No time left

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At a certain age the amount of time left you have is revealed to you and only you. No one other than you can see your time left.

Many people had 80+ years to live a full life with happiness and gratitude.

Pro heroes were notorious for have less time than your average citizen yet it still almost always is over 40+

Here we are Izuku's 16th birthday. The day he'll find out just how long he has left.

"Hay happy birthday midobro!" Kirisima and Denki happily call out from the kitchen where the two seem to be eating.

Izuku smiles tiredly walking over to them. "Ah thanks guys I'd almost forgotten." He says rubbing his neck. The two boys laugh thinking it as a joke And go back to eating. Izuku goes to grab some juice from the fridge turning to meet his closer friends.

"Oh g-good morning guys." He stuttered out suddenly very aware of how close they were. "Morning midoriya happy birthday to you!" Iida says happily chopping the air. "Yes happy birthday midoriya." Todoroki says gently placing a hand on the boys shoulder. "Don't be nervous it's okay." He says seeing straight through the boy.

Todoroki being older had already gone through his 16th birthday, finding he had many years left enough to satisfy him. He never explicitly said how many exactly he had but if it was enough for him Izuku wouldn't push. "Thank you todoroki kun." Izuku says relaxing slightly.

"Deku kun!!!!!" Uraraka screeches launching herself at the boy. "Uraraka it is still early watch your volume! And do not throw yourself one or both of you could get hurt!" Iida says again moving his hands robotically.

The girl simple sticks her tongue out at the class president and hugs the green boy tightly. "Have you looked yet?" She asked. Izuku shakes his head. She pouts but nods and goes to get breakfast.

Izuku wanting to escape the busyness of the kitchen heads out side to sit at one of the benches. He was already dressed and ready for classes to start so he had plenty of time to ponder.

Should he look now? It was a question running wild in his mind. He hadn't looked yet to afraid or nervous of what the answer could be. But still that nagging part of him beckoned him to check. Incase he had little time left. He'd have to make it all count. Tell his mom the good news. Or bad news as the case could be.

Before his throats could become any deeper his phone rings breaking him out. "H-hello?" He asked.

"Izuku? It's me. Happy birthday baby have you looked at you know what yet?"

Ah it was him mother. That's what he needed right now he can check while he's on the phone with her. Extra support.

"Oh thank you mom. I haven't checked it yet I've been to scared but I'll look now that your here okay?"

His mother laughs. "Oh sweetheart only look if you want to I'm sure it will be fine! Yes your a hero but you'll have plenty of time I just know it!"

The cheering voice of his mother's words let him build up enough courage to look.

"Okay here goes nothing-"

A deep breath in and then he looks. Lifting his eyes up and to the left corner he can see the floating box. It said he had... oh.

"I-Izuku? Izuku are you okay?" His sharp breath must have been audible down the phone. "I... h-how long did your time say?" He asked changing the subject. "I think I had around 85 it's less now since I'm older why? What's wrong with yours?"

He tries steadying his breath.  "Mom are you sitting down?" He whispers. There's voice on the other end before his mother answers again. "I-I am now. Please Izuku tell me what's wrong."

Izuku nods but his mother can't see it. "It's about my time. Don't freak out okay." He takes another breath his mother's silence a clear indication to continue. "M-mom I think we're going to get attacked again. You know by the league or something. B-because I only have 13 days left."

The line stays dead. "M-mom? It's okay I'm sorry I just you deserve to know. I'll go tell Aizawa and come home we can spend it together a-and-"

"Izuku. I'm your mother I've raised you all on my own for 16 years. I've been with you all that time. I want to be selfish and bring you back to me so I can cherish you more," there was a pause. "But your friends make you smile. They deserve to have these last days with you. Make the happiest memories with them until- until... I-I I'm sorry Izuku. I've failed as a mother to protect you!" The wailing had Izuku pull back from the phone still able to hear his mother clearly.

"Hay hay mom it's okay. It's not you fault. I'm sorry I have to be here and not with you. I owe you my life after all. Just don't worry okay. I'll be alright maybe it's a glitch? It might not be true." It doesn't little to calm his mother down but she still manages to stop her crying.

"Class will start soon right? You go now Izuku. Have a good day c-call me every chance you get." Izuku smiles sadly. He looks around the campus he's on he'll miss this play. "I'm not ready for you to leave me." It's so quite he almost thought he imagined it. "Mom..." Izuku is quickly cut off. "No it's fine I'm sorry I put that on you. Go now okay we can talk later. I love you."

"I love you too mom, always will."

The world felt heavy on his shoulders now. A new weight added to his pile. He still couldn't believe it. He kept glancing at the numbers. 1 3 clear as day. It was so short not even two weeks. How is he supposed to tell them? He knew his mother would be crying now. Clinging onto her phone like a life line. His time was short that's the deal he's been played. Now he can either fold or play with all bets in.

And you know he's going all in.

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