Chapter 6: Secrets

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No one's POV

(I think I'll do this for the rest of the book)

"Okay, time to figure out the sleeping arrangements."

Storm stood up, as did everyone else. Luna looked over everyone. A light bulb appeared over her head. All the other children began trembling in fear. Luna's ideas weren't usually the best. Luna smiled like a little demon. She unzipped all the tents before saying,

"Storm and Chase will share the blue tent!"

Chase yelled, "What!?"

Luna giggled and shoved the two into the tent before zipping it up. You could almost hear Chase blushing through the tent. Now everyone was cowering in fear. Except Natsu. Luna grabbed Natsu and Lucy by their arms and threw them into an orange tent. Lucy was screaming. Luna chirped,

"You always said you wanted some alone time with daddy. Even if this is the past, I'll grant you your wish."

She hurriedly grabbed Jasmine and Teron before they could run. Jasmine screamed,

"Let me go you baka!"

"That's not nice. Oh well. You're probably just tired. You can share that purple tent with Teron."

She pushed them in and zipped up the tent. Soon, she had everyone set up just the way they needed to be. Gajeel and Levy were sharing a tent, just as Gray and Juvia were. Erza and Mystogon had gone into their tent willingly. That was a first for Luna. Luna had brought Happy with her. She was fine with being the odd one out if it meant that her friends finally realized their feeling for each other. Plus, all the adults together just seemed right to Luna. After all, it was how she had grown up.

When she woke up, everyone else was already packing up. Luna stretched and collapsed her tent. She could feel everyone's eyes boring into her, but she didn't care. She pulled a match out of her bag and lit it. She immediately swallowed the small flame. Gajeel got up and boomed,

"We might as well get an early start today. Let's head out."

Everyone got to their feet except Teron. Chase walked over to him.

"Come on. We need to find this guy."

"No need."

Chase jumped up in surprise and shouted,

"What do you mean there's 'no need'?"

"The guy we're looking for was spotted at some beach. Happy came and told me the news last night. Master had some wizard send him the message."

Jasmine stood with her back on a tree.

"Happy also said that they needed us at the guild. Said we had some visitors."

A cloud of question marks hovered in the air. No one knew what Happy meant by that. Gajeel stated,

"Well let's go back then.",

before lifting a cursing Levy over his shoulder and walking off. Storm watched them with round eyes. She slowly smiled before running after her parents. Luna squealed and hopped around. Juvia started pestering Gray.

"Why doesn't Gray-sama carry Juvia like that?"

Gray sighed and grabbed Juvia's hand. Juvia blushed. Jasmine grabbed Chase's arm and dragged him behind her as they followed their parents. Teron walked in front of his parents. Mystogon was blushing. Erza was dragging her mound of luggage behind her. Luna looped her arms through her parents and marched along with them. Happy flew overhead, making jokes at everyone's expense. Needless to say, there was a lot of yelling. Chase managed to stand after a few minutes. His sister was still dragging him though, to the point where she was hurting his arm.

"Let me go Jasmine! You're hurting my arm!"

Jasmine acted like she didn't hear him. Gray looked back at the boy.

"What's wrong with Chase's eyes?"

Jasmine immediately spun around to face her brother. His eyes had turned a dirty yellow. Jasmine's eyes widened. Storm grabbed her father's arm. Teron requipped into his darkness suit. Luna's hair flamed up. Chase smiled cruelly at his sister.

"I said..."

A water tentacle wrapped around Jasmine's waist and lifted her feet an inch off the ground.

"let go!"

The water tentacle tightened around her. Jasmine screamed and let go of her brother's arm. He dropped her and she hit the ground hard. Teron popped out of nowhere and stood between the two siblings. Gray and Juvia helped their daughter stand. They looked at Chase. They were surprised by his outburst. Gray put his arm around Juvia's waist and watched his son. Gajeel had turned his skin into pure iron, and tightened his grip on Levy. Storm had transformed her skin as well. Lucy was trying to hold on to Luna, who was struggling from her grasp. Natsu held his arm out in front of the struggling pair. Chase's smile grew bigger. He suddenly cried out in pain and fell to his knees. Everyone waited in silence. Chase looked up with his usual brown eyes. They all relaxed slightly. Chase took notice and searched the faces of his friends. He didn't know what had just happened, but they did. He looked up at his sister. She was clutching her hips in pain.


Chase jumped to his feet and rushed over to his sister. Gray stood beside him, his muscles tensed.

"Jasmine are you okay?"

Jasmine gave her brother a weak smile.

"I'm fine. Probably bruised, but fine."

"What happened?"

Jasmine grimaced. Juvia stepped forward and put her hand on Jasmine's shoulder. Chase backed up a few paces before repeating,

"What happened?"

Storm let go of her father and raced over to the confused mage. She wrapped her arms around him, confusing him even more. She released him, and looked into his eyes, making sure what had appeared earlier was now gone.

"That thing is back again Chase."

Chase's eyes widened. He glanced over at his sister again. His eyes filled with tears that he wouldn't let fall. He clenched his fist. Luna finally broke free of her mother and walked over to Chase. She put her hand on his shoulder and gave him one of her famous smiles.

"Don't worry about it Chase. You beat this thing once, you can do it again."

Natsu yelled,

"Mind telling us what's going on?"

Chase looked up at the adults as they crowded around. He began,

"Back when I was seven, there was this huge demon problem going on. You guys were gone everyday fighting them off. One day, some demons attacked the house while you were gone. Asuka was babysitting us. She fought off all the demons. One of them got past her though. It went inside me when no one was looking. When I went to the guild a few days later, it took over."

Teron took over the story.

"His power was suddenly stronger and he was destructive. He attacked everyone. He snapped out of it right before the guild was about to fall in on itself. It's been dormant ever since then, but it seems the demon is making a comeback."
Everyone was silent. The group slowly continued on it's journey. Jasmine and Storm stayed by Chase's side for the rest of journey back to the guild.


My poor baby! (Chase)

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