6 0 0

I am sprinting through the school doors. Pushing threw the pain in my leg and in my chest. I needed to be run faster I had to.... My life depends on it.

As I am running my mind slips back to the moments just before I ran away. I am incredibly thankful for Justin waking me up. I probably would have slept for a few more hours.

My house begins to come clear into my vision. I began to slow down once I notice my fathers car in my vision. I sigh and make my way to the house. Immediately after I open the front door a hand had swung out and hit me right in the face. I gasp for air, trying to come to my senses.

"Come on bitch. You were LATE AGAIN1" He screamed in my face. So close you could feel the saliva hitting my own face. "We are having company later so clean this place up." He said as he shoved me down unto the ground.

"Okay." I mumbled, as I tried to slip past him. But he yanked my hair back dragging my entire body to him. "Okay what, bitch. HOW ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO ADDRESS ME? TRY AGAIN YOU FUCKING SLUT" He seethed.

"Okay sir." I said

"Ugh get out of my sight." He grumbled and walked to the fridge grabbed a beer and sat in his recliner chair.

I limp my way up the stairs. My leg starting to hurt more and more from the run home. I had looked down at my jeans and noticed a dark spot forming on my thigh. Sighing I took my pants off and discovered I had torn open my stitches on my leg. I had began to restitch it. After that I had began really tired and started to fall asleep. I laid down on my cot and closed my eyes.


It felt like a few hours later I heard my door slam open. My entire body jerked awake from the sound. I saw my dad and another guy standing by my door.

"She's already a slut so do whatever you want." My father told the man as he closed my door.

Leaving just me and the strange man alone in my room. He had this sadistic smile that appeared on his face. He creeped towards me and started to tie my hand to the bed frame that was around my cot. He ripped all my clothes off leaving me naked and exposed on the bed.

He leaned down to my ear and whispered "We are about to have some fun baby."

The sound of his voice in my head made me cry harder. And then he had took the last thing I had for myself.. my virginity. I laid there and screamed for him to stop. The louder I screamed the harder his hand pressed against my face, suffocating me almost. I wish he had put enough pressure to actually kill me.

He had finally left about three hours later. I looked at the clock on the wall. The time said it was 4:30 Am. Sighing I decided to get ready for school. I looked down and notice the puddle of blood that piled on my bed. I felt the bile rise through my throat. Running to the bathroom I had puked what felt like all of my insides. Due to my lack of not being able to eat I needed up dry heaving.

I took some painkillers I found in the cabinets. My leg has started to hurt less and less. I grab my stuff and continue to make my way to the school.

During my walk there a car passed me. However, this car used over to the side of the road in front of me. Out of the passenger seat comes out Justin.

He has a small smile that's breaking through on his face. "Hey, need a ride?"

Although the question had seemed so genuine I started at him. Looking into his eyes trying to figure out what kind of game he was playing here. I couldn't find anything...

"Are you sure? Your friends won't mind?"

Out of nowhere the back window rolls down. Carter's head is poking out. "We down mind girlie!! Get In the car!!"

Nate starts laughing at the fact that he tried rolling the window up on Carters head. I giggled slightly watching the interaction between the two friends as Carter is now scolding Nate for 'trying to kill him'.

Justin looks at me. "You can sit in the passenger seat." I smiled as me opened the door for me.

Nate takes off for the school, when he pulls up in the parking lot.

Nate stops and looks at me and offers a smile, "Ready for school?" He asked.

Look at him, "No one is ever ready for school." I said.

He laugh and looks back at Justin. "I like her."

For some reason his approval made me smile.

Justin P.O.V.

I woke up this morning to the smell of pancakes and bacon. I ran down the stairs greeting my mother with a kiss on her check. I put my hand on my dads shoulder giving it a squeeze. He looks up and nods at me. Lastly I and met with my five year old sister Maria who is scrambling to shove the pancaked down her throat.

"Jokes on you, no pancakes for you." She said to me after shallowing her pancakes, sticking her tongue out at me.

Feigning hurt I grab my heart at fall onto the ground. "What shall I do with no pancakes!!!!!"

"Stop being dramatic I made more." My mom said rolling her eyes at me.

Marias eyes lit up at the stack of pancakes that had been placed in the middle of the table. She reached for one. Her tiny hand was clutching onto a pancake. Laughing I ripped the pancakes from her hand and shoved it in my mouth. She looked at her now empty hand looking between me and my dad trying to find the culprit. My dad is now laughing as he is trying to drink his orange juice. I know she is about to say something but two boys come bursting through the front door.

"MOOMMMM WE ARE HOME FOR BREAKFAST!!!!" Carter was shouting.

Laughing my mom grabs two extra plates and lets Nate and Carter help themselves to breakfast. One thing I love about my family is that they treat everyone like family. Nate and Carter and I have been friends for a long time. And never once have I thought of them less than my own family.

Nate offers to drive us all to school. Since he hd picked up Carter. I had called shot gun and jumped in. Carter came grudgingly to the back of the car whining about how he wants to sit there. I laugh as Nate starts to pull away. He took a different route to school because there was a road construction that would make us late if we took it.

As we were driving singing songs and catching up, we see someone walking on the side of the road. The more we look I notice its Emma.

"Nate pull over right now." I said.

"You got it bud." Nate replied as he whipped the car into the edge of the road.

I stare at the shock in Emmas face when she realizes that it is me standing in front of her.

I had asked her if she wanted a ride. All she did was stare at me. As if she was trying to find any reason on why she shouldn't, or trying to find any lies in my question.

I couldn't have been more relived when she had decided to come with.

I let her have the front seat so she could have a little of her own space.

*Cut to when Nate pulls up to the school*

When Nate goes into the parking lot and turns the car off. He looked at Emma and asked her if she was ready for school.

Emma replied "No one is ever ready for school."

I laughed lightly finding so much truth in her words. Nate looked back at me and says "I like her."

Me too Nate me too..

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2021 ⏰

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