Snow Festival

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It was the first Snow Festival for every child that had lived on the other side of the barrier and the Auradonians were excited to share the Christmas spirit with those that had the unfortunate chance to not know what the holidays were and what they were about.

This years Snow Festival consisted of multiple fundraiser activities, food, games, entertainment, and a special surprise from an anonymous group. Audrey, in act of her punishment for stealing Maleficent's scepter and the Queen's Crown to inevitably take over Auradon, had been in charge of organizing the fundraisers with Mal and Jane. Of course that's only one of the charges as she works through her thousand hours of community service.

"We'll need the toy donation boxes spread out, especially over near the games with prizes. The money donation boxes will be at the ticket booths and at the concession stands--tell them it's tax deductible if the businesses refuse to have them next to their tip jar," Audrey stared down one of the volunteers, determined for the festival to be perfect. The volunteer nodded diligently and went off on his way with a pile of folded large boxes and two large boxes of plastic money boxes on a flatbed cart. He motioned to a fellow volunteer that was standing around, unsure of what to do.

"Hey Audrey!" Audrey spun around to see a purplenette carrying a large box of decorations.

"Mal! Hey! Here let me help you." Audrey went forward to help Mal set the large box on a nearby table.

"Oh, thank you. How's everything going for the toy donation fundraiser?"

"Well, I've got a few volunteers setting up the boxes for toys being put up by prize gained games," Audrey began to explain her plan to her 'supervisor' with a guarded front. She hoped she wasn't going to mess this up.

"So people would be more enticed to earn another prize to put in the box, smart!" Mal grinned, "I'm glad that you've got everything covered here. I'd recommend taking a few laps to check on the boxes, unless you had already planned on that then you don't need me to tell you what to do. However, I know that there are a few bad habits that are hard to break and pick-pocketing in a crowd, no less, is even something that Jay has resist a lot. Anyways, I don't know if you've gotten the memo, but, we'll need to sort through everything in the donations and see if we can match things up with the wish list of every kid in Auradon City in the next few days and we need all hands on deck. We'll be sorting all the days long, but you won't have to stick around for all of it."

Audrey nodded, "Not to worry, I'll make my rounds. I had wanted to see a lot of the booths and things, but I'll keep an eye out and keep you posted. And I'll most likely will be there, service hours and all... but I have some Christmas shopping to finish so I might cut out early."

"Not a problem, I'm splitting my days," Mal had started before she heard someone call her from behind, "Ah, Jane needs me," Mal said furrowing her brows and pursing her lips with a slight frown. Audrey tilted her head slightly, confused on how Mal knew it was Jane calling her without looking.

"No, yeah, of course," Audrey quickly said.

Mal nodded shortly, "I'm thankful for your help Audrey. You have know idea how glad I am to have some one I can rely on, to take charge on a situation."

Audrey was speechless. Mal turned to leave, but only took a few steps before turning and walking slowly backwards to face Audrey again, "Oh, and Audrey, stop being nervous. I am not mad at you. The past is past, forgive, forget. I hold no ill feelings against you, just concern. You have leadership qualities Audrey, and I respect that as a person that can recognize a fellow leader. Don't believe me? Ask Uma, she'll say the same." Mal gave a two finger salute before turning on her heel and walking off with strong presence that had everyone glancing or looking at her as she passed, some even bowed their head slightly in her wake. Audrey had watched as Mal took a detour to where Jane was and pulled younger boy in black and blue leather to her side.

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