Izuku tries to recruite hawks

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Ever since that night at the league head quarters Hawks has questioned everything he thought he knew and became more paranoid.

Story three: Hawks has a new sidekick. Or the beginning of operation zero.

"Okay class that's the end of today's lessons, Cleaning crew tonight is Iida and..." I see the man pauses to glance at the chart. Poor Aizawa can't remember anything, at least that's what he wants you to think. "... Aoyama. The rest of you can head to the dorms. Any questions?"

I see no one raises their hand and no one says anything as the tired hobo teacher nods his head in approval. "Great you're all dismissed." He says semi happy. More than normal for him at least.

Finally! Sweet release! I'm gonna take a shower, a looooooong one really hot too! I roll my shoulders in anticipation. The hot water should be able to sooth my aching body. Jeez hero training is hard but staying the top of the class is even harder. I have to make sure I'm as good as always and always improving too.

The class may not know who I actually am. Or what my quirk is. Not that I have one :/ But slacking and falling behind is definitely not an option. Without a quirk I have even more to prove. Not that anyone will find that out.

But it's not the over training that stiffens me up it's the hidden fact that does. That fact I have to hide my true potential as not to raise suspicious is what causes my problems. Geez it's hard to hold back when my years of training tell me to go all out. I have to stick to loosing against these problem kids.

Aizawa laughs at me each time to so unfair! Not even Shoto or Shinso know. Okay well to be fair I'm sure they've caught on. Shinso from Aizawa and Shoto from Dabi

I watch The class break into their groups and starts gathering up their belongings. I smile seeing my friends coming over. This group consists up of peppermint, Suimin, Uraraka, tsu and class rep.

We start Chatting briefly before bidding goodbye to the class rep, who drew the short straw in cleaning, and head to the door.

I almost made it too! Before I got called out. "Ah not you problem child. You get to stay behind with me." I can't help but grumbles out some choice words before letting a smile take over my face. "Welp looks like I got myself in trouble again! You guys go on without me." I say trying to think what I did this time.

The group pauses sharing looks. Gosh there's people have no faith in me! So rude they all look at me with the 'what did you even do now?' Face. I beam them a smile before they accept and agree leaving me. I hop over to the teacher grinning.
"Alright teach what I do this time?"

He rolls his eyes at me glancing to Bakugo and his squad before turning back. "Go change into you know what quickly there's someone I think you'll want to see."

"Ooooo real cryptic shota!" I laugh. "Please go do it before I throw you out the window." He said bored. Ouch that one hurt. Also Rude. "Fine fine I'll go." I say sulking.

What a pain, I go over to Kacchan giving him a quick hug. "Don't wait for me who knows what I've done to be asked to attend like that." He gives me a nod and I run off to dad's office.

The only reason I'm heading there is because of my own secret office. It links to all dad's so I can sneak in and so it's easy to hide all my stuff. I will later regret stepping into his office today but that's for later.

In hindsight sprinting down the halls wasn't a good idea either. As I slammed straight into someone. I'm so flipping clumsy. I feel bad for all those around me.

"Ah jeez sorry about that ummm-" I rub my head still not knowing who I fell on. "Hawks." A peppy voice sounds as I'm lifted up onto my feet. "Nice to meet ya kid. Oh shoot it's you! feisty green bean!"

The crazy adventure of class A with dadzawa mha/bnhaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