Chapter 7: Even More Surprises

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Levy's POV
Gajeel scowled at Chase for the rest of the trip back to the guild. I couldn't help but find it cute how protective he was being of our daughter.
Our daughter.
I still couldn't believe me and Gajeel would end up together in the future. I mean, yeah, he's protective and sweet, but still! I could tell the kids were all worried about Chase. It had to be scary, knowing that at any moment he could snap. Chase was even more scared than the rest of us. He was shaking slightly, only moving when Storm or Jasmine urged him on. He still looked as if he might cry at any moment. I noticed Gray watching his kids. His eyes were full of concern. Juvia had Gray's arm in a death grip. He didn't seem to mind. Juvia released Gray's arm and ran up to the kids. Storm reluctantly let go of Chase's arm so that Juvia could help her son. Chase looked at his mother, and his jaw started to quiver. He looked back at the road we were taking to get to the train station. Teron was the only one of us who seemed calm. However, he was keeping his darkness suit equipped. He might have still been worried. Storm walked a few paces behind Chase now. Chase calmed down a little once we reached the station. He was still scared, but hey, I would be too. The train ride was filled with the pitiful cries of our "oh so strong" dragon slayers. Chase had finally relaxed. He started arguing with Jasmine when she wouldn't stop picking on the dragon slayers. All the dragon slayers started cheering when we finally stopped. Everyone was talking and laughing while we walked to the guild. Except for Storm.

"What's wrong Storm?"

She held up a finger to silence me. I was about to say something, until I realized she was sniffing the air. Luna seemed to smell something too. Storm's eyes widened, then turned into thin slits.
"That little turd muncher."

Before I could ask her what she meant, she had already taken off.

"Wait up!", Luna yelled as she tried to keep up. I exchanged a glance with Gajeel before racing after the girls. Storm threw open the large doors of the guild and was peering inside.

"Do you know our visitor?"

She nodded at me. Suddenly, her eyes widened. I followed her gaze and saw a small preteen boy. He had black hair that stuck out in all directions, and was carrying a small bag over his shoulder. The boy was smiling and laughing. Until he looked in our direction. He had his eyes stuck on Storm. He seemed nervous.
Storm screamed, " Dawson Aerdan Redfox!"

I looked at the boy.
This must be our son, I thought to myself.
Gajeel came up behind me and asked, "What's going on?"

I pointed at the boy and stated,
"That's our son."

Storm charged at Dawson. He tried to run, but she caught him quickly. She turned her hands into iron and started grinding them into his head.

"What the heck do you think you're doing here? Don't even try to tell me master sent you, because I know for a fact that if there was a problem, he would have sent an expierinced wizard to tell us about it!"

Dawson began to whine, "Quit it Storm! Mom said you can't do this to me anymore!"
"Well the mom that said that isn't here, and if she was, I think she would make an exception."

She transformed her hands back to normal and sighed.
"Dawson, why are you here?"

Dawson immediately pointed to his right, "It's their fault! I was trying to get them back."
I looked over and saw two small children bothering Elfman. One was a girl, the other, a boy. They both had white hair like Elfman's. They looked to be about seven or eight years old. I walked over and pried the children off of Elfman.
"Daddy, where's momma?", the girl asked.
Jasmine sighed and knelt down so she was eye level with them.

"Guys, you know you shouldn't be here. Your parents are probably worried sick."
The boy pointed up at Elfman,
"But daddy's here."
"You're in the past Shawn, your parents aren't even together yet."

Shawn turned his head to the side like a confused puppy. Jasmine calmly explained to them what being in the past meant. She acted differently with these kids. It was actually kinda sweet.
After she finished explaining, she asked them, "How did you even work the machine? "

The girl, who I learned was Clementine, said, "We just pushed the big button."
Jasmine sweat dropped. Before anyone could say anything else, a bright light appeared in the middle of the guild hall. Three people fell from it. Luckily, Mirajane had decided to put a huge mattress there. There were two girls, and one boy. Dawson, Clementine, and Shawn straightened as the woman wearing a cowboy hat walked over.

"What were you three thinking? You could have gotten yourselves hurt! "
All three kids simotaneously answered, "Sorry Asuka."
I had to do a double take.

Asuka? Is that really her?

She did resemble her. I couldn't believe little Asuka would grow up so much. I mean, I knew she would grow up, it's just different when you see the change firsthand. That's all. I noticed the boy helping the other girl who had appeared up. They both looked really familiar. I walked towards them to get a better look. I recognized them as soon as I saw their faces. I ran up to them and grabbed them by their arms.
"Wendy? Romeo? Is it really you?"
Wendy squeled as I grabbed her arm.
Romeo responded,
"Wh-who is th-that?"
I smiled. Natsu came over and narrowed his eyes at the pair. The boy I thought was Romeo had his arm around Wendy's waist. After a few more seconds, Natsu smiled.
"Hey, it is you guys!"

They both started shaking, but before they could protest, Storm said, "Don't worry about it guys. They already know about us."

Asuka walked over to her with her hands on her hips.
I felt myself back up a few paces. She was really intimidating! Storm didn't seem affected though.

Asuka said, "You have some explaining to do."


Yes they do.

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