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"And that kids, is how the story ends, with a happily ever after where Yibo and I live together." Lily glanced sideways, glaring at Zhan because he stole her sentence while he laughed, ruffling through Lily's hair.

Gou Cheng rolled his eyes, "we're not kids anymore, dad." Fanxing next to him, sniggered lightly, suppressing a laugh, Gou Cheng got adopted by Zhan and Yibo after a year of the accident also, he remained to have his surname.

Now they were all grown-ups, seven years had passed, and yet it was like the day off yesterday it happened.

"Lily Jie, don't tell us the story really ends like that, right?" She smiled at Pei Xin's question, shrugging her shoulder while winking to Fanxing, who looked intensely at her.

The house was full of people and happiness; Qihe and Eliwa were upstairs, making up a room for Xuan Lu and her husband to stay; Pei Xin, their son, reached here earlier than they did.

When everyone went to do their own stuff again, Fanxing approached Lily, "it wasn't just a tale, was it Jie?" Lily looked up from her phone, her eyes filled with a daze of sadness.

When she was about to speak up, someone suddenly interrupted her, "you know, I recall that Lily left out a part about the wedding because there was a little boy disturbing everything and making a big fuss," Zhan said, laughing while sitting down next to Lily.

Fanxing pointed to himself, "I was that boy, right? I mean, since a few months, I've been having those small fragments of weird memories, including you, Lily Jie, Jiyang ge, and mom and dad."

"Yes, it was Qihe's idea, and we all helped as she told; it was one wonder that we came out alive and well, but your act was the best a-Xing," Yibo said, taking place next to Zhan, their hands intertwined.

"But don't tell the others yet." Zhan placed a finger on his lips, softly smiling, while Fanxing nodded, standing up to help Haoxuan and Jiyang ge in the kitchen.

"They're all growing so fast." Qihe leaned against a wall while Eliwa went to take place next to Lily.

"It's so weird that this all has ended; it just feels like yesterday, everything," Eliwa said, and all of them nodded; it was a scar that would never heal, but whatever would happen, they would always be together in the future to protect each other.

The doorbell rang, but no one stood up to open the door because Pei Xin already ran towards the door, opening it too revealingly, Xuan Lu, her husband Cao Yuchen and Zhoucheng.

"Dinner is ready!" Jiyang was busy placing down the cutlery while Haoxuan followed with the food, Fanxing placed down the drinks; and unsurprisingly, Gou Cheng was already eating chicken wings, and when everyone stared at him, he just said, "what? I can't help you're all that slow, I am hungry okay!" everyone burst out in laughter and quickly took place before Gou Cheng would eat everything at once.

They all ate and brought up times of the past but left the wound alone, even if only two of the three juniors assumed it was a tale, it didn't matter since it would be only a matter of time until the other two would realize there was more behind the story than it seemed on the surface.

Word count: 573 words

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