ch 1. A normal day at the cafe

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Kenzi watched from her table next to the window, the sun warming her back. She knew this is why cats lay in windows, the warmth that the sun gave you. It gave her a comforting feeling to feel the warmth on her like a hug. Her sketch pad sat on her lap, her charcoal pencil hovering just above the paper. The drawing was near completion. Kenzi watched through the tops of her lashes, her head down as to not look like she was looking at her. Although, she wondered how anyone could not look at this woman.

The woman's tawny brown skin, her high cheekbones and raven black hair gave her an overall regal look. Her hair was down in soft tight curls that famed her face when she lowered her head. But the woman's eyes, oh my! They were a soft grey that laughed when she looked at you. And the woman had caught Kenzi looking at her multiple times as she sketched her likeness on the paper, or tried to capture her likeness at least.

Kenzi looked down at her paper and it didn't appear she had done the woman justice! Kenzi squeezed her lips together to hold back the laugh as yet another man nearly tripped while doing a double take of the exotically stunning woman.

The woman held her coffee cup in front of her lips pretending not to notice the slip up, her cup just millimeters from her lips blocking their exquisite thin lines from the poor man. Kenzi saw the smile even though it didn't lift more than the corner of her mouth.

Kenzi went back to some of the details of the woman's appearance to refine them as the woman had blocked her view of her mouth enough that she didn't want to continue without looking at her lips fully again. She went back to the bracelet around her wrist. Nothing extravagant. Just a simple, elegant charm bracelet in sliver it appeared. One small charm hung from it, it was black in color and reminded her of the yen and yang symbol. Instead of the two chasing waves there were three on this one.

Kenzi put the finishing touches on the bracelet wondering what the emblem stood for. Judging by the overall appearance of the woman before her she surmised it had something to do with beauty and wealth. Some sort of love symbol perhaps? Was it a goddess symbol of some sort? Was this woman that arrogant? Kenzi slid her phone to her and tapped up Google. If Google didn't know, then nobody would.

Typing in "Yen and Yang with three waves" a multitude of non-help was given to her. She tapped over to the images icon and looked at pictures. Again a multitude of non-help. C'mon Google!

She was just about to shut it off when at the very bottom of the fifth page of images she saw the symbol. She clicked on it and it flipped to a full size version. Thanks Google! The bottom of the page caused her breath to draw in sharply in surprise. No, that couldn't be the same symbol.

Back to the Google homepage. This time she typed in "BDSM symbols". She shook her head and laughed at herself for even thinking that was the same symbol. She checked the woman's wrist again as the page loaded.

Tapping the first item on the list supplied by Google she found a web page on BDSM. Scrolling down she found the symbol again. It most definitely was the same symbol. The page went into detail on explaining the significance of the symbol and the lifestyle choice itself.

Dammit Google! You are playing tricks on me! Kenzi scoffed. She tossed her phone back on the table for the joke it was playing on her. There was no way that elegant woman was part of that type of raunchy lifestyle. Whips, chains, leather masks? Bondage, wax and crops? No, no, no! This woman was pampered. This woman was well taken care of. This woman was spoiled! Everything about her appearance screamed elegance.

She wasn't degraded with various torture devices. She wasn't treated like a street whore. She wasn't mistreated or treated like shit. She wasn't beaten for someone else's amusement! Someone looked after this woman and looked after her very well. Kenzi went back to looking at her as the beauty put her coffee cup down.

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