Potions Class

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After they were handed they're schedules they started heading to Potions class. They sat at they're seats paired up. Our main character was paired up with Draco, whether his group was afraid because Snape hated his father or he and Draco actually worked well together, he wasn't actually sure. Anyway after Snape gave them their assignment. The Golden boy and his best mate waltzed in like they owned the place. "With all the Waltzing they do, they must be amazing dancers." Hadrian mumbled under his breath to Draco. Draco snickered loud enough for them to hear which made them angry, but before they could retaliate, Professor Snape said "Potter, Weasley, 15 points each from Gryffindor for being late and 5 more for being angry like the other students did something wrong." Ron scoffed and rolled his eyes "Whatever, your just a greasy Dungeon bat anyway." before Snape could say anything  Hadrian blurted out "At least the "dungeon bat" knows how to come up with more creative insults" Alexander fumed "Your just jealous." Hadrian who hadn't realized he spoke out loud the first time and thought he was still speaking to the professor said "Jealous of what? Not having as many calories?" While focusing on his potion. The Gryffindors were angry he insulted the savior while the Slytherins were amused at how nonchalantly he said it. Even Snape was hiding his smirk. "Hadrian 5 points from Slytherin for insulting another student. Weasley, Potter, 50 points from Gryffindor for insulting a professor and another 10 for instigating a fight. As you are in the negatives I would suggest you be quiet and go to your station." Snape sneered. The Gryffindors walked to there station both silently cursing Hadrian in there head. The class mostly continued in this way, Weasley and Potter being arrogant, Snape deducting points, Hadrian and Draco making fun of them, The Gryffindors getting angry and yeling, and Snape being biased about the situation. By the time the lesson ended Gryffindor had -250 points and counting. It made all the other lessons seem dull. Which they were of course. Other than Minny and Flitwick, everyone else was just as biased as Snape, they just didn't bother hiding it. But at least if they got sick of it they could getthem fired. Snape took just enough points from Slytherin so it never seemed he was biased unless you were in his lessons, even then it somehow didn't seem biased it was truly a mystery. But that's a problem for another time. The writer is lazy and lost any sense of direction for this chapter so she is gonna end it here. Ciao~

How this chapter was written

Me: *reading smut and gets notification.*

Me: "People like this?...Why?"

*Starts and finishes next chapter*

*Realizes I never said I don't own Harry Potter*

*Starts wondering if I'm gonna get sued*

*Delays publishing Chapter*

I don't own Harry Potter

Don't sue me please


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