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I was tagged by Harm18Rma and so here my answers are XD I don't have a particular book for random stuff, so I'll do it here.

I was tagged by Harm18Rma and so here my answers are XD I don't have a particular book for random stuff, so I'll do it here

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Real name: Just like my username says Jessie Zhu, though if I need to use a pseudonym idk why I love the name Lily ^^

Age: Actually an old soul locked in a young body, I'm fifteen tho I either act like I am 5 or 50, depending on the person and my mood ^^

Bestie: Ohh, I have many, so it's hard for me to choose, but if it's a must I guess . . . All my Jie Jie's and two Mei Mei's, I know it's unfair, but they are all so dear to me, there is no way I can ever choose between them *pouts*

One D or BTS: Honestly I like one direction, but if I must choose I would choose BTS because I always wake up with BTS every damn morning and every damn night sleep with BTS, no kidding there's BTS music 24/7 on at my home, and let me clarify some stuff, it's my sister who is obsessed with BTS, not me I like their songs, but my sister is always playing their songs 24/7 or Blackpink and we share the sewer, so that sucks :(

Shawn Mendes or Harry Styles: I prefer Shawn XD

Have you watched 50 shades: No, but hear about it.

Committed or single: Neither single nor committed, just madly in love with Yizhan/Zhanyi ^^

Boy or girl: I am a girl, but act like a boy if you ask my family XD *shrugs*

Most exciting thing ever did: Hehe *laughs awkwardly* I don't think this excited I am gonna tell about is a good thing, but once ended up in a fight with a 'popular' schoolboy because of a heated argument about the virus not attacking him cuz he is young, he never dared to approach me again tho.

Dream: Just to be able to survive ig, I mean, I think every dream can be achieved as long as we keep thriving, and all I am dreaming about is to for once live without holding my breath while being scared to get hurt.

Two words for everyone: You're beautiful, actually it is three, but who cares? I don't even know the difference between right and left, no kidding XD

Words of wisdom for everyone: Actually I can now keep a whole speech about how you should live a good life, but damn that, my tip for you to continue living is; fight for what you stand behind because yes maybe there is a God, maybe there is an afterlife, maybe there is more after this, but this is all we have and we should take it with both hands! 

Hate me or love me: Hate me because then you won't have expectations of me to reach something.

Favourite album: I don't have any, just listen to random Chinese songs of the untamed that make me cry at 3 am, but yeah, who am I to care :)

Favourite singer: Xiao Zhan, he is amazing! 

Last crush: Does Yizhan/Zhanyi counts? *smiles idiotically* 

Ever had a crush on a teacher: No, but one of my friends did, that was hella awkward because I needed to ask something of that teacher (she had a crush on), and the door was on an ajar and I was like telling my friends how awkward it is to face him, and then he turned around from his chair saying, Jessie, you know I can hear you? I really wanted to world to savour me at that moment XD

Most daring thing ever done: That included my hair, a scissor, and a challenge, don't ask, I mean hair grows anyways, so why should I have cared? Hehe.

A small note to my readers; sorry this is not an update XD

Xiao Zhan: I did not stab him to death! 

Qihe: Then how the hell did he die?

Xiao Zhan: *Grins* ohh I just hit him into a deep slumber of sleep with a knife *smiles*

Qihe: *Sighs*

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