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"Hello, boyfriend Mikaela," I chirped as soon as he entered my apartment, "what did you do today? Try to be honest, if you can."

"Hello, boyfriend Yuichiro," he mimicked the same toxically positive tone, "I yelled at Asher and scheduled a meeting with one of my incompetent manufacturers before skipping lunch to take a conference call with a very angry business partner who is apparently illiterate because he just could not seem to understand the concept of reading the fucking contract. Then, Mr. Sierra had to leave for a family emergency which meant I had to organize my schedule on top of finishing all my paperwork, creating a report for my coming board meeting, and responding to emails. The entire time I was seething and literally all I wanted was to see you and eat. I'm so glad you're coming back tomorrow, I need to use you as my excuse to eat lunch," he plastered a shit eating grin across his face, "what did you do today? Try to be honest, if you can."

"I took an hour nap after you left before going to a coffee shop where I promptly chugged an iced vanilla latte and then sat my lazy ass down on this very couch. In other words, I also haven't eaten yet today. Do you want to get take out? I'm not in the mood to leave this couch and you sound exhausted." I reached my hand out to his and paid close attention to the warmth. It was definitely less inflamed but I had a strong feeling the gloves would be on tonight.

"Take out sounds good. If you let me pick where, I'll pay." He pulled out his wallet and waved it around majestically in front of me.

"While I would normally happily accept free food, you've been paying for a lot recently. You can pick where, but I'm paying this time." I said.

"Well, I pay you. So technically I'm still paying," He shrugged, "also, one of us has enough money to buy a small country and still donate to charity, but pop off, I guess. I'll take Chinese."

"Wow, even the way I talk is rubbing off on you. Disgusting," I gaged as I looked through different menus of Chinese take out rest orange around us, "feelin' Golden Dragon?"

The fake smile he wore to accompany his bitchy tone would put Regina George to shame, "Wonderful idea, Golden Dragon has a very wide variety of cuisine I have to try and and am indeed looking forward to graciously exploring their menu in search of the best possible option to satisfy my hunger, I have quite high hopes for this choice and you have my complete and utter trust in this area as you have more experience than I, I'm very much looking forward to learn from you," he dropped the smile in the blink of an eye, "is this what you wanted? Is this really how you want me to speak to you for the rest of your god damn life? I'm more than ready to make that kind of commitment if you want that to be the ca-"

"Yeah, yeah, point made. Shut the fuck up and look at the menu," I passed him my phone without really thinking and let him look it over, "and also I know that's not how you talk to people. No way in hell you would ever let them know they're more experienced than you."

"Mmm, you're right," Mika bummed, "normally I would ask them who they think they're talking to with that tone," he glanced over at me and his eyes filled with awe. He looked so amazingly gentle in that moment, I feel like I've seen it before but it was still kind of shocking, "You're practically glowing. I know this is random, I was just thinking about it all, about you. You're breathtaking. I don't mean looks, don't get me wrong, you're very handsome, but I mean personality. Everything about you is vibrant. There's no one like you. No one quite as kind or trusting. No one so willing to put up with my bullshit. No one who has seen the marks of my past and still greet me with a smile. I wish I could see things the way you do; cautiously, but open, willing to see the good... even when there is none."

"That's a weird thing to say while trying to decide between General Tso's and Sesame Seed, but thank you either way," I didn't want him to know that I was just as much of a liar as he was, about how very little good I genuinely thought he had, I didn't want him to know I knew what he was capable of, "I think I'm gonna go with the beef dumplings."

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