He clenched his jaw a little, "You know, it's really bad that you think you know more about him just because you traumatized him. You claim to be in love with him and you want to act like you know everything about him, but can you even tell me what his favorite color is?No, I did not devise the plan to kill you, Yuichiro did. It doesn't matter if he did, you deserved to die. You have no idea how badly you fucked him up." Asher stated calmly.

"I wish I could've been there to see it. He's so adorable when he's vulnerable, his tears are really a sight, I wish I could've made more of them fall before my unfortunate demise. His pain really had a way of turning me on." That obviously wasn't completely true, when he was sad it was like my world was crumbling, I pushed so hard to try and make him happy while still keeping to my own agenda. I may have been slightly turned on when he was vulnerable, but it still hurt. The things I said may have been lies, but man did I just fucking love pissing him off.

If I didn't know him the way I do, I would've been scared that he would knock my lights out, me saying those things may have really gotten to him, "You are so fucked up. Notice how you dodged my question about his favorite color as well."

"Im fucked up? You think I'm the fucked up one out of us? Maybe last time. I hate to break it to you, but this time the fucked up one is you. I haven't done anything outwardly wrong in this life." I said.

"No, Mikaela Tepes hasn't done anything wrong, Mikaela Shindo was basically the anti-christ," Ash crossed his arms, "Matthew Jamison was better than I could ever be, I won't deny that. And you're still dodging my question."

"Yellow," I smirked, "I think you're just mad because you were married to Yuichiro Hyakuya and now we have Yuichiro Hiragi, and you can't have him. You'll have to put me in an early fucking grave first, Ashy washy." My tone was light but my statement was about as true as it could get. I may have lied about a lot of things but Yuu certainly wasn't one of them.

"His favorite color is blue, his favorite pajamas are yellow. I'm surprised you remember that color but can't be bothered with his actual favorite color. And in response to what you said, not really," Ash said, "if Yuu rememberers, then there's a good chance the rest of them will as well. Do you really think that the people you murdered have had something more traumatic happen? Yuichiro had time to heal and let me assure you, it took a very long time. They didn't have time. If one of them touched you, it would be all over for them."

"Asher," I started to laugh as something popped into my mind, "if memories come back based on trauma, and Yuu has touched me, then why doesn't he already remember?" I asked.

He thought for a moment, "He always has mixed feelings on you. Not that you would know this nor do I really want you to, but he visited your grave every year. I think he felt bad for killing you, not to mention that you only severely hurt him physically like twice and he was able to quickly recover. Your mental abuse was enough trauma for 2 lifetimes as you can tell, but you were ok like 52% of the time. There's a chance Ray might be his biggest trauma, I mean, Ray did almost stab him to death and he's already expressed his immense hatred for Ray while he seems fine with you. He's also expressed an immense dislike of Jack as well and he's shown and even said that he loves being around me. But he seems fine with you either way."

"Wait, if I was mentally abusive above all else, then there's a chance that it isn't a physical thing, it could be a trigger w-" I cut myself off as I looked at Asher, I did not need to let him know this, "This is confusing," I sighed, "maybe we should draw up a chart."

"It's so weird how I hate you yet I get along with you perfectly fine." He sighed.

"We're practically family, what do you expect?" I snickered.

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