wrong,no matter how good of a headmaster he his. Now goodbye,I've got to go before someone-" it's a pity Saskia never got to finish her sentence,because Malfoy stuck his head out of the dorm,looking annoyed. "Fernsby! Get back in here! Your father specifically said to stay away from those Gryffindorks! Come in-what in the bloody hell did you do to Pansy?!" His eyes widened in shock as he grabbed Saskia's bicep and yanked her into the room. The blonde drew his wand from his robes and pointed it shakily at Shelena. "Set her back to normal now,Weaslette,or the chick gets it." (Y/N) scoffed lazily. The bloody coward was too scared to hex her! "Actually,Malfoy,I'd suggest not threatening my friends,unless you'd like that bleached blonde head of yours turned a nice shade of black? I think it'd suit you." Malfoy paled considerably but didn't back down. "Locomotor Mortis!" "Finite Incantatem!" Draco's legs snapped together and he managed to utter out one last cry before fainting in shock:"Nott!" Theodore Nott of Slytherin came running out of the girls dorm,followed by the other Slytherin males. When they saw what had happened to their leader,they each drew out their wands,but Shelena beat them to casting any spells. All of the spells were nonverbal,but it was obvious which spell the girl had chosen to use. For Crabbe and Goyle,the slug-vomiting hex;for Nott,who loved his head of shaggy hair,the hair loss curse;for Zabini,who hated the heat,the hot-air charm that blasted hot air up his shirt and trousers. The four looked quite comical,standing(or keeling over,in Crabbe and Goyle's case)around trying to reverse the curses. Nott,despite half-sobbing about his loss of hair,managed to notice Saskia standing in the doorway to her dorm with Millicent Bulstrode. "Fernsby! Bulstrode! Do something!" Millicent,who wasn't good at spells,advanced upon the two smaller Gryffindors while cracking her knuckles menacingly. Saskia hesitated for a moment before mouthing a 'sorry' in Shelena and (Y/N)'s direction and pulling out her wand to match Shelena. "Petrificus Totalus!" "Finite Incantatem!" With the skill of a fully-trained wizard,Saskia reversed the oncoming spell and it went zooming back to Shelena. The black-haired girl's arms snapped to her side as her body turned slightly blue. She fell to the ground next to Pansy as the two swivelled their eyes around,trying to see what was going on. (Y/N) felt utterly torn. By now,night had just fallen,and Harry said that they were going to get the Stone tonight. Would she go now and try to find her friends,or stay here and finish off the boys? One look into Shelena's eyes gave her the answer. She nodded determinedly before casting Locomotor Mortis on Bulstrode. (Y/N) smiled at Saskia slightly before taking off toward the Gryffindor common room. Even if Harry,Ron and Hermione weren't there,she could at least be in the company of her other friends. (Y/N) could hardly explain what had just happened. She had just gone in to talk to a girl whom she sincerely hoped she could be friends with,and had come out from a bloody war zone. The boys that were conscious hadn't stopped casting spells in her direction,so she'd gotten out with some minor bruises and scars. I guess that's how Slytherins protect themselves;fighting every damn person that crosses their paths. (Y/N) thought, poking her bruises gently. She had finally reached the common room and trudged up the stairs to her dorm lazily. Her friends hadn't arrived yet,so she flopped onto her bed tiredly. The girl's eyes wandered to the clock,and she finally realised where her friends were:in the Great Hall,eating dinner. Deciding that she wasn't hungry,(Y/N) stayed in her position and looked over at her bedside table. The moving picture of her and her friends caught her attention immediately. Shelena and Hermione with their arms around each other's shoulders,Ron in the middle,eyes initially wide in shock when he noticed that he wasn't posing for the picture,and Harry and (Y/N),Harry hugging the girl happily due to their latest victory,and the girl herself making bunny ears on top of Harry's head. The feeling of happiness waved over (Y/N). Why couldn't Harry be less curious? If he'd just ignored everything and let the teachers handle it, they wouldn't be going down the trap door tonight! But,everything happens for a reason,and that reason was that none of the teachers believed them when they told them everything. Not realising that she was doing so,the redhead fell back onto her pillow and fell asleep. "(N/N)! (N/N)! Wake up!" "I dun wanna mum! Lemme sleep!" (Y/N) turned onto her side and tried to pull the blankets over her head,only to have them pulled off again. She eventually gave in and sat up groggily. Hermione's shock of massive brown hair was tickling her face and she looked up at the small clock on the wall. 11 o'clock. "What do you want Hermione? I wanna sleep!!" (Y/N) moaned. "We've gotta get the Stone! Also,have you seen Shelena? I haven't seen her all day." (Y/N)'s eyes widened in shock. "She should still be with Saskia. I didn't have time to cast the counter-spell." "Counter-spell?! I thought you went to talk to Saskia! Never mind,we'll get her tomorrow." Hermione pulled the girl up and rushed to the door. They hurried down the stairs and met with Harry and Ron there. "Trevor!" Harry said,surprised. "Trevor,shh,go! You shouldn't be here." Ron encouraged. "Neither should you." Someone announced from an armchair. The round face of Neville Longbottom appeared as he tried to contort his face into a glare. He stood up and faced his four friends. "You're sneaking out again aren't you?" "Now,Neville,listen. We were—" Harry tried to say. "No! I won't let you! You'll get Gryffindor into trouble again. I-I'll fight you." Neville said,putting his hands up in a fighting stance. Hermione took a step forward. "Neville,I'm really sorry about this," the bushy haired witch took a deep breath and drew her wand. "Petrificus Totalus!" Neville,like Draco, Shelena and Pansy had done before, turned blue as his arms snapped to his sides. The large brown eyes widened and his mouth dry in a slight frown. His skin colour changed back to its pale peach as the boy fell to the ground with a thud. Hermione withdrew her wand and stepped back proudly. Ron was in total awe. "You're a little scary sometimes. You know that? Brilliant,but scary." "Could there be a more deadly combo?" (Y/N) joked. Harry nodded grimly. "Two,actually. Snape and Voldemort. Let's go." They walked out of the room with a heavy silence hanging over them,apart from the soft 'sorry's' they muttered to Neville,all except Ron,who muttered:"It's for your own good,you know."

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