Chapter 3

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I wake up from a good sleep and all I feel is a dull ache over my body. I knew I'd feel worse after the match this morning. I climb out of my bed and make my way to the kitchen to grab myself some breakfast. I catch my reflection in the mirror by the counter and feel myself smile. Considering how I feel, I look good. I've always been one to receive compliments for my appearance, most saying I look similar to my great aunt. Though the difference being my eyes hold happiness rather than sadness.

After eating I put my hair in my usual half up half down style. Back home I'd secure the style with a high bun, but I pull my hair all the way through here. It may seem stupid, but it makes me feel like I'm someone else. I grab a hoodie and a bag before heading out of my apartment towards the training centre. Seeing as I'm now out of the tournament I should probably clear out my things before someone else comes around and steals them.

I pull my hood up as I enter the more public area. I know I really shouldn't care about people seeing me, I mean, I've played in a lot of very public pro bending matches. Yet I can't help but feel the need to stay hidden. At least until I'm ready.

I walk into the locker room and pull my hood down as I see Hani and Bamir clearing out their lockers. They look up at me and smile as I walk in.

"Hey, fireball. How you feeling?" Bamir asks. I walk over to my locker and open it up.

"Feeling fresh as a daisy." I reply with sarcasm.

"You know, it's a good thing it was the avatar who did it to you. We all know that my healing sucks." Hani says.

"You can hardly call it healing." Bamir smirks. Hani hits him playfully before closing his locker.

"Whatever. Maybe by next year I'll have it." He says.

"I'm sure there's a teacher somewhere in Republic city." I chime in as I reach for my Dragonfly uniform. I look at it a final time before shoving it into my bag along with the rest of my belongings.

"Maybe, but the best teachers aren't here." He says quietly.

"Well, duh. No one is like Katara and her tribe." I scoff as I shut the locker door and turn to see their solemn faces. My eyes widen slightly as I glance at the dark skinned man to the tanned one. "What's wrong?" I ask. They share a look before Hani sighs.

"I'm not staying in Republic city. I'm moving back home to the Northern Water Tribe." He says sadly. I feel my heart drop slightly.

"What? Why? We might be out of the championship tournament this year, but we were so good, we can win this next year!" I say quickly. "We can't give up now."

"Calm yourself. We're not giving up. I just want to learn all I can with water bending. I'll only be gone for a couple of months." He says. I sigh and turn to Bamir who also holds a saddened look.

"And you? Are you staying?" I ask. He hesitates before responding.

"I'm going to go around the Earth Kingdoms. I heard there's a town full of metal benders. I mean, imagine if I can metal bend!" He says smiling slightly at the idea.

"So, what? Is this it?" I ask. Hani walks towards me and puts an arm around my shoulder. Bamir follows suit and joins my other side so we are sharing a group hug.

"We're going to back together soon, even stronger than we are now. The Dragonflies aren't going down that easily!" Hani says. I smile at them, but I can't help but feel sad. Hani and Bamir have been my only friends in Republic city. We all met here at the training centre, all desperately trying to get into a team to become what we all dreamed of. A pro bender. I remember when I first met them they didn't want anything to do with me, but after a bending match to prove myself they stuck by me ever since. It will be strange to not have them here anymore.

Dragonflies [1] BolinUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum