Ch.17: The Beginning of the End

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Song: I Can't Decide - Scissors Sisters.

Keva walks from one side to the other on her cell, she knew the hidden halls on the dungeon but she didn't know how to exit from them. She was aware that the second that the princess opens her eyes, she would be dead. Luckily for her, she still had some contacts with some guards that let her know everything that was happening in the castle. As far as she knows, the princess didn't wake up and the only one that can see her is the queen, since she didn't trust anyone to take care of her daughter.

Looking through the small window, she sees the stars on the sky meaning that it was night and the guards won't come to check on her until tomorrow morning. Walking towards the wall, she pushes a brick managing to open an entrance to a secret hall. She holds the knife closer to her chest and goes back inside the halls, wishing to find an exit as soon as possible.

Pressing her hands on the halls, she feels a brick being pushed and opening a little space for her to walk in. She looks inside the place and notices that it was a little cell like hers, before she walks back inside, scared that a dangerous criminal would be inside, she sees a glint of white, dirty hair.

Waiting a couple of seconds, she notices that he was sleeping. This was her opportunity to take revenge.

Walking inside the cell, she holds the knife thigh on her hands, on her mind, Gabriel was the one to blame. If it wasn't for him, she would have been the new princess of this kingdom.

"K-Keva..." she hears a mutter behind her.

Slowly turning around, she sees the princess with bands around her body, wearing a white dress and holding a cane on her right hand.

"(Y/n)" her eyes widens and little tears appeared on the corner of her eyes "H-How?"

"It's been a long time, isn't it?" she had a small smile on her lips "How long passed? A month? Or maybe two..." she mutters to herself while holding her chin with her other hand and looking down.

"I-I thought that you would never wake up..." she walks towards her letting the knife fall from her hand and holds her face with her hands "I was so scared... I'm sorry... I am so sorry..."

"Oh, it's fine... it doesn't matter anymore" she looks at her eyes "I know it was a mistake... but... we can be friends again, right?"

Keva nods multiple times and hugs her.


"R-Right... sorry..." she takes a step back "Princess (Y/n), I didn't know what crossed my mind, but I'm glad that we can be friends again" she had a relieved smile on her face and cleaned the tears off her face "I thought that you'll hate-"

Before she could finish her sentence, a blade goes trough her stomach. Keva yelps and looks down at the bloody knife that she had a few seconds before on her hands and then looks over her shoulder, she sees Gabriel with an expression filled with hatred, and then, she looks back at the princess that kept the same little smile on her face.

"How can I hate you, Keva?" she tilts her head "I don't have feelings for you... I couldn't care less if you lived or died and I'm not seeking for revenge either but Gabriel thought it would be unfair if your only punishment would be your beheading... I thought that maybe by asking you to be friends again I would feel a little something but it didn't happen... Am I a cynic woman for saying this?"

Keva tried to say something but shriek when the man behind her lift her in the air with the knife on his hand.

"So... how does it feel to be stabbed on the back?"

"P-Princess..." she extended her hand towards her but (Y/n) took a step back.

"I wish I could say I'm sorry and mean it but I can't..."

Gabriel lets go of the sword and lets her fall on the ground making her grab her stomach in pain. She sees how the knight walk next to the princess placing an arm around her waist kissing her head.

"You shouldn't be here, please go back to your room" he looks back at the hall "Milky..."

The white feline walks on sight standing between them and rubbing her head on (Y/n)'s hand.

"I'm fine..." she pets Milky "Just a couple bruises over here and there..."

Keva's eyes widens at the sight.

"H-How?" she mutters out "I heard that you were still sleeping..."

(Y/n) looks at her "Oh, my mother is the only one that knows about my state and she didn't want to overwhelm me so we hadn't spoke about the incident..." she rests her head on Gabriel's chest letting him pet her head "She doesn't want me to recreate those traumatizing memories again but I was worried for Gabriel, so, doing what I do best... I used the tunnels to escape my room and I've been visiting him almost every night"

"Please go back to your room... I'll call the guards in so they'd take her to the medic" he takes her to the hidden hall and signals Milky to keep an eye on the fragile princess.

"T-The guards?" Keva coughs.

"I'm not going to let you die so easily..." Gabriel looks at her with hatred on his eyes.

Keva's eyes were filled with tears at the fear of living another day. She looks at the princess that was walking into the secret hall while muttering something to Gabriel, when (Y/n) feels Keva's gaze on her, she looks down at her and smiles waving.

"Like I said, I don't really care... good luck, you'll need it"

Those were the last words that Keva heard from the princess before the knight closed the entrance of the hall.

Now that the princess was awake and the knight was filled with revenge. Keva knows that this was the beginning of her end.

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