I let out a soft sigh. Being Queen and the only chance at destroying Maeve was more than I wished to tackle at this moment. I wished for nothing more than to spend time with Elena and Rowan, but it seemed the fates cared nothing for my life. Not that I should be surprised by that fact anymore.

"What is that ring on your finger?" Azriel asked, inching forward. His shadows curled around him frantically.

Lucien lifted his hand up and eyed the black band around his middle finger. I nearly hissed as it glinted in the light. Lysandra was not so willing to hide her disgust. The male flinched at the sound and watched the feline warily.

"And you are a hard shifter to catch," he finally smirked. "Quite the company you keep, Celaena."

"Better than yours of late, Lucien," I purred, letting my fingers absently run along the dagger in my lap. "Where is she?"

He looked as confused as the others, except for Lysandra, whose sharp green eyes narrowed in my direction. I had a feeling she knew exactly who I was talking about.

"If you're talking about Ianthe, I've stayed clear of her the past two days," he answered defensively. "I haven't been close to another female besides you in the past week."

"Oh, please do explain what you were doing in close proximity to a mated female," Mor growled. "A pregnant one at the time no less."

"What the hell is that smell?"

None of us had noticed Amren had left the room, but Lucien withered under her stare. Even I would have been on edge. Gods, she and Manon would get along well. Seven hells, I even missed the witch.

Her gaze dropped to the ring on his finger. "What is that?" she snapped again.

Lucien pulled it off his finger and held it out to her. She backed away from it. Those of the Night Court pulled weapons. It was clear Amren did not scare easy, but she had every reason in the world to fear this dark metal.

"Be a dear, Lu Lu, and hand me that ring," I commanded.

His eyebrows shot up to his hairline at the nickname. The others glanced at me cautiously. Lysandra hissed, but one look in her direction and she backed down.

He tossed the ring and I caught it with ease. The pain in my head exploded as it made contact with my skin. There was a familiar warmth in my nose the longer I looked it over.

I could smell Valg on it, but that was it. Whatever she had done with it, and with Lucien, set me on edge. I knew nothing of the game she was playing this time.

I set it on the table beside me, where I could keep an eye on it. Until I could decipher what her message was.

Feyre handed me a cloth for my bloody nose. I could see a question in her eyes, but I waved it off. I did not want Lucien in the room for that conversation.

"What is that?" Rhys inquired.

"Lucien, would you be a dear and go with Azriel and Cassian?" I suggested, though they all sensed it was anything but. "I'll talk to you later. And properly thank you for trying to keep me safe from Tamlin."

Rhysand nodded to the two males and they escorted him from the room. I felt Nesta glaring daggers at me, but I ignored her. I knew what it sounded like, but I wanted him shaking before I truly started my interrogation. Rowan was my one and only, so they had nothing to fear. I wouldn't do anything too terrible to the male.

"Why did you send him away?" Mor asked, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"Why the hell did you not tell me?!"

I winced as I turned to face Lysandra, who had shifted back to her human skin. This conversation would go over well.

"You weren't going to, were you?"

"Not until I was sure," I replied shortly.

She growled and began to pace, the floor taking most of her fury. "I thought we were finally getting through to you! That you never have to do anything on your own again. You think I don't want to go home to my husband? My mate? Your cousin needs you. Your mate needs you."

"And do you honestly think I don't know that?" I snarled, standing to keep from incinerating the sofa. Gods, I was so angry. Not at her, but the situation.

Feyre stood up, likely to step between us, but Mor pulled her down. A wise decision on her part.

"I don't want to pretend to be you anymore, Aelin. Aedion fucking hated me because of the plan you made! What do you think they would do if I had to do that again?" she yelled.

"I don't want to fight anymore!" I shouted back. "I'm fucking tired of it! I don't want you to be me, and remind me to kill Aedion when we get back. But this is my fight."

"I won't let you fight her on your own, Aelin—"

"You will not fight her, Lysandra," I spat. I was beyond furious now. Flames licked at my skin as they wrapped around my fingers. "Not now. Not ever. If you ever think of doing something so reckless, I will force you to submit."

Her skin rippled with magic. She was trying to stay human. "Listen, I don't care if you're my Queen or not—"

"That is enough!" I roared. "You are not blood-sworn to me—"

"And I'm thankful for that everyday." I glared at her. "Someone has to stop you from being stupid."

"But I will risk my life because I am the one least likely to die trying," I explained, the anger vanishing from my body, my fire with it. I was exhausted. "This is my fight, Lysandra. It always has been. You know what the gods planned for me before I was born. She just happened to escape my plans. If something happens to me, Evangeline and Elena still need to get home. Elena would need a mother. Promise me, Lys. That if I don't make it, you will get them home."

"Gods, I hate your promises," she groaned, rolling her eyes. "But, I will, should the worst happen."

"Thank you."

It was silent a moment before Cassian spoke up.

"You're a Queen?!"

A Court of Stags and NightOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant