'Hello everyone. My name is Storm. This is my friend Luna. We are here from the future on a mission. As you can see by our guild marks we are future members of this guild. I can't reveal anything else to you, for it might jeopardize our very existence. Thank you."

Everyone seemed to accept that. Then I spotted Natsu in the crowd. Luna was staring at him with a huge smile on her face. She jumped free from Storm and yelled, "Daddy!"

She ran straight into him and they both fell to the ground. Lucy's eyes widened.
"D-daddy?" I face palmed.

Now we were in for it. Natsu was just as surprised as Lucy. They stared at each other with a look of horror on their faces. Storm picked up Luna and dragged her off.
"Now you've done it."

She had messed up big time. I grabbed a hold of my sister's arm as she tried to walk over to Luna. She struggled against my grip. I realized I wouldn't be able to hold her much longer. So I did what my mom had taught me to do. I formed a water bubble around my sister. Jasmine pounded against the side of it. I knew I had to wait until she calmed down. She stopped struggling and grabbed her throat. I immediately released the bubble and let her fall to the floor. She coughed and sputtered for a minute before getting up and giving me a death stare. I shrugged. She knew that mom had told me to do that. Jasmine had a huge temper problem. Almost drowning her was the only way to calm her rage sometimes. Yet again, Luna messed up.
"Wow. Your mom did really well teaching you her magic. That rain woman sure is a good teacher."

I saw our mom in the crowd. Her eyes grew to the size of saucers. I couldn't believe Luna kept doing this. Why couldn't she just keep her mouth shut? Our mom ran up to us. She grabbed me and my sister by our arms and studied us. Soon, she smiled and wrapped us into a hug. I was in shock.

"Juvia's children are so perfect!" My mom was squeezing the life out of me. She released us and looked at us again.

"Who is the father of Juvia's children?"
Lucky for me I didn't have to answer. Luna opened her big mouth again and said, "How can you not tell? They look just like Gray."

My mom's face turned red. I looked at my dad in the crowd. His face was so hot it was steaming. I remembered my dad said he used to act like he didn't like her. Didn't want to ruin his image or something. So much for that. Storm had finally lost her patience. She turned her arm into iron and hit Luna across the face.
She yelled, "What's the matter with you flame brain? Do you have any idea what you could mess up if you give all this away?"

Luna rubbed her face before turning back to Storm and replying, "You're just like your dad you know. I get that you're daddy's girl and all, but that doesn't mean you have to be just like Gajeel!"
Someone fell from the rafters and hit the floor. It was Gajeel. Storm was upset now.
"At least I know when to shut my mouth! You always say things without thinking! Now our very existence could be in jeopardy! And when it comes to dads, at least mine knows how to calm down!"

Luna was shaking with anger at this point. Storm was too.
Luna screamed, "Well at least my dad didn't try to kill my mom!"

We all grew quiet. Luna stopped. She knew she had taken it to far. Storm was frozen in place. No one talked about when Gajeel had first met Levy. Especially not to Storm. It would upset me too if that had been how my parents had met. I knew my parents had met fighting but they didn't take it that far. Storm's eyes watered. Luna walked towards Storm.

"Oh my gosh Storm. I didn't mean to say that. You know I didn't mean it right? I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry."

Storm blinked away the tears and faked a smile.
"It's fine. Let's just get out of here and start our mission." Luna nodded.

"Just a minute."

We all looked over and saw master pointing at us.

"Give us your names. I would also like to know who you other two are related too." He looked over Storm.

"Who is your mother?" Storm looked stunned before replying, " Levy."

Everyone gasped and looked at Gajeel. His face was pale. A few people were looking at Levy who was just as pale. Master then turned and pointed at Teron.
"What is your name and who are your parents?"
Despite the circumstances,  Teron was perfectly calm.
"My name is Teron. My mom's name is Erza and my dad is known as Mystogon."
People didn't seem to be surprised by this. Master's finger turned to us.
"What are your names?"
I gulped. My sister was the one who spoke up.
"My name is Jasmine. This little wuss right here is my twin brother Chase." Mom hugged us again.

"Jasmine and Chase are perfect!"

I couldn't help but smile. Looks like are identities didn't stay a secret for long.


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