Virigl's first time being tickled

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It had been a long day for Virgil, ever since he had told Thomas he used to be a dark side he began to grow more and more paranoid, not that he ever let it on to the other sides. He already knew how they would try and help anyway. Patton would probably shower him with hugs and reassurance, Roman would attempt to help but end up making it all about himself and Logan would probably try and calm him down with facts and then grow mildly frustrated when that didn't work. He decided it would probably be best to leave it unspoken, they had known his secret long before Thomas did anyway. There was, however a slight issue with him hiding his emotions like this and that was the fact that his eyeshadow automatically grew darker and his voice more gravely than normal. This meant he had been trying his best to avoid others but he was growing tired of this charade and even though he would never admit it he was starting to miss the others.

Virgil decided it was time he headed out of his room and see how the others were going,  even if they did notice something was wrong he though there was a chance he could avoid talking about it. As he headed towards the living room he couldn't help but hear noises that grew louder as he got closer. He soon realised that it was laughter, and quite unrelenting laughter for that matter. He walked into see Patton on top of a blushing and giggling Roman and he was dancing his fingers up and down his ribs. It hadn't been the first time he'd seen Patton tickle someone but as he watched silently from the entrance he noticed for the first time how happy it seemed to make Patton and how careless Roman seemed to look as he giggled under his touch. Virgil had never gotten involved with these "tickle wars" as Patton called them, the truth was he was insecure about his laugh and smile and tried his best to risk exposing them to others. Virgil wasn't quite sure if he was ticklish or not due to the fact that he had never experienced it before but he guessed he was, seeing as all the others were and since they had the same body it was quite likely. 

It didn't take very long for Patton to mention Virgil staring the two on the couch.

"Oh, hey Kiddo. How are you doing buddy?".

"I'm fine",  Virgil replied trying to keep the growl in his voice as minimal as possible.

"Oh, hey" Roman said, slightly breathless. "How did you get your eyeshadow so dark, emo?".

Virgil felt his panic grow again, had he really noticed that easily. He knew coming out was a bad idea. "Oh, uh. New makeup."

"Are you sure Kiddo? You seem a bit down, why don't you come over here and we can all watch a movie to get your mind off of it?"

Patton exchanged Roman a secret glance and almost immediately Roman was onboard with their unspoken plan to try and make their friend feel better, Virgil, however didn't notice as he walked over to the lounge and prepared to watch a film.

As soon as Virgil took a seat in between Patton and Roman, Roman grabbed him swiftly by the wrists and pulled him down into a lying position. 

"What are you doing?!" Virgil asked, his voice sounded over-bassed and alarmed.

Patton and Roman looked at him sympathetically, they explained that they noticed he seemed down and according to Logan's research tickling can actually reduce stress and grow social bond.

As soon as Virgil heard the word tickle he grew giddy, would he be sensitive?,  would the others hear him laugh for the first time?, what would it even feel like?.

Before he had time to protest he felt Patton's hands dig into his sides squeezing and relenting. Virgil felt an electric-esque shock throughout his torso and began to feel laughter gather at the base of his throat. 

"P-patton" He said squirming and bucking his hips in an attempt to escape. "I've never been tickled before". Admitting this caused his cheeks to grow slightly pink, but it also caused Patton to grow even more excited and eager to see his reaction.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2020 ⏰

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