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This went on like this for the rest of the week: me waking up to nightmares and paralysing fear than going to the cafe in the early hours of the morning then him turning up at half five and talking until the morning crowd begins to appear
Once again at half five ash appeared and we began talking again then I asked him the question burning my mind science he began to turn up over again why does he keep coming back.

he sat back on his chair gazing at me with an amused smile on his face" so" I smirked " you know why I keep coming back here... but why do you" I said staring at him with a competitive smile witch I know is stupid because we were only asking each other questions but I still like to win and it might be fun to challenge him a bit and see if he would take the bait " ha-ha.. well I'm here because im travelling with..." he glances away as if he is trying to gather his thoughts and find the right words "some ... um friends well some band mates we're visiting someone's family and I couldn't sleepso I came out for to grab a little something maybe grab something for the lads when they get up and well then I saw you sat all alone in this little café emerged  in your book and I just thought you were so cute in your little world so I thought I'd come to say hi and came back the next day to see if you slept better and here we are"
I look down at my latte and sniggered as if he saw me and thought I was cute yeah right.

he stopped smiling at me and frowned "what's funny"
I scoff and look up "sure you saw me and thought I was 'cute'" I raised my hands and made air quotes as I talked
Ash was looking at me shocked his mouth gaping open In disbelief " what... what do you mean" he asked as I looked away he reached for my hand over the table forcing me to look into his eyes that were glimmering as the morning sun started to rise "your one of the most beautiful, lovely, cute people I've ever met it's a shame you can't see it for yourself " I stared at him "first that sounded gay" I was cut off by his strong glare and grunt "I am gay so what... Are you going to be homophobic now" he growled out "well no... That would just be hypocritical, me being gay and all" I mutter looking back at the table with a flushed face "and secondly no I'm not 'cute, lovely, beautiful' my sister is... my sister-... was"

I look away from him again fighting back the tears and the flashbacks of the accident ash squeeze my hand even tighter " what do you mean was" his eyes looking straight at me fixed on me with concern "come on Adrian you can tell me besides it's my turn to ask a question... what do you mean was" I look back at him hesitating while trying to collect my courage up enough to tell him without fully melting down, while trying to collect my thoughts ash gets up and walks over to the counter and orders us both another drink.

he comes back towards the seats and instead of sitting back on his side of the table he sits in beside me and then returns to his previous question taking my hand in his. I look down at his hand and when I look back at him his endless blue eyes focused on mine as if he was searching deep into my soul looking for answers to the questions he was asking but when I had finally had enough courage I began to explain "I graduated a couple months back and after because I was valedictorian my family and I decided to celebrate, y'know go out get some food, it was me and my mum, my dad and my sister and on our way have get a meal there was a truck that came round the bend straight down the centre of the road going too fast and crashed straight into us... the next thing I know I'm in a hospital bed connected to all sorts of machines and I'm being told I was involved in a crash and I was lucky to survive however my parents died on the scene and my sister died shortly after in intensive care ... so... um" he looked straight at me with apologetic eyes, I tore my eyes away staring down at my latte " I should have been to one to die my sister was the one with a promising future and job opportunities and had her life somewhat figured out and my parents both had important jobs helping others..." I said fighting back the tears biting my lip not able to meet his eyes because as soon as I do he's just going to do what everyone else did look at me and apologise for something that can't be changed "but I'm still here so that's why I can't sleep and I'm here alone"

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