Ch.1: The Ball.

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Song: Mirror, Mirror - RWBY

Gabriel hated this kind of trips.

As the right hand man of the youngest prince of the Red Woods, he has to accompany him every place the prince visited.

A month ago, the king and the queen talked with the prince demanding him to change his attitude and start to act like a real prince.

So now they were going to The White Kingdom for the Winter Ball. The kingdom was celebrating the youngest princess’s birthday.

Now she is older enough to get married to a prince and as a tradition, The White Kingdom invited seven princes from the nearest seven nations.

The prince wakes up and looks at the bored guard that was looking through the window of the carriage as they passed the woods.

“Are we there yet?” the prince yawns.

“We just arrived at The Snow Woods, we will get to the kingdom soon” he doesn’t take his black eyes off the window.

The prince laughs as he starts getting exited “I can’t wait to meet the beautiful ladies from this land”

And there he was again, showing his playboy side… His true nature, he didn’t really care on getting married, the only reason he went to this kind of events was to get laid with as many women as he could.

Gabriel ignored the talking prince, even when they were childhood friends, the knight hated to travel with him to this events. He would rather be protecting his kingdom from invaders.

The prince stops talking and looks at the disinterested white haired man on the other side of the carriage.

“Come on, Gabriel” the prince smirks “I bet that you could get lucky if you try”

The man stayed silent, it wasn’t something unusual. He wasn’t very fond of speaking so he only responded when it was necessary.

The prince laughs and shakes his head “You should use your charms, there are many women that would love to have a chance with you”

“We arrived, your highness” Gabriel says.

The prince looks at the window and sees that they are at the entrance of the kingdom.

“Look at the beauties, Gabriel” the prince look at the women that were looking at the carriage with flirtatious eyes.

The prince winks at the ladies as Gabriel receives a few waves from them. He sighs and looks away from the window.

He really hated this kind of trips.

Once they arrived at the castle, the carriage stops in front of the entrance.

When a servant opens the carriage, Gabriel gets down first and feels the cold temperature of the land. Then, the prince gets down and they look at the door of the castle.

In front of the door, there was four people.

The king, the queen, a young princess and a young lady in waiting next to the princess.

The prince smirks and walks towards the door with the knight behind him.

Gabriel looks at the royal family and his eyes finds the eyes of the princess. She wasn’t like any other woman that he saw before. One of the features that called his attention was her heterochromia.

Her right eye was (e/c) and her left eye was light blue, it was almost white.

He wakes up from his trance when the prince stops in front of the family.

“Your majesties, I am the Prince Nathanael Joel the Fifth from Red Woods. I am here as a candidate for your daughter’s hand” he bows and the knight behind him bows as well.

The king nods and the queen smiles.
“Welcome, prince Nathanael” the king speaks “I hope you find your stay comfortable. Our servants will take you and your knight to your room with your things”

“Remember that the ball will be at nightfall” the queen says.

“I’ll be looking forward to your presence” the princess finishes the sentence.

The prince looks at the princess and winks at her with a seductive smile. Even when the lady in waiting was melting for the gesture, the princess only smiled gently and nodded in acknowledgment at the prince.

The knight raised an eyebrow, it was the first time were a woman wasn’t interested on the prince moves.

“Your highness” one of the servants talked to the prince “Please follow me to your bedchamber”

The prince nods and follows the servant with the knight behind them.


Gabriel looked at the prince as he was talking with two female servants on the corridor. They were supposed to be down on the hall for the dance, however, the women giggle a little and then they walk into their shared room.

Nathanael smirks and then turns to look at his friend.

“One for each other. What do you say?”

The knight stayed silent, Nathanael could feel the disapproving look on his friend’s eyes. Even when they were wearing mask.

“Your loss” he shrugs “Just… don’t interrupt us” he enters to the room.

Gabriel sighs, he saw this coming. So before he exited the room, he took a book with him. He might go to the garden next to a lantern to read.

He went downstairs to the hall where he could hear music and the chatter of the people.

Looking at his surroundings to find a door, he notices the princess dancing on the middle of the hall. Even when everyone was wearing a mask, it was easy to recognizer her for the crown on her head.

However, there was something off… He couldn’t put his finger on what was different on her but he decided to ignore it.

Gabriel exits the hall and walks towards the garden. He walks until the music was low enough to not bother him, besides, the cold weather was somehow relaxing. He approaches the lantern but he stops when he sees a hooded figure under the lantern.

His instincts kicked in “Who is it?” he puts his hand over the dagger on his back.

The figure freezes and slowly looks up at the knight.

His eyes widens for a second when he sees the heterochromatic eyes of the princess.

“Uhm…” she speaks “I can explain”

The knight raises his eyebrow, even when it wasn’t his business, he was slightly curious on what was happening.

“Okay” she continues “I don’t really like this kind of events, so I ask my lady in waiting to replace me during the ball and… all the events that involves masks” she giggles a little bit ashamed and looks at the side “I guess… that you are going to take me back”

The knight stays silent. He understands her better than most people.

Gabriel simply shakes his head and sits next to the princess taking his book out. He kept his distance to her and starts reading.

The princess smiles and keeps her activity. He looks with the corner of his eye and sees her drawing the landscape in front of them, she was really good.

“Do you like it?” she looks at the knight.

He blushes and looks back at the book. He thought he was being subtle.

“I am Princess (Y/n) (Second/Name) Erickson but I’m sure that you already know that” she closes the space between them a little “May I have your name?”

The man looks at her “Gabriel” he simply answered.

“Thanks for keeping my secret, knight Gabriel” she smiles at him.

The knight examines the features of the princess, he tried to find some defect, something that would tell him that she’s using him or taking advantage of him. But he didn’t find anything, she was sincere and kind.

He smiles gently and nods looking back at his book.

Maybe he won’t hate this trip.

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