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"Harry, please," Draco pleaded right when Harry closed the door behind him. He hoped the shorter boy would reconsider, as their last conversation occurred days ago. "You told me you loved me!"

"Not this you, the letter you," he groaned, annoyed.

"You told me I'm hot?"

"And what difference does that make?" this time, he whisper-shouted, "You made my life a living hell! Do you have any idea how insecure, how anxious I have been because of you? And now you're asking me to be your lover? How do you think I feel?"

Draco raised an eyebrow: "It's all about you again, isn't it? My feelings don't matter, right?" He made a slight pause, then continued. "I've been raised to be better than you, and punished every time I wasn't. Do you think it didn't have any mental harm on me? Well, you're wrong. You didn't see the look my father gave me when I told him I have a crush on a male Gryffindor, it could frighten dementors. And here I am, offering you every single inch of me when I'm the one who should be rejecting you. I'm breaking all the manners my father had taught me, dishonouring our family's name, and making a fool of myself. If my relatives saw me, I would lose all their respect, but a person like you wouldn't understand that, right, Potter?" 

And there he was, back to the 'Potter' basis. It somehow stung Harry in his heart, but should he care? And if not, why did he?

"You don't understand, Potter," Draco cried, "This love suffocates me, eats me from inside out. It hurts. And I totally get your anger, since I had more time to adjust to the reality, but at least stop pushing me away, and give me a fucking chance!"

"Fine, Draco," Harry nodded, being unaware of how the way he said the older's name made his heart jump, "I'm giving you a chance to undo every bad thing you've ever done to me. Fuck it up once, and we're done. But I have a few remarks."

"Go ahead," Draco nodded, a small smile present on his face.

"Nobody must know about this."


"We will behave like enemies in front of the others, as Ron will start having suspicions."


"We change our meeting place, since I've seen Filch started to take interest in that area the other night."

"Also agreed."

For the first time ever, Harry pulled out the most generous smile that was directly aimed at Draco. It made his heart do a little spin, then other two. "I am willing to forget and forgive, Draco," he reached out his hand and caressed the older on his soft cheek, "You just have to deserve it. The same way I deserved your love."

"We should split now," the Slytherin nodded, a faint blush painting his slim face. And so they did, each one walking in a different direction. The corridors were, luckily, empty, as Harry has only come for his checkup to Madam Pomfrey, but Draco somehow found him. It didn't take long for Ron and Hermione to join the green-eyed boy. Their Herbology lesson just ended, and as if instantly, Hermione stretched out her hand with her notes for Harry to copy. 

"So, is everything okay?" Ron asked his best friend, nudging his side.

"Physically? Yes. Mentally? Absolutely no," he shook his head, pinching the bridge of his nose. Before his friend could ask too much, he opened his mouth to speak again. "I'm having some letter-mate issues."

"What is it, Harry? You know you can talk to us," Hermione reassured him with a sweet smile, like she always did. The raven-haired knew he could wipe it off just by mentioning Draco, so he shook his head instead. He realised how big of an argument he could cause by saying he gave him a chance. They wouldn't understand all the loving words he shared with his enemy, just because of the fact that he is Draco Malfoy.

"Not a big deal. We haven't talked a lot recently," which was true. As Harry was shook from the information he was given, he didn't have the slightest thought of visiting that bathroom for the last four days. He won't visit it the following days either. There's simply no need to anymore. He found what he was looking for. And maybe, in the deepest part of his mind, he was relieved it had a form of Draco Malfoy.

Speaking of Draco Malfoy, he was out of it for the rest of the day. Although he didn't share any classes with the Gryffindor, he found himself spacing out a lot more than ever. Harry Potter gave him a chance. It seemed... unreal. He knew he would do his best to regain his trust. If by any chance Harry still feels something towards his letter-self, it shouldn't be a problem.

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