Ch.3: Watching Over Her.

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Song: Every Breath You Take - The Police.

Looking from a few meters apart, Gabriel sees the prince talking about himself, it was unbelievable how many lies came out of his mouth. Right now he is telling her about the time that he took down two bears with his bare hands. Gabriel couldn’t help but roll his eyes at the story, the lady in waiting next to (Y/n) was looking fascinated at the prince as the princess only nodded at his story, and something told him that she maybe wasn’t even listening.

From the corner of his eyes, he sees something moving between the bushes. He frowns as he looks carefully the figure that was stalking them. When he gets a better look, his eyes widens as he exits from his hiding spot and run towards the princess.

At the same time the creature from the bushes jumps out towards the table. Gabriel manages to grab the princess on his arms and puts her behind himself.

The creature stands in front of the guard with a challenging posture. Having a closer look, Gabriel notices that the creature was Snow Leopard.

The prince screams and takes a step back as his knight stands in front of him.

“Kill it!” the prince shouts.

“Wait!” the princess walks in front of the knight towards the Leopard “S-She’s not dangerous” she kneels down and pats her lap as the snow leopard changes her posture and walks towards the princess letting her pet her. However, the animal didn’t stop glaring the knight. She didn’t like that the knight touched her master.

Gabriel raises an eyebrow as the prince walk in front of his knight.

“W-What in hell are you doing with that savage anima!?” he seemed mad “It could have devoured us!”

“I apologize” the princess looks at the prince.

“Still! This is outrageous!” the prince keep yelling at the princess “This totally killed the mood, I need to rest” he glares down at the princess “And I’m going to have a talk  with your parents about this”

The princess was looking down, she didn’t dare to say anything on her defense or else her parents would punish her. The snow leopard stopped paying attention to the knight as if her anger was now directed to the prince.

The lady in waiting clears her throat and looks at the prince “Let me accompany you back to the castle, please”

The prince scoff and lets the lady guide him.

Gabriel, who was holding back the feel of punching the knight this whole time, looks at the princess that was petting the animal.

“Her name is Milky” she mutters with a tone of sadness on her voice, she knew that her parents are going to scold her for this “She tends to come in here sometimes” she stands up and pats the head of the animal a couple of times.

“Princess (Y/n)” a guard appeared “The King is requesting your presence”

She nods and waves at Gabriel before following the guard.

Gabriel stood next to the animal as they look at her leave.


An hour later, Gabriel walks back to the castle and goes back to his room. While walking on the hall, he hears the faint sound of a piano playing.

When the sound was loud enough, he stands in front of a door that was a little open allowing him to see the woman inside playing the piano with a man standing next to her. He smiles softly at the calm expression of the princess but suddenly, the man next to her grabs a ruler and hits her on her finger making her yelp.

“Wrong, wrong, wrong!” he yells at her “You can’t commit this kind of mistakes anymore” he hits her again on her fingers.

“I-I’m sorry” she mutters as she touches her hands.

The teacher sighs “Go clean yourself, you have a 30 minutes recess”

“Okay” she gets up.

Gabriel takes a step back and turns  on the corner as the princess exits and walks on the opposite direction.

He looks at her back as she leaves, he wanted to follow her but he didn’t want to look like a stalker. However, he was really worried for her.

Waiting a couple of minutes, he decides to go at the same direction where the princess went.

He keeps walking until he sees a little sign on a door that says ‘Medic Room’, waiting a couple of seconds, he reaches towards the handle but the door opened abruptly hitting him on the face.

The princess gasp as she sees the knight with a little new cut on his cheek.

“I-I’m so sorry” she says as she puts a hand over his cheek “I-I didn’t mean to…”

Gabriel could see her glassy eyes and he could hear the anxiety on her voice. It was clear that she wasn’t having a good day.
Gabriel uses his hand to place over hers on his cheek and shakes his head indicating her that it was okay.

“S-Still” she mutters and looks back at the medic room. Holding his hand, she enters back into the room with the night following her.

“Please sit down” she grabs a little bag and stands in front of him.

Gabriel complies without hesitation.

She gently cleans the wound, he looks as the princess puts softly the little band-aid on his cheek.

