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I am not enough. I shook my head in disgust as I slowly walked around the broken bottles of liquor and cheap glass plates that were thrown at me. I make the mental reminder to clean those up before dad comes back tonight from hanging with his buddy's.

I rub my arm, making my hand feel every scar, ever cut, running my fingers over every bruise. My hand runs over everything that was inflicted to my body by my father and myself. 

Your ugly. Worthless. No one wants you

 He wasn't always like this. However, he did blame me for my mom leaving. I was very busy as a child, involved in a lot of activities, Soccer, swimming, Gymnastics, softball. They were all on different days so everyday she was taking me to another one of my activities. I don't think she was ready for the responsibility of a child yet.

My dad was always at work, he worked at a insurance company. But he worked a lot of late nights and early mornings. But he also used to be the most kindest man ever. He would always make sure to spend time with me, whenever he could. One thing about my dad though is that he absolutely adored my mother. So when my mother had decided to leave and she wasn't going to stay. Imagine my surprise when the kindhearted man I once called my father and slapped me so hard across my face that I flew into the wall next to me.

I remember that night so clearly. That was the night I lost both of my parents. The cold look of hatred that was displayed over my fathers face has yet to vanish since that day. I was 9 then, now I am just freshly turned 17, and a senior in high school.

I looked at the clock. Shit I was going to be late for school if I didn't leave now. Just when I went to the front door I opened it and it start pouring rain.

"Just my fucking luck. I swear." Grumbled as I set out for my 45 minute walk to school. Hoping and praying that I still had some extra clothes in my locker. I do know how to drive. I took drivers ed, passed my exam, got mu license, all under my dads nose. He had yet to find out that I had done that. I don't think I ever want him to.

The more I walked to school, the harder it had began to pour. All of my clothes were soaking wet and sticking to my body. Not a single piece of fabric was dry.

When I had finally reached the school I walked in. Trying to ignore the starts of people who just had to point out the fact I look like a wet dog today. I open my locker and much to my dismay I didn't have any extra clothes with me. Since I was considered a loner I trudge my way to my class. Leaving a trail of water in my path. I walk into science with Mr. Star.

"Emma want to share with the class on why you are here late and drenched like you just fell into a pool?" Mr. Star said glaring at me. He is friends with my dad and will definitely get me beat if I say the wrong thing. As I am trying to think of a reply that won't cause me to get in trouble with my father, a voice speaks from the back of the class.

"She drenched because it is fucking pouring ass rain Patric Star. If you would use your fucking eyes and look outside maybe you would know that." Everyone turned around laughing lightly besides Mr. Star, finding the culprit to me no one other than Justin Knight.

Coming out of his anger Mr. Star looks at me and smirks. Detention for you Emma Davis for being late, and for you the lovely Justin Knight can join her in it as well.

I can feel the tears welling up in my eyes knowing how this is going to play out. I cross the room and head to the back by the window. Watching the raindrops race each other down the window. I don't realize that my nails had been pressing against my arm opening back up my cuts. I used my sweatshirt that was still wet to hold against the skin in hopes that it will stop the bleeding from the now reopened cut.

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