I'm Running Out of Title ideas and I didn't have Ides in the First Place

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A/N- I'm sorry My Internet died before I could publish it T-T

(Time skip cuz we love those)

Hadrian's Pov

You know when you really think about..Hogwarts is pretty boring. "Best Magic school" my ass! What's the point of having a school where you learn magic when your restricted to certain spells? Don't even get me started on how we're restricted to only casting spells for class. Luckily we all figured out how to get rid of the trace and even make it seem like other people cast the spell. Unluckily  my brother is the bloody boy who lived and gets away with whatever he wants. But I have to say, it was funny when the teachers were trying to figure out how we cast the crucio spell on him when our wands say nothing. Anyway it's our third year and I used my magic to forge my parents signature. It's very important I go because I plan to accept all the lordships I can before Alexander. I know they don't know that I know I was disowned. That sentence was confusing but you get the point. Anyway so as we were minding our own business, walking to dinner, just trying to make it threw the week, a little Hufflepuff shyly walked up to me, you can tell he had more confidence then normal because Cedric was there and Slytherins allow the Hufflepuffs to just walk in and out the common room. We don't even give them the password we just programmed the wall to automatically open for Hufflepuffs. But this isn't about that. "What's up Petey?" The Hufflepuff seemed to light up when it realized I remembered his name. Don't ask how I know his name because with how much I talk your going to know that and a bunch of other stuff in like 5 minutes. "T-the beard man and the bad families want you in their office Hadrian" Of course we all sighed. The Hufflepuff giggled at all of our reactions and told us the password. We sent him a letter to confirm the Slytherin and Hufflepuff tea time and we all went out separate ways. Back to what I was originally saying, I know his name because of the Hufflepuff and Slytherin tea. It's when all members of both houses meet in either the room of requirements or the Slytherin common room. We would meet in the Hufflepuff common room but we don't want to ruin their reputation no matter how much they say it's ok. Anyway this is so the Seventh years can catch up and all the years could introduce the first years to each other and make sure we all get along. This alliance was rumored to be made when the dark lord- My mate- helped the Hufflepuffs that were being bullied and invited them to the Slytherin common room. The funny thing is that while their were rumors he only did it to try and recruit them or to hurt them himself. He actually just talked with them and they were included in the group of people he trusted with his life. They knew of his plans and everything, but they only took actions in the plans if they wanted to, they weren't/aren't even allowed to be marked. If anything Slytherins and Hufflepuffs should have a joint house. But I'm getting off topic. Once I got to the Headmaster's office it was just what I expected the conversation to be like. Them trying to get me to resort, them trying to insult me, them getting mad when I insult them back, them not being able to read sarcasm until Snape, Black, and Lupin snickers, but what I didn't expect was this turn in the conversation. Take a look at this; "Listen here you BRAT! You WILL be getting resorted and you WILL stop hanging out with those "friends" of yours! I will NOT have you ruin the Potter name!" James fumed. Of course me being the rebellious teen I am said "First of all, You all ruin the Potter name yourselves. I just sit back and watch you." Here the Potter's and Dumbledore looked furious but of course I continued, "Second of all, What are you gonna do if I don't follow your demands. There isn't a lot you can do without it being labeled as child abuse or assault on a minor?" Here James looked smug and as he spoke the smugness on his face just seemed to increase. "If you don't I will disown you from the Potter line and Make Sirius Alexander's God Father!" He looked like he was the king of the world while Sirius and Remus looked at him like he was stupid and Severus looked like he was just tired at this point. Even Dumbledore looked like he had just aged a hundred years. I giggle and said "Wow. That was so stupid even your master over there looks defeated." Here he got embarrassed once he saw Dumbledore's disapproving look. "You've already disowned me and you do know that a Godparent bond can only be severed by the Godparent right? No wonder you need Dumbledore. You wouldn't of passed without him." Of course the Potter's and Dumbledore went on a rant about respecting him. After tuning them out I just got up and left. Siriusly, who has time for that? After eating and talking with my friends we decided to have a sleepover in the room of requirements. We all relaxed and filmed a few Tik Toks for fun. One of the ones we posted was a blooper of me and Draco doing the renegade and Blaise scaring him so much his magic accidently knocked down the phone. Luckily our Tik Toks with magic that can't be passed off as really good editing have a spell on them so that they can only be viewed by other witches or wizards. All in all it was a pretty fun sleepover, but it was too chaotic. So sadly, Lucius Malfoy will not be hearing about this event in his son's school day. Maybe when he is in the after life and Death wants to watch Life be bothered by a ranting blondy who wants to lecture his son. That might most likely happen now that I think about it. Who knows. But I do know that if he wanted. Luci could work Barbie's outfit. Like honestly she could never. As I think/talk about this, I'm getting tired so, Till next time...I need to stop talking to myself. Anyway Byee!

I'm sorry for how late this is-

I really did try to get it out earlier T-T

I hope you enjoyed this mess of a chapter-


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