Chapter 42

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Madhu gazed at Vikram's immense mansion, contemplating whether to enter or to pull back. Vikram, with a gentle touch on her shoulders and a reassuring smile, led her way. He had been caring for her for the past two days. She yearned for someone to confide in her pain but couldn't talk.
"Come," he guided her into the house with a gentleness like his new bride. Madhu settled on the couch and was promptly served fresh juice. Placing the glass on the table, she lowered her head in a gesture that spoke volumes.

Revathy asked her with concern etched onto her face, "You don't want orange juice?"
Madhu maintained her gaze on the floor and subtly shook her head, providing a sense of relief to the others.
Praneet interjected, "We contemplated taking her back, but Vikram's sincerity in his approach convinced me. I trust him..."
Madhu harboured doubts about her place in this relationship, yet Vikram squeezed her hand and addressed the room, "While we may have begun with a contractual marriage, what we have now is genuine. I love Madhu with all my heart and wish to spend my life with her, regardless of her adoption."
Revathy nodded in agreement, saying, "We can see the depth of your love for her. If you can keep her happy, it means a lot to us."
Sooraj summed it up, "We've always wanted the best for her, and I'm proud that my son stands by her. He's made a wise decision this time. We all support them."
Tension in the room began to dissipate as optimism and love filled the air. They shared more joyful anecdotes, but Madhu seemed out of place amidst the cheerful atmosphere.
Vikram turned to Madhu's best friend, Ankitha, and suggested, "Ankitha, could you take her to our room? She must be tired..."
He believed that Madhu might feel more comfortable alone. Ankitha agreed and led Madhu away.
Vikram let out a sigh and leaned back on the sofa, confessing, "I think she no longer wants this marriage. She's hesitant that I'll perceive her as unlucky..."
Niyati chimed in, "Do you see her that way?"
He nodded.
"Then make her feel cherished. Assure her that you'll stand by her, not just in words, but through your actions," she advised.
Praneet acknowledged that their marriage wasn't typical, saying, "We're grateful that both of you have found your footing in this relationship."
Rati added, "Yes, she was destined to be a part of your family. I believe Malvika would've had a challenging time as Vikram's wife!"
Praneet reminded them sadly, "She had even started karate lessons just before all this..."
Rati bit her lip, "I apologize for bringing up that topic. I was merely highlighting how well Madhu complements Vikram."
"We understand," Revathy reassured her.
Vikram, offering a stern look, scoffed at Rati and said, "No need for your comments."
Madhav confirmed, "We're all here to support you."
The weight of doubts was lifted in that living room, replaced with unity and acceptance. No more hidden secrets and Vikram felt a sense of relief.
However, a new doubt crept into his mind—what if Madhu wanted to leave him?


Madhav sat on the edge of the lawn's settee with tears welling up in his eyes. Ankitha stood near the fountain, facing her back at him.
"I don't know what to do. Madhu hasn't seen my face since she got to know the truth..." he wailed. "I don't think we committed a huge mistake."
Ankitha pitied him, "She sat like a possessed woman in her bedroom. I talked with her but I guess she couldn't introspect my words."
"Had we ever mistreated her? Did you get any doubt that she might not be our family?" Madhav queried her.
Ankitha nodded with a soft expression.
His voice trembled, "I miss the way things used to be before her wedding. She was my best friend and now, she won't even talk to me."
Ankitha pondered with a sullen face.
Madhav wiped away his tears with the back of his hand, "I can't breathe with this hostility from her."
"Her world collapsed yesterday. She needs time to come to terms with her adoption. It doesn't imply she will walk over you," she explained calmly.
Madhav could agree with her, "At least if she tells us how she feels, we can help her..."
Ankitha glared at him, "Why can't you be kind to other women too?"
Madhav was taken aback. She gritted her jaw, "Why did you rape me?"
"What!" Madhav gaped at her in surprise, "You asked another guy to come with you. You were drunk and... I couldn't let another guy..."
"In the context of saving me from another guy, you slept with me!" she retorted in irritation.
He stood up and challenged Ankitha in the same tone, "You removed your dress and asked me to come inside you. I am a man with hormones... And you are the woman I liked. How could I stop myself? I was drunk too."
"I didn't give consent while being drunk," she pointed out her logic. He arched his brows, "You placed your hand inside my pants and found that I was hard. When did I give you consent for that? Consent is for both men and women, Ankitha."
Ankitha gulped her dry throat. She remembered nothing but being drunk as a skunk.
"I regretted giving you my best when you couldn't remember the details," he whined. "I know I made a mistake and tried to apologise but you didn't receive my calls and messages. And you were asking for it at the party. I couldn't stop myself, Ankitha. I am a straight guy as well!"
Ankitha slapped her forehead and made a serious face within a few seconds, "Let's focus on Madhu now."
She was embarrassed.
Madhav turned serious, "You are the person she looks up to apart from Vikram."
Madhav took a deep breath, "I know... We took a backseat a long time ago."
"She loves him. Love comes first!" she debated.
Madhav eyed her top-to-bottom and nodded in irritation.
"What? You slept with me for your so-called love..." she reminded him.
Madhav bowed his head, "Can we just speak about Madhu?"
Ankitha smirked, "Otherwise?"
Madhu pulled her towards him and whispered that he would kiss her.

