Chapter 9

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I make it back to my apartment sniffing. I wipe my eyes and shut my front door before leaning against it. I close my eyes as I hit my head against the wood and sigh. Well, Ulazu. This is a pretty cruddy 16th birthday. I walk away from my door after turning on the lights and I make my way further into my apartment. I take a couple of steps towards my room, but stop before I reach it. I stay still and glance around.

Something seems off.

I take another step and as I do a body smashes through my window, landing on the ground in front of me. My eyes widen as I prepare myself to fight. I bring a flame to my fingertips as my eyes catch sight of the glove on his hand. He's an Equalist. I shoot fire at him repetitively, but he manages to dodge each shot.

He gets close to me and reaches for me, intending to electrocute me with his glove, but I duck under his hand and grab his arm, forcing the glove away from me. I then bring my knee to his stomach before kicking him away from me. As his body hits the ground two more people appear. I shoot more flames at them, thankfully knocking one of them to the ground. The other moves quickly and chi blocks my arms.

I groan and swing my legs in the air, propelling fire towards them which sends them all into the wall. I shake out my arms as they get back to their feet and start their attack again. I kick fire at them which hurts two of them, but the third managed to get by and chi blocks my legs. I fall to the floor with a grunt. I roll onto my back and shove my feet into the closest man's chest. He falls over giving me enough time to jump to my feet. I start punching and kicking the men, moving quickly on the balls of my feet to dodge their attacks. I hear the door crash open and I turn my head to see two more tall men charge towards me, both of them wearing the electric gloves.

I gulp at the sight of them, but I don't give up. I can't give Amon any leverage. I can't and I won't. I swing my leg across the floor, taking it the three men I was already fighting before running at the two new men. They raise their fists but I quickly duck under them before jamming my fists and elbows into their stomach. They double over slightly, but enough for my kick to the knees to bring them to the ground. I pant as I look at them. There is no way I'm winning this fight.

And so, I turn to run, but as I look back at the door another man appears. With one swift movement he shoves his glove to my neck and electrocutes me. I scream and feel my body collapse to the ground. I whimper on the floor and it isn't long before I feel another wave of electricity fill me causing me to scream again. My throat hurts, my lungs hurt, everything hurts.

I notice darkness creep in at the edges of my vision, so I hardly realise when four new people appear, one of them sticking out more than the others. Bolin. I cough and splutter on the ground as the four run into the room and start fighting the Equalists. I attempt to roll over so that I'm out of the way, but I struggle to move. And so I watch as each element is fired at the Equalists until they retreat out of the window, leaving us in my newly damaged apartment.

Bolin rushes to my side and helps me sit up. I cry out and grip onto him as I lean against my wall.

"Ulazu, are you okay?" He asks. His bright emerald eyes clinging onto me intently.

"I hate those gloves." I say with a cracked voice. Bolin watches me as my eyes take in the others that came to my aid. Master Tenzin stands looking at me worriedly with Mako and Korra at his side. "Thank you." I say to each of them. Korra and Tenzin walk towards me and crouch down next to me. Korra bends water onto me and starts healing me as Tenzin keeps his gaze on me.

"What happened?" He asks.

"I got to my apartment and they smashed through my window and started attacking me." I say gasping ever so slightly as Korra heals me.

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