Chapter 12 - School Dance

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Chapter 12: Jessica's POV

It has been a week since the nightmare and me telling Blake about my past. He has been by my side and helped me through everything.

The school dance is today and Amy and I planned on getting ready at my house and then Blake is picking us up and taking us.

I am sitting on my bed watching Netflix when my phone rings. I take it from my bed stand and see the caller ID's name. Amy.

"Hey girlll!" she says, stretching out the 'l'

"Hey Amy, what's up?"

"I am standing in front of your house Jess! I am knocking like crazy but no one answers the freaking door! Are you even home?" she is screaming, and I literally have to keep the phone away from my ear otherwise I'll be deaf.

"Okay, jeez Amy, I'm coming!" I tell her while walking to the door.

When I reach the door Amy bangs on it one last time. "Amy! I said I am on my way!" I yell at her and open the door. She smiles widely and steps into the house.

It looks like she brought her whole room to my house. She is standing there with hair products, makeup, three pairs of shoes and four dresses.

"Amy we are just going to a dance. It looks like you are moving in with me." I tell her and she looks at me with an eyebrow raised.

"Jessica, I don't think you understand. All of this is not only for me it's for you too. You want to look hot for Blake don't you? Well then I have my work cut out for me."

"Why are you here now Amy? I told you to come in about an hour."

"Oh Jess! We have a lot to do."

She pinches my cheeks the way an old lady in Target would do while you are searching for your favorite kinds of fruit. That was a weird explanation, but I'm sure everyone can relate.

We walk up stairs to my room and I go to sit on my bed when she grabs my arm and says, "Oh no Jess. We are getting you ready. I think you had enough Netflix today."

I look at her and pout, but she just shakes her head and opens my closet. She searches through my dresses and pulls out a purple one she bought for me as a birthday present.

The red dress I fitted the day Blake and I went shopping is long gone. I threw it away the moment I came home that day.

She hands it to me and walk to my bed where she hands me a pair of nude heels and a gold ankle bracelet to go with it.

I walk to my bathroom and change into the clothes and jewelry. I walk out and see Amy packing out her makeup stuff everywhere. My room looks like the aftermath of a tornado, but I am not complaining. If it weren't for my best friend I wouldn't look 'hot' as she calls it.

She does my makeup and hair and then she does her own. It is almost time for Blake to pick us up and my nerves are really getting the best of me.

The dance is at six and it is currently 17:40

My phone vibrates with a text from Blake.

Blake: Hey beautiful. I'm outside

I tell Amy, and we get our stuff and walk outside to Blake's car. He is leaning against his car, with a black tuxedo, a white shirt and a purple tie, the same shade of purple as my dress. Amy probably texted him saying what color to wear.

When he sees us he straightens up and opens the front door for me and the back door for Amy.

The drive is silent, Blake looks at me every now and then, and every time he does, my cheeks heat up.

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