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We have hit the 1k mark.

We did it everyone. 


Still can't believe this thing got over a thousand reads. 

Like...damn. Thank you all for reading this!

Also one of the reasons it takes me so long to update is because 

1. I always take a break after publishing a chapter. 

2. This is kinda freestyle. I mean, I have an idea of where it's going but it sometimes takes me awhile to figure out what to do next. 

3. I'm working on a few other books as well.

Here ya go. Chapter nine!

It took the Thunder Legion around a half hour or so to finish their food and head of to find Freed's childhood house. The entire time, Laxus was quiet. And it was a bit disturbing for the rest of them. They tried to ask him what was up, but he didn't give them any answers, so they gave up.

As they walked further into the town, they noticed that there were houses that had obviously been built after the great fire, and were now inhabited. Evergreen sped up a bit to catch up with Freed and asked him, "So you lived around the middle of town?" 

Freed shook his head. "No, you're all going to meet my parents. I haven't seen them in a long time, and they have wanted to meet the three of you for a long time." He added after a moment, "Also staying there for the night sounds a lot nicer than spending the night in an old abandoned hospital." Ever arched her eyebrows, but nodded and said nothing. 

After he said that, Bixlo appeared on his right side and asked slowly, as if he was choosing his words carefully. "Ah...when you were...de-aged, you mentioned your mother. Apparently she is..." 

Freed nodded and answered the question quietly, "Yes. She is dead. But I meant we're going to my adopted parent's house." 

"Oh, I got it." Though none of them mentioned it, Ever, Bix, and Laxus were all rather curious to meet Freed's adopted parents. He had never even mentioned them before now. Awhile later, they stopped at a rather small wooden house.

Freed took a deep breath and knocked on the door lightly. He stepped back and after a moment the door opened and a woman opened the door. She was a rather average height, with long black hair tied back in a messy bun. Her amber colored eyes lit up with joy as she caught sight of her son and she immediately ran outside to hug him. As she did, the rest of the Thunder Legion caught sight of the left side of her face, which was almost entirely covered in a terrible burn scar. They tried their best not to flinch at the sight. 

After a moment she broke from the hug and turned to face the other three. Glancing at Freed she asked with a slightly wary smile, "Who is this?" 

Freed carefully placed himself between them and his mother. He said soothingly, "Don't worry. There my friends." He added as an afterthought, "Um...don't hurt them. Please?" 

His mother raised a skeptical eyebrow and was silent for a moment. Then she broke into a smile and headed back to the house as she said cheerily, "Well it's great to finally meet you all! Please, come inside! My husband will be home in a little while. But make yourselves comfortable!" 

After she said that, Freed exhaled a sigh of relief. Laxus glanced at him as they headed inside, "You seemed a little nervous." 

Freed nodded, "I was. My parents aren't too fond of strangers. Especially my mother. Let's just say the last time somebody tried to come inside the house without being invited, my mother burnt them to a crisp." He shuddered, "Not a pretty sight, I'll tell you." 

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