Chapter 6: The hangover

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Juicy's POV:

"GAEGE! WATCH OUT!" I heard Eddie yelling, as i fell off the sofa. "Are you okay?" He leaned over and looked at me worried. I felt how red my face was, at this point. My vision was blurry and everything started spinning. Eduardo grabbed my arm and carefully pulled me back on the couch. "W-what are you doing here?" I asked confused and kind of panicking inside. "You don't remember much, huh? No surprise, in comparison to how much you drank the last couple days." He said giggling and i rubbed my face. "What? I-i-... no... i don't remember anything... What weekday is today?" I asked, holding my forehead with pain. "It's thursday 17th december." As i heard that, my eyes widened again. "What?! The last i remember is... tuesday 8th december..." i remembered the rejection i got from Eddie and my face frowned. "Hey, it's okay... we cleared things up and, i repeat myself with pleasure, i love you... i love you from the bottom of my heart, Gaege Gibson and I want to ask you to be my boyfriend." I was confused and blushed in a dark red. "Y-yes... I would love to be your boyfriend!" I hugged him tightly, but still thought about what could have happened. "What did i miss that Eduardo changed his mind like that?" I asked myself but my thought got interrupted by a nauseous feeling in my stomach.

Third person POV:

"I'm not feeling good..." Juicy's face was pale and he tried standing up and run towards the bathroom, but failed and fell. "I got you..." Eddie reacted fast. He was able to catch Juicy and supported him on his way to the bathroom. Gaege threw up all the stuff, he ate and drank the last nine days. Eduardo was standing in the doorframe, shaking his head. "I think your stomach has something against your eating and drinking habits from the last week..." a little giggle slipped out of his mouth. Juicy wasn't in the mood to laugh and suffered in front of the toilet for quite some time, before his system decided to calm down again. He stood up with shaky knees, leaning against the sink. Eduardo supported him again and brought him back on the couch. "How do you feel?" Eddie asked his boyfriend, who looked at him with a weak and still pale face, giving him to understand that he wasn't good. "I'll get you some water." Eduardo stood up and went into the kitchen to get a glass of water for Juicy. "There you go." He gave Gaege the water and he drank all of it at once. The two boys sat on the couch in silence for a few minutes, before Juicy broke it. "Can you explain to me, what happened? I don't remember shit..." Gaege held his head and looked at his friend confused. After Eddie was done explaining, everything in Juicy's mind cleared. He remembered the most of it again. "So... what now?" Eduardo asked and looked at Juicy. "I don't know... my head is pounding right now... and I'm fucking tired..." Gaege held his head and groaned. "I know what we are going to do: You're coming with me to my place. I have pain medicine for your head and you can sleep your hangover off... Sounds good?" Eduardo smiled at him thoughtfully and he nodded. Eddie helped Juicy to put his jacked and shoes on. As he opened the front door, the snow was falling in a very intense way. Eddie supported his boyfriend on their way to the car and helped him to get in the passenger seat. After that, he closed the door and quickly got on the driver seat and drove towards his own house.

Eddie's POV:

On our way home, i watched Juicy worried. The only thing, which was keeping him awake, was his headache. He tried his best to fall asleep with his head against the window, but the pain got him to stay awake the whole time. "We are almost there..." I said trying to comfort him a bit. I pulled up to my house after a 30-minute drive, got out of the car and helped Juicy to get inside the house. His knees were still really weak, but he refused to get carried. "Y-you don't need to carry m-me..." He stuttered and a slight blush appeared on his face. I helped him on the couch and got him the pain medicine. Now, he was really struggling with staying awake. "C'mon, I'll carry you to the bedroom..." I said and before he could have said anything against it, I already had him in my arms. The blush on his face intensified, but he realized himself that he couldn't do anything about it. I carried him down the hallway towards my room. Before we even got there, I felt his head leaning against my chest. Gaege fell asleep in my arms. I smiled and opened the door of my room to lay Juicy down on my bed. "Sleep tight..." I whispered and kissed his forehead softly. After tucking Gaege in, I wrote a note for him, placed it on the countertop in the kitchen and left the house.

Third person POV:

Eddie just left the house to buy some groceries. The cold wind lashed his face and he pulled his beanie more into his face. He entered the car and drove off, towards the supermarket. The snowfall got worse and worse, as his drive went along. "I should hurry with my grocery shopping... otherwise, my car will be covered in snow." Eduardo thought and parked his car in the parking area. He took a cart and entered the building. As he walked through the hallways, he packed all kinds of food and drinks for him and Juicy in the cart, Eddie got tapped on the shoulder and he turned around, to see Narrator looking at him. "Hey, Eddie! How's it going?" Narrator greeted Eddie. "Good, good, how 'bout you?" Eduardo answered. "Not bad, how is Juicy?" Narrator asked. "Uhm... he's sleeping right now. He has been drinking a lot the last couple days and is sleeping his hangover off." Eddie wasn't sure, if he should tell his friend about the details. "Oh okay, I will visit him in the afternoon." Narrator said. "Uhm... I think you won't find him if you look at his place..." Eduardo answered. "Why? Where is he then?" Narrator was kind of confused. "Uhm... Juicy is at my place. He needed someone to take care of him and I took him with me. You can come over, if you want, in the afternoon. We can drink some coffee or something." Eddie suggested. "Sounds good... I'll be there at 3 PM, if that's ok." "Yup, see you then, dawg." Eddie ended the conversation and continued with his shopping. After he was done, he walked outside to see his car, being completely covered with snow. "Nice... and I told myself to hurry up..." Eduardo sighed and started to free his car from the snow.

EddieVR x Juicyfruitsnacks (Lovestory) ✓Where stories live. Discover now