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I woke up in the middle of the night feeling weird. Not weird in a bad way, but not necessarily in a good way either, just weird. My head felt kind of fuzzy and I was more drowsy than usual when I woke up.

"Mika," I tapped his shoulder, for once he was actually out and I kind of felt bad for waking him up, "Mika Bika."

"HmmMMMmm?" He groaned.

"I feel weird." I told him.

"What do you mean you feel weird?" He half mumbled, he must've been just as tired as I was.

"My heads fuzzy." I said.

"That's probably because you just woke up out of a deep sleep," He yawned, "baby, I'm really tired and you probably are too. You'll feel better in the morning, I promise." He clumsily reached up to me and pulled me back down beside him, practically wrapping his body completely around mine.

"I really don't like this." I said.

"Sleep it off." Mika yawned again.

"No, Mika, seriously. I do not like the way that I feel right now." I felt my heart beat start to pump against my chest, but it still felt slowed.

Mika finally sat up and turned on the lamp, "Ok, what would you like me to do about that? Do you think it's something you ate?"

"Not really, we both ate the same thing and you seem fine." I said.

"Do you want me to go get you a water?" He asked.

"I, um, I would like a water but I know you're tired and you already seem kind of pissed, I don't really wanna inconvenience you so I can get it." I said and started to climb out.

"Nuh-uh," Mika pushed me back down on the bed, "I'm not mad, just tired. And inconvenience me? Shut up. I'd singlehandedly fight the entire nation of Sealand for you, bitch. I love you, bitch. I'm gonna go get you a bottle of water, bitch." he gave me a quick peck before forcing himself up.

I had never seen him that exhausted before. I still didn't like how I felt though. My body felt warm, it was a cozy kind of warm, but it was unnatural.

Mika groggily trudged back into the room and handed me the water.

"Mika, I'm really warm." I said.

He felt my forehead, "You don't have a fever, maybe just sleep above the covers."

"I'm really warm." I stressed.

"Ok," he sighed, "I mean this in the least sexual way possible, but take some of your clothes off."

"Oh, you're right. I'm a fucking idiot." I face palmed.

"Uh-uh, no you're noooooooooottt, you're smart, and handsome, and empathetic, and kind, and gentle, and good, and pure, and fashionable, and funny, and-" I cut him off with a hand over his mouth.

"Ok, ok, enough compliments go back to calling me a bitch." I joked.

"Beautiful bitch." He snickered.

I started to pull off my shirt when I noticed his eyes were practically glued to me, "Don't you look at me, hoe. This is non sexual. I will move rooms so fast."

"It's not sexual," he whined, "I just love you. Everything you do always has my full attention."

I took my shirt off lightning fast and pulled the string on the lamp so he couldn't be weird.

"You think that'll stop me?" He asked as he readjusted himself and pulled me on top of him, "Nothing stops me, pretty boy."

"Go back to bed." I lightly tapped the side of his cheek in a joke slap and he grabbed my hand and decided now was the perfect time to kiss random parts of me.

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