Chapter 26

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"Where were you last night?" Vikram questioned her the next morning.
Her face was dull and puffy which indicated that she overslept and time was one in the afternoon already.
"What happened to your eyes?" he questioned her.
"Nothing that you need to care about," she retorted back. "Even I have something called privacy. Keep your nose out of my fucking business."
She went inside the bath.
"Family is weird!" Vikram muttered under his breath. The smell of dosa reached his nostril and he met his mother-in-law by the door. He stood up from the bed silently as he didn't know how to address the elder woman.
"Is she here?" Revathy asked him, checking inside the room. Vikram looked at the closed door of the bathroom and nodded.
"I need to leave before she sees me," Revathy said in a hurry.
Vikram stopped her, "I need to talk to you about something very concerning regarding Madhu. Who is your other son?"
Revathy became pale at his words, "You are talking about Madhan. Is she struggling again? What's been going on?"
Vikram looked at the photographs on the wall, "Madhu felt uncomfortable at those pictures. She doesn't share her feelings with me."
"He was Madhav's twin who died during a picnic," Revathy initiated the story. "She's been finding it incredibly difficult to cope with the loss. She loved her brother so much and his sudden death left a void in all of our lives. It's her who still carries that pain."
Vikram consoled her, "I can't imagine what she might have gone through. Has she spoken to a therapist?"
"She had panic attacks and it was cured in her teens itself," Revathy informed him. "Bit your actions would trigger her."
Vikram bowed his head in shame.
Revathy shared that family gatherings too triggered Madhu. "She seldom attends events."
Vikram could relate, "She might not want to meet nosy relatives..."
Revathy shrugged. "That photo was taken some days before his death. It might've triggered her."
"Why couldn't she share about him?" Vikram questioned the old woman.
She sighed, "She thinks herself to be the reason for his death."
"I can't understand..." he dawdled.
Revathy sighed, "Whatever it is... She cried a lot yesterday. Don't stress her."
"Ma?" Madhu came out of the bath, "What are you doing now?"
"Guest is god..." Revathy answered her and went out.
Madhu scowled at her mother and exchanged the same nasty stare with Vikram. "Should I tell you to get out?"
"Your dad is meeting the shareholders downstairs. I don't want to be there," he explained to her.
"Oh! Shit!" she cursed. "They will ask about loans!"


The library was filled with a tensed hush as Praneet sat on his seat and the shareholders to his opposite. They were giving him disgruntled expressions and concerned murmurs. Praneet felt anxious to meet them.
One of the shareholders voiced out his concern, "Even though it's a personal issue, we want to know why your daughter is here. The media speculates a divorce."
"None of your concerns," said Praneet.
"It could affect your inheritance and the stability of the company. We are running a corporation, not just your family business," warned another partner. "We understand that personal lives can be complicated but we need assurance that it won't jeopardize our investments and stakes in the company."
"Also there is legal entanglement," added another investor.
Praneet maintained stern eye contact with the shareholders. His family knew that he was pissed whenever he had that expression.
"I appreciate your concerns," Madhu announced from the doorway. "I want to assure all of you that my personal life will not interfere with our dedication to the business."
Praneet was surprised by her sudden arrival.
She talked confidently, "I want to clarify that the company and its assets are entirely separate from my personal affairs. And it's none of your business."
"Why did you come here?" Praneet queried her. He would have handled the issue without disturbing her.
Shareholders laughed.
"You might say that. We need concrete guarantees to continue business," one said.
Madhu nodded, "I can understand your worries. But there are legal agreements to safeguard the company from my matters."
"Yes," said Praneet and passed a file. The shareholders examined the papers with interest and ease. Praneet made certain provisions in the business to prevent problems due to death and other unforeseen circumstances.
"Is she divorcing him?" One of them asked.
Madhu rolled her eyes.
"We are searching for a bride for my brother of forty years. As she is second-hand now, can you meet him?" another one commented.
Praneet leaned in front of his seat and hissed, "What did you say?"
Without him finishing the sentence, Vikram vaulted inside the room and started punching that man. "How dare you disrespect my wife, bastard?"
He whacked the man into rags.
Madhu, who knew his temperament, feared for the life of another guy even though she wanted him to be dead.
"Leave him!" She said after a good five-minute ruckus. Vikram pushed the guy to the floor, "I am still her husband. Mind your words to my wife and her family."
Praneet was astonished at the uproar and felt relieved by his help. Madhu dragged Vikram out of the room.

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