Chapter 40

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Vikram's heart soared as he finally sat beside Madhu. Krish created a riot until Vikram was allowed inside the ward to the displeasure of everyone.
The hospital rules were in Vikram's favour too. There was a flicker of hope for their love story to continue.
He watched her fragile physique lying on the bed and connected to monitors. He felt the tremors of the past gunshot when he could lose her. He placed her hand on his and kissed it gently. She looked paler and her hair stands were messy, opposite to who she was that morning.
Vikram's eyes burnt with inner turmoil. He felt heaviness in his chest with unknown fears.
"Madhu," he whispered to her, "You know... for your birthday, I arranged for twenty-two flowers as beautiful as you. Their vibrance was no match to your smile. And I hired a bunch of singers for an impromptu concert at the beach..."
His voice cracked and he was already crying, "You would have loved their romantic songs...."
Vikram never imagined that he would be deeply attached to her, "I know we started on the wrong foot with a contract marriage. If I had known that we would reach this far, I wouldn't have done that. At least, you believe me..."
His fingers gently brushed a strand of her hair away from her face, revealing the deep lines of concern etched onto her forehead.
He placed her hand on his cheek and cried, "I want you. Please don't leave me alone, I have been scared for the past twelve hours without you."
She kept him safe. She was gentle, comfortable like his mother's lap.
"Tonight, you're here in this hospital bed, and I can't help but wonder why you ended up lost on your birthday," Vikram said, his voice growing softer. "What happened to you, my love? Why did you come here?"
He contemplated self-doubts, "Do you feel I wasn't enough? Do you want to leave a person like me? I need to know, Madhu. I need you to wake up and tell me."
Vikram gently caressed Madhu's cheek as he leaned in closer. He could feel the warmth of her skin and hoped that she would open her eyes like a film heroine.
"I promise you, Madhu, if you wake up, I will make your troubles go away," he vowed to her. "We'll face whatever challenges come our way, together. I will even kill someone for your happiness. I care about you."
The machines continued to beep softly in the background. Vikram held back his tears, "I'll be here, waiting for you, through the nights, the days and all the tomorrows. You will come back to me, I trust that."
Vikram leaned down and gently kissed Madhu's forehead.
"Madhu, you've become such an integral part of my life," he admitted, "I want to celebrate your birthdays with lots of babies next time. I don't like watching you in a hospital bed."
Hours passed slowly without her voice and Vikram remained at her side. He leaned back into the chair, hoping that the darkness would give way to dawn. As the day broke, Vikram opened the curtains for fresh air. He rubbed his tired eyes and looked at a sedentary Madhu.
"Good morning, beautiful," he whispered and pecked her. The room remained oppressively silent until Revathy approached inside the ward. Vikram noticed her swollen eyes and a distressed face. Her heart would be heavily concerned for Madhu as too much happened within a day.
Vikram stood up in respect but she frowned at him, "You have disrespected the purest relationship of marriage. Why are you acting now?"
Vikram bowed down.
"Do you have any idea of how Praneet felt without her for these six months? All of his sadness for your acting for a year? I don't think it's worth it." Her voice grew louder and more accusatory with each word.
Vikram was guilty, "We cancelled the contract..."
"But a fake marriage is a fake marriage, whether you have cancelled the contract or not. You were tricking us for six long months!" Revathy's eyes bore into his.
His voice shook, "We made a mistake. But we have amended our ways now. I love her and she too."
"Stop it!" Revathy yelled at him and peeked at her daughter. "She is precious to us. When you were the reason behind her gunshot, I forgave you even before her because I know the value of marriage. Yes, even after making big money, I am old school in relationships. I didn't want her to lose you. But you are never worth it."
Vikram couldn't speak to her. Without Madhu telling her points, his words won't have value in their family. 
"And love doesn't start with deception, Vikram! How could you do something behind us?" she demanded.
Vikram's face reddened.
Vikram's eyes filled with remorse as he admitted, "I regret that now. You see... It's in the past... We have cancelled.."
"I can't explain these to my husband," Revathy declared. "We are taking her back from you so that all of us can be in peace!"
The tension in the room hung thick in the air and the words reverberated inside his ears. Madhu entered his life like a whirlwind, gave rainfall and made him prosper, not to be taken away. Tears welled up in his eyes as he couldn't defend himself.
Revathy's fury didn't waver, "It's too late to amend everything. You've put her through hell. She deserves better."
Vikram felt desperate to have Madhu, "I'll do anything to prove that I love her and that I can take care of her."
Revathy's face softened, "Vikram, the trust is broken. Madhu's been through so much and I can't let her go through this pain again."
Vikram was determined, "She knows that I love her. She will decide for herself what's best for her."
It infuriated Revathy, "Even if she chooses to stay with you, we will take her home. God knows what you will do to her!"
As a commotion broke, people from outside entered the ward. Krish stood beside his friend while others started to bash Vikram. A flicker of hope that Madhu would choose him over her family made him fight.
Just as their conversation echoed, the doctors came inside the ward to suppress the situation. A nurse entered the room and checked Madhu. Revathy and Vikram watched anxiously at her.
"Please go out to fight!" the chief doctor warned them.
"He is the one starting it," Praneet blamed Vikram. "Let him go out!"
Vikram sat on the chair and glued his eyes on Madhu. He was determined to live with her and he would go to heights. He would kill if needed. And he would die for her.

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