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I woke up freezing cold. The cold was able to seep through the cracks in the window. I look around the dull and lifeless room. Dad didn't like me to have my own things. I have my bed although its more like a rock, a pillow, sheet. My clothes has about 12 days worth of clothes. The only sentimental thing I care about is the box underneath the floorboard by my bed. It hold all my poems and stories and whatnots. The only thing that gives me hope to keep on moving on.

I don't hear any movement. I tiptoe down the stairs with a slight limp from the cut in my leg. I tried careful to avoid anything that may crack or wake him. As I get to the bottom of the stairs I see that he has yet to move from the chair that he passed out in. The stench of alcohol and body oder roam the house looking for a way out.

I go over to my dad and start picking up the bottles and cigarette pieces. The bottles clanked together, and dad stirred. I could feel the fear stop my body from making an movements. When he didn't wake up I continue on my way. I went into the kitchen found the first aid kit. I began to try and clean the gash in my leg as it had opened up and started bleeding again. Once the bleeding was under control I started to stitch it together.

After the first few years, I had began to teach my self how to take care of myself. To avoid hospital visits. Dad never takes me to the hospital after a bad beating. He like to sit and wait to see if maybe I will live. Sadly every time, my eyes always flutter back open in a few hours.

I washed my hands and the needle getting rid of the traces of blood. Dad is still passed out in the living room. I started getting ready to make him breakfast. I  finished the plate and put it in front of him. I grabbed my bag and walked out if the room as fast as I could with my leg. I didn't necessarily want to be here when he woke up. Incase he had some extra rage left.

I stoped at the drug store on my way to school. I picked up some makeup to help cover the bruises that were laying on my face. I walked up to the counter, the lady had a look of pity and sadness plastered on her face.

"My little brothers toys we're on the stairs and I tripped." I said to her. She nodded back at me but I feel as though she isn't fully convinced.

Lair. Lair pants on fire.

Ignoring the voice in my mind. I take the little cash I have from working my night shift job.

"Have a good day dear. Be careful of those toys on the stairs in the future." She called out as I left.

I walked out of the stores and turned to the bathrooms located behind the drug store. Once I gave myself I look over in the mirror I could see how she didn't believe the stairs. The form of someones knuckled were very noticeable on my face.

I will never underestimate the power of drug store makeup. You can hardly notice that bruises unless you are practically staring at my face.

Good thing no one every stares at your face.

I sigh hating the way my mind constantly fights with me. I left the bathroom to start making my way to school.

I walk in with 10 minutes to spare. I go to my locker and grab all necessary items for my next three classes. I try to make as less stops to my locker during the school day. I try to avoid the crowds of people who huddle around lockers. It doesn't happen a lot of times but In really big crowds I can get really bad anxiety attacks.

I start to head to my first class on the day only to be met with another shoulder shoving me into the locker.

"Move it freak. No one wants you staring at them." Isabelle said as her minions and herself continued to strut through the hallway.

There not wrong though and -


I suddenly felt someones hand touching my arm. Startled back into the real world, I see Justin holding onto my arm and staring at me.


"Emma I asked if you were okay? I saw Isabelle shove you." He began to search my face. I had pulled my arm out of his grasp.

"Im fine, please don't touch me." I whispered, turning around and walking away. I lifted my head up and saw Mr. Star glaring at me, my eyes widen and I gulp and put my head down.

I am so gonna get it tonight...

Yes you are. Maybe he will finally kill you this time. Ooooo perhaps you could do ur yourself.

I pull my hood up and make my way down to the library. I needed something to clear my head.

I sat down in the corner of the library getting a book and opening it and I began to get comfortable.

Avoiding problems I see.

I sighed and continued to read.

Justins P.O.V.

"Yo Justin whats your interest with the Emma girl?" Nate asked.

"Yah man like what's up with that. She weird and is a freak man." Carter said.

Carters comment had made me upset. I mean even I don't know why I feel the need to protect her.

"Fuck off man. Its called being nice."

"Justin when have we ever been nice to the students of ridge wood." Carter puzzled.

"Well I for one don't see the problem with it but I was just curious I mean you have never shown this much interest in someone before. OMG wait until we tell the others!!" Nate got really excited.

Carter started to laugh. "Ya that would be something to see."

"Still just don't call her a freak we literally know nothing about her." I said to him still not over the way this conversation had began.

"Ya Carter that really wasn't cool. Plus I mean the girl rarely ever talks to literally anyone." Nate chimed in.

We all started walking past the library to exit the school as the day was finished. I glanced into the library but I don't know what I expected. However, I saw a glimpse of the brown hair that I have been so worried about lately.

I stop in my tracks and Carter and Nate stop as well. They both turn to me.

"Bro why did we stop?" Nate asked.

"Ohh I see Justins new girlfriend is sleeping in the library." Carter teases.

I glare at them, as they both start laughing. "Stop she is not my girlfriend. I just feel the need to protect her. Now leave me alone." I started laughing.

"Should we wake her?" I asked

" It's the end of the school day and she has made no notice that she knows."
"Ya I would wake her" Nate and Carter said in unison.

Nodding to myself, I open the door to the library and start to approach Emma. I couldn't seem to get her out of mind since that day in class.

Once I reach her I take a step back to admire her when she is sleeping. She looks peaceful yet so troubled at the same time. As I stand to admire her for just a little bit longer I began to notice that she has some faint bruises that are seeping through the makeup she is wearing. I frown at them. My hand reaches out and lightly shakes her shoulder.

She jolts up startled, panic is clear in her eyes. " Hey it's okay. Your okay. The school day is over. I saw you sleeping still and I thought I would wake you." I told her. Hoping that it might give her a piece of mind.

"Fuck. How late since school was out?"  she asked, panicking even more.

"Like five minutes the bell just rang." Carter piped in.

And that was all she needed she grabbed her bag and ran away. Well tried to run, she was limping from one leg that i hadn't noticed earlier today.

I stare at the short brown haired girl that is running for the exit. I wonder what her secret is. Because I am going to find it out.

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