“There” she smiles with pride “Are you feeling better?”

He puts his hand on the band-aid and nods, he couldn’t find himself to hurt the little princess’s feelings.

There was something pure and innocent on her that he has never seen on other princess or people on general. Everyone who he met on the past were either
Gabriel knew that there was something special on her that was worth protecting. It wouldn’t be fair if someone as gentle as her won’t be treated with the same kindness as she gave.

Looking down at her hands, he gently grabs them to have a better look. They were wrapped on gauze, maybe to cover the wounds.

“I-It was my fault” he hears her mutter.

He looks up at her eyes as he sees some kind of sadness on them.

“I didn’t learn fast enough, but don’t worry, I’m going to do better next time” she had a gentle smile on her lips.

He frowns at her words. Why was she blaming herself for the cruel acts of that horrendous man?

She slowly takes her hands off his putting them behind her back.

“I hope I was helpful to you, knight Gabriel” she bows “And I hope to see you this night on the garden, I really enjoy your company” she smiles and exits the room.

He looks at her as she leaves. For a moment, he saw all the happiness disappear on her eyes as she talked to him. He knew he had to do something to prevent that from happening again.

Standing up from the bed, he exits the room walking through the hall. He stops in front of the music room and sees her teacher inside arranging some papers.

He was alone…

Entering into the room, he walks closer to the man as he turns around to look at the calm knight.

“This is a private room, only the—”

Before he could finish the sentence, Gabriel grabs him from his shoulders turning him around and smashing the head of the teacher on the wall.

“Listen carefully” he speaks grabbing the man by the nape and lifting his face so he could look at his eyes “You have no right to treat the princess that way. When she comes back you are going to congratulate her for her hard work”

“B-But she—”

He smashes the head of the man again on the wall.

“If I do this again, you might not survive the impact”

The teacher looks at the knight’s eyes. They didn’t show any kind of emotion, he slowly nods.

“Good” he lets the man go and walks towards the door “One more thing” he turns to look at man “Not a fucking word about this”

The teacher shivers at the deadly glare of the man and nods again.

Gabriel nods and leaves the room. He decides to go back to his room and see if the prince got up from the bed.

Before he could enter to the room, the door opens revealing a maid with a smile on her lips. When she looks at Gabriel, she giggles and bows before going to the opposite way.

Gabriel sighs and rolls his eyes knocking the door.

“You came for round two?” the prince says from the inside.

“Your highness, it’s me. May I come in?”

“Oh, Gabriel… Sure”

Gabriel opens the door and enters the room, he sees the prince getting dressed with a smile on his lips. How come this man never got tired of sleeping with many women?

“Don’t worry Gabriel, tonight I’m not going to bring anyone else” he looks at the knight “Because we are going to the ball tonight” he smiles as the knight kept the neutral look on his face.

However, Gabriel was disappointed. If he had to watch over the prince on the ball, it means that he won’t be able to be with the princess.

“Come on, don’t give me that look. I bet that I can find you the woman of your dreams in there” he walks closer to the knight and sees the little band-aid on his cheek “Since when do you use band aids?” he tries to take the band off his cheek but Gabriel took a step back.

“Leave it there” he mutters.

The prince raises an eyebrow looking at his friend “Okay” he shrugs and walks towards the door “Let’s go, I’m hungry” he opens the door and exits the room with Gabriel behind.

While they were walking on the halls, he hears the sound of a piano playing. They were close to the music room.

The door was a little open like before, when he stopped in front of it, he could see how (Y/n) finishes playing and looking up at the teacher.

“G-Good work, princess!” the man says “You have really improved”

Her eyes shine “Really?”

“Indeed, my princess” he nods.

She smiles “Thank you very much” she looks at his face “Uhm… Are you sure that you are alright, sir?”

The man laughs nervously “I-I just fell, nothing serious”

The princess stays silent for a second and then nods “Okay”

Gabriel smiles gently at the sight of the happy princess. He then looks forward and sees the prince talking, he didn’t notice that the knight stopped walking.

With a sigh, he walks faster to be behind the prince. He was thinking on a way to leave the ball tonight.

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