Orion's task was to distract Carina all day and offer to do her curls for her; he had bought her the most precious flower crown for her to wear which would match her bouquet. He had been reading up on Italian traditions so that he could make the wedding as close as possible to a wedding Carina deserved.

He also had managed to get the tie that her father wore in his wedding to be made into ribbon so it could be wrapped around the bouquet, the rattle that Siri had gave her would be incorporated into the wedding. He even knew that Marcello and Cedric would be there in spirit as he reserved two seats for them along with the other people in Carina's life who couldn't make it.

Orion was doing a marvellous job in distracting Carina, they had been gossiping like school children all morning. She never realised how much she truly appreciated Orion and how much she had missed him when she was at school — Ravenclaw tower just wasn't the same.

"Come on Little one, let me just get you ready!" Orion groaned as he tried to put some mousse in her hair

"What do I even need to be ready for? You've had me dressed in green all day, been fussing about washing my hair. I thought we weren't allowed to leave the burrow until Bill got us to go to shell cottage?" She asked

"Well I'm taking you on a date, it's going to happen in the burrow so just humour me," Orion said

Carina rolled her eyes, she knew something was going on because Orion was a terrible liar but she decided to indulge him as she felt at ease for once, and she quite liked him playing with her hair. Carina was happy that she didn't get too scared anymore when the people she loved the most touched her and she was thankful that for three nights in a row now she had managed to cuddle Fred in the night. Sometimes she got scared but she would move so she was the big spoon and she felt like she was back in control again.

"Alright you two? You look pretty, princess," Ginny said with a wink causing carina to blush

"Thanks Gin. You're calling me a princess but you are the one all dressed up?" She asked with a raised eyebrow

Ginny was wearing the most beautiful dress and Carina couldn't help but admire how lovely Ginny looked. She truly was beautiful and Carina thought Potter was stupid for bloody breaking up with her before he went off on his little trip, doing whatever he was doing.

Orion and Ginny continued getting Carina ready but she had no idea for what. She was loving getting her make up done by the two and was relishing in the time they spent just joking and laughing. Carina thought it was truly marvellous.

The afternoon came around extremely quick and Blaise was dressed in his suit with Leonardo standing outside Carina's room in the Burrow fidgeting with the bouquet in his hands that was from Fred. He was nervous as he wanted his sister to be happy and he felt like all his dreams for her were coming true but he couldn't help but be worried something was going to go wrong. He just wanted everything to be perfect for his sister, he knew she deserved it more than anyone else.

Leonardo knocked the door and smiled at Carina who was sat giggling with Ginny and Orion. Carina looked up and grinned at him.

"Bloody hell Zio you look smashing!" She said

"Ginny, Orion, Bill is here for you," he said

Beloved - F. Weasley Where stories live. Discover now