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Yep, once again I've been tagged hahaha~

So here we go!

#! Things you cannot leave the house with?

Uhm . . . Definitely my phone, watch and books XD

#2 Favorite brand of make-up?

Honestly, I don't use make-up *shivers* I don't like it, and people may think whatever they want about me, idc I am born as an ugly duck and I have no shame to hide it~

#3 favorite flowers?

Recently I am so in love with flowers, my favorite one, though are roses, I know boring, but I love blue roses XD

#4 favorite clothing store?

I am not girly at all, I just pick clothes everywhere and nowhere, I don't really care about the price nor where it comes form ad long as I like it ^^

#5 Favourite perfume?

Like I said with make-up, I don't use perfume too.

#6 Heels or flat?

Definitely flat, I used to have a lovely teacher at primary school who wore high heels, and she ended up playing a game including running and she literally fell, everyone was worried, but my gosh I couldn't stop laughing, she didn't mind tho because she wasn't wounded, it was just a funny thing to see too XD

#7 Do you make good grades?

That mainly depends on if I want to because my schedule is always so tight due to work, but overall, I get good grades, but my whole family knows that I can do better if I truly wanted to, which I don't ^^

#8  Fav color

Black. Just like my soul, fight me

#9 Energy drank?

No, I prefer coffee.

#10 Do you drink juice?

Yes, it's good to get vitamins.

#11 Do you like swimming?

Mn, I don't love it, but I can.

#12 Do you eat fries with a fork?

My parents own a snacker, damn no, who eats fries with a fork nowadays????

#13 Fav moisterouzer?

I don't even know how to write and don't mind me, I don't use make-up.

#14 Do you wanna get married later on in life?

It doesn't matter to me.

#15 Do you get mad easily?

Yes, I do, but that's because I care too much, yet they seem not to understand my motives.

#16 Are you into ghost hunting?

No, it's dangerous and please don't be so stupid to do something like that, this here and now is all we have, and those we are dead should be left in peace.

#17 Any phobias?

I. Hate. Butterflies. Dolls. And. Small. Places.

#18 Do you bite your nails.

No, never done it too.

#19 Have you ever been near a death experience?

Oh yeah sure more than often enough, I lost the count of how many times a car almost ended up hitting me while I was biking, damn, that was not a nice experience, but yeah . . .

#20 Do you drink coffee?

Damn yes I do ofc, yesterday I told myself to wait withe reading a book because I wanna start out in 2021, yesterday night I forgot about that priority and ended up reading half of the book so 300 pages, and now I am gonna continue it, but I crave for coffee now and sleep, damn

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