Chapter 3: Job proposal

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No one's pov :

"And this is it." Dream said, he ended up showing Ink JR while asking him some question "this place is huge" ink was amazed, it was a lot bigger than what he had acces to in his home.

And at that moment a question came to Dream's mind "Are you an outcode ?" Dream asked all of a sudden "what's that ?" Ink didn't really knew the concept of aus or outcodes.

"Well an outcode is someone who can jump aus and travel the multiverse, they usually live in some sort of void or pocket dimension." Dream explained, Ink was trying to get an answer, was he ?

'Well mother and father said that they found Cross and me in a white void, together, and we can both make portals even though we never got through so..' "i guess i am..." ink responded "i mean i can do that stuff"

"Really ?" Dream asked with a not-so- surprised tone "yeah like that" Ink said as he created a portal "i'm not really used to do it tho"

'Intrestring, i could use this to my adventage' Dream though

Ink made the portal disapear and opened his mouth to say something but a loud noise of glass shattering stopped him

When he looked at where the noise came from he saw another skeleton dressed in purple and black, face against the floor in front of a broken window, they also had a golden crown, they sitted up and looked at the other two to see that one of them looked at him with a jaded expression and the other with a confused one

"Hi..." the purple skeleton said, not expecting to be caught

"Nightmare, what's your excuse now ?" Dream asked, he was used to this "well you see-is that a new recruit ?" He tried to change the subject and apparently succeded

"No he is not" Dream said. There isn't a lot but it isn't unusual for the multiverse to have people under the age of 18 to work so proposing to work for you even at JR is pretty normal.

'It does sound cool, they seem trustworthy and if it gives me a safe place to stay..' "i mean...i really wouldn't mind.." ink said "really ? You want to work here ?" Dream asked, looking at Ink with a surprised and amused expression. "Yeah.." Ink responded, not really confident, he didn't wanted to impose himself "alright" Dream said with a smile.

"This is literally the fastest way of proposing someone to work for them, wow" Nightmare said as he got up "so're gonna make him go through the basic stuff now ?" He asked "yes." Dream reasponed
"Alright so i'll be seing myself somewhere else, bye !" Said Nightmare running off after he said that.

"And here he goes again, anyway, let's go make you an official worker here, we're gonna test you, fill some paperwork and other stuff" Dream explained and Ink nodded.

With the guardian of negativity

Nightmare was running around the village/town until he arrived at the forest, he entered it, and walked a bit, he saw a not so noticeable house and got inside.

"KEVIN I'M HOME !!" He shouted, after a few seconds, a chicken walked down the stairs to go to the purple skeleton who picked him up to hug him.

After that moment, Nightmare placed his friend down to go play video games.

In another world

"You're pretty good at this, young prince !" The captain said after dodging a knife. "HEY ! I'm not that young !" The guard laughed "sure" they responded.

"But i think we should stop here, your parents might wonder where you are"
"....Yeah.." Cross said "bye, have a nice day" he said, the captain bowed "you too, sir Cross."

The rest of the day was kinda depressing for Cross, he was bored and wasn't even allowed to go for a walk. He was thinking, thinking about what would happen if he leave too, thinking about the future, he was wondering if he should reveal the plan of his parents, how would people react, what would become of the town...Suddenly, he decided to sneak out of the castle, he knew he would get in trouble if he got caught.

Cross got in the town, it happened often so people weren't surprised anymore. He visited, talked to people and did some dumb stuff that we're not gonna talk about. At one point, he was sat on a bench, looking at random directions, until someone caught his attention.

It was a human...? He wasn't sure, it looked like one but on the color side..err...not so much. It had pale grey skin, darker gray hair, pitch black eyes, short almost black sweatpants, a grey sweater. It seems that they had noticed the skeleton and approached him.

"Hello, i am Frisk" The humain said.
"Hi, i'm C-" "Cross, i know" There was an awkward silence until Cross broke it "are you a humain ?" "You could say that" Frisk answered.

"We're in Xtale, right ?"


Happy new year everyone !

I'm sorry if this chapter make less sense or is less good. I didn't really had ideas of what to wright next but i still wanted to post it today. (I also can't choose how to make dialogues, i'll try to decide for the next chapter)

So here it is, i hope you enjoy this book so far, Thank you for reading it.

I might also add other ships in this story.

Have a nice day, thank you again, bye !

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