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Stevie had no thoughts about not following him, no fear over who was watching as she followed him into the darkness of the side stage. It felt as though the world had stopped for her, everybody she stumbled past moved in slow motion and she could only focus on the sound of his Chelsea boots clinking against the concrete flooring of the venue. She didn't even know what it was she was feeling, she just knew that the power to control herself was declining the more she thought about his performance of Stand Back. 

God knows where he was going, she had been following his footsteps for what felt like an eternity, it was hard to keep track of him through the long, winding corridors backstage and she had lost sight of him long ago. She had to find him, even if it was just to ensure she got back to her dressing room because there was nobody around at this side of the arena. She heard the echo of a door shutting and so she moved from her small strides to jogging. 

"Lindsey!" she shouted, her voice bouncing down the lonely corridors. It was cold now that she was no longer under the warmth of the stage lighting, as she searched for any door she could, she noted the walls were cladded in the same grey concrete as the flooring and she wondered if even he knew where the hell he was. 

Lindsey stood with his back to the cold, hard wall of what he guessed was a storage room. It was dark, he couldn't really see very much. He didn't care. He just had to get away from her before he did something he would maybe regret. The intensity, the energy and the buzz from their performance was a little overwhelming, for it had been such a long time since he had felt those emotions with her on stage and he was sure that it would be so easy for those emotions to get out of hand. He breathed in deeply, closing his eyes in an attempt to bring himself back down to earth. 

His moment of solitude and reflection didn't last very long, for the door he had closed not even thirty seconds ago opened and a beacon of dull lighting from the corridor shone through. His breath caught while he held his back to the wall as firmly as he could, watching Stevie walking into the darkened room. She sighed, slightly out of breath while she ran both of her hands through her blonde locks. Her eyes glanced over the room, noting that it must be a storage room, for it was full of flight cases which were used to protect various amounts of musical equipment that they brought with them to each show. 

She did a 360 of the room, her pivoting on the spot halting as she locked eyes with him. He looked absolutely petrified, he couldn't get any closer to the wall if he even wanted to. 

"What the fuck, Lindsey!" she roared. 

He winced, closing his eyes at the anger in her voice. He actually considered making a run for it again, knowing he could easily out run her if he wanted to. 

"Why did you follow me?" he replied calmly. 

"Why do you think?" 

"I-I don't know, I'm not in the right frame of mind if I'm being honest." 

Stevie raised an eyebrow, she was starting to feel agitated with how nervous he seemed to be. 

"Lindsey... you look... you look absolutely petrified. What-" 

"I am, oh Steves, I really am." he chuckled slightly, in disbelief at his own words. 

"Why? Lindsey, what is going on with you?" 

"Look. It doesn't matter. You need to go, right now...c'mon." he ushered with his hands towards the door that was slightly open. 

"I'm going nowhere Buckingham." she stated, walking towards him. He winced, the heels of his boots against the wall while she cornered him. 

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