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Mika woke me up bright and early the next morning, excited for me to return to work with him. The previous night we had discussed if I needed more time after having a panic attack not even 12 hours before I would need to see patients and I assured him I was fine. What I wasn't fine with, was being dragged into the office with him when I didn't need to be there for another 2 hours! I could've slept another hour AT LEAST, but nooooooo.

"Stop sulking," he pulled me close to his side by the hip, "I'll pull the couch into my office and give you a blanket if you're really that fucking tired."

"I miss my bed." I whined.

"I miss your bed too. It's surprisingly comfortable." He laughed.

"Mika, if you start sleeping there every night, Yoichi and I will make you pay rent." I joked.

"Hmm, I'm pretty sure I already offered to pay your rent." He had a lot more pep in his step than usual. I kind of liked it.

"You're in a good mood today." I decided to point out, wanting to know the reason for my partner's sudden mood shift.

"Yeah?" He asked, "I'm happy that you were able to get all that stuff off of your chest and that we made some serious progress. Just the idea of me doing something for my own mental health making you happy is wild to me. Most of the people I've been with were very self centered. But this is something that doesn't affect you. It affects other people and me, yet you still went out of your way. You care about other people so much and I'm just realizing how lucky I am to have someone so caring by my side. I've never really had anyone be so upfront with me while still worrying. I think Asher cares about me a little, but he's not usually 'worried', ya know?" Mika was talking my ear off, but that was ok. It was nice to see him so happy. I was really tired so I couldn't tell how genuine he was being, but it was nice to see none the less.

The second the elevator opened I flopped down onto the couch, "Mr. Sierra is still out, right?" Mika nodded, "ok, then there's no reason to pull this into your office. No one is coming for at least another hour and I doubt anyone will come up here. I'll be fine." I said.

"Ah, yes, you're the peak of professionalism." Mikaela snickered as he walked into his office and closed the door without a second thought.



I can't keep letting Mikaela intimidate me. Especially if I'm going to go through with Yuu's plan.

Speak of the devil, laying there peacefully sleeping on the couch was none other than Yuu himself. Seeing him so content with a monster not even 20 feet away felt wrong. What felt arguably more wrong was how inclined I felt to be near him. He was actually doing wonders for Mikaela that no one thought was possible. He was trying to turn Mikaela into someone heathy. I didn't really think rehabilitation was possible for a Mikaela, I've seen others try, but if anyone could do it, it would be Yuu. I knew Mikaela needed Yuu, yet a buried part of me, a very selfish part, wanted to snatch Yuu up and hold him in my arms again. Unfortunately, you don't just lose those feelings like they were nothing. Who would've guessed?

I sat down on the floor, pressed my back against the couch as I looked up at him. Some things about him were a little bit different from last time, but it's only things that you would notice after staring at him 24/7 for the majority of life. His features were a little sharper, his eyes a little more rounded out, and his lips were just a shade darker. I tried to be as quiet as possible, glad to even be near him. I said that having him in my life was all that I needed to be happy, and I meant it. It was just a little hard to let go of someone after you've grown old and died together. He went first, the loss was absolutely crushing and I wanted nothing more than to see him again. I didn't last very long like that.

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