Core 4 & Mini Troublemakers

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**currently facing off-site reconstruction to better develop a part 2**


The four were sitting in the limo crossing the magic gold bridge, Jay and Carlos were raiding the candy, Evie fixing her make up and Mal was watching the Isle get farther and farther away. She softly sighed.

Then a thump was heard in the trunk of the limo. Another one followed with murmurings. The four shared a look then Jay pulled down the seat connected to the trunk. Four little kids tumbled out. They looked like the miniature versions of the Core 4.

"What the hell are you four doing here?" Mal hissed as her brother and pseudo-siblings sat up.

"We don't want to be left behind with mom." Her brother said nervously.

Mal sighed, "Malakai."

"Please! Please don't send us back! I don't want to be alone without you!" Malakai cried pleading.

"Kai." Mal said sternly.

He shut up.

"I'm not going to send you back, but I don't know how they'll react to eight VKs instead of just four." Mal says, sadness gleaming in her eyes.

Malakai looks down at his boots, fingers twisting in his lap.

The boy next to him had shifted uncomfortablely also looking down at his boots.

"Evin, no slouching, and what have I said about leaving the hideout?" Evie scolded her brother.

Evin sat up straight and his face turned down, tears weld up, "To not to." His lip was quivering and Evie sighed, pulling him into her embrace.

Two girls were fighting over candy much like Jay and Carlos did.

"Jaycee give it back!" The other girl said.

"No Carly, I had it first." Jaycee says and takes the candy bar and eats it. Carly scowls.

Evin finds a very soft fabric and shows it to Malakai. Jaycee and Carly see and they start to fight with it.

The limo then pulls to a stop and loud music is heard. The kids freeze while the older kids brace themselves.

The door is opened and the four little ones are suddenly tumbling out with the fabric still in grasp of each little.

"Ow!" Carly cried.

"Hey watch where you land!" Jaycee says shoving Evin off her leg.

"Ow hey give it back!" Evin says pulling on the fabric.

"No give it to me." Jaycee says.

"Amateurs." Malakai said and yanked the fabric to him. Carly stumbles and let's go as she ends up sitting on the ground.

"Sheesh no need to be harsh." Carly mutters as she tries to get up and fails.

Evin let's go of the fabric and goes over to help her up.

"Thanks." She mumbles. Evin just nods.

"Let go Jaycee." Malakai says holding the most of the bundle of fabric.


She tugs on it harder.

"Jaycee!" Malakai scolds.

"Fine! Your Lord Dragonness." Jaycee sneers.

Malakai rolls his eyes as he goes to the limo where a commotion of arguing was going on.

"This is all your fault!" Mal yelled.

"My fault?! How is it my fault?!" Jay exclaimed.

"If you hadn't of told Jaycee, we wouldn't be in this situation." Mal scowls.

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