Madhu stood outside the guest room where her uncle and aunt had been staying for a week, her mind heavy with conflicting emotions. She didn't understand why she had gone there but the advice and reassurance from people around her had started to make sense. Her uncle had been left with no other option but to shield her from the truth, and he had never manipulated or mistreated her for the sake of the inheritance.
Taking a deep breath, she decided to let go of her bitterness and begin the process of healing and rebuilding her life. Coincidentally, Praneet opened the door and was taken aback by her presence. He offered a faint, understanding smile, and she immediately lowered her gaze to the floor.
"Do you need something?" he inquired, breaking the silence that had settled between them.
Madhu felt conflicted, unsure of how to respond, and began to turn away. Praneet, however, gently grasped her hand and held her in place.
"I'm sorry, Madhu. I'm sorry for everything," he murmured, his voice filled with genuine regret. "I had no idea that our lives would shatter you like this. I was selfish in my desire to keep you with us."
Madhu hesitated for a moment, her gaze briefly meeting his. She had a sense that he was referring to the inheritance and the burden it had placed on her.
"You've suffered because of my misguided protection. I should have treated you like a queen as I promised Prakash," Praneet continued, his eyes brimming with tears as he held her hands.
Madhu felt a wave of sympathy and compassion for him. She knew he had made mistakes, but she could see the remorse in his eyes.
"I've caused you so much pain with my actions," he lamented. "I should have done better."
Madhu, finally finding her voice, whispered, "Can I still call you my father?"
Praneet stood there, stunned by her unexpected words, and then a warm smile broke across his face.
"Why not?" he replied, tears of relief mingling with hers as he pulled her into a tight embrace.
Madhu felt a deep sense of comfort as she allowed herself to be welcomed back into the family's embrace. Revathy, who had been waiting inside the room, rushed forward and hugged Madhu tightly, sharing in the joy of their reunion.
Praneet took a cherished photograph from his wallet and handed it to Madhu. "Meet your parents and your sister," he said with a sense of pride.
Madhu studied the worn photograph with care, her fingers tracing over the faces frozen in time. In the image, she was just a baby, cradled in her mother's arms as her elder sister stood beside them, hugging their mother. Her father, with a serious expression, stood behind them.
"We told you right... that you are a splitting image of your father..." Revathy commented.
Madhu sensed the strong resemblance between herself and her father. His round face, hooded eyes, and thick lips were the traits she had inherited.
Tears welled up in her eyes, but a radiant smile touched her lips as she looked at the photo. "I don't even have any memories to hold onto," she sighed.
Praneet gently patted her head. "I'll tell you all the stories, and you can imagine."
He began to recount the stories of her infancy, the day she tore her father's files as a baby, and how her edentulous smile had always managed to console her father when he was angry. Madhu laughed as she listened to these cherished memories, feeling a sense of connection to her parents that she had longed for.
Her uncle hugged her tightly, his voice filled with warmth. "Life can be cruel, but remember that you were deeply loved by them."
Madhu held onto Praneet, tears flowing freely. "I wish I could have told them how much I loved them one more time. I wish I could have said goodbye."
Praneet held her even closer, offering solace. "I'm sure they knew, Madhu. I'm sure they knew."
Madhu tucked the picture near her chest, "I want this with me."
He approved with a smile.

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