Hogwarts Arrival and Sorting

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Hadrian and Draco were showing Hermione their muggle devices and Hadrian said she was gonna buy her one. At first she refused to have Hadrian buy it, and even gave a whole speech with reasons he shouldn't. So, by Hermione's request, Hadrian would buy it and she would pay the bill for it. A few minutes after that they were laughing at Draco do an impression of Ron, and they devil himself showed up. Ron Weasley and Alexander Potter showed up. "Potter, Weasley. What do you want?" Pansy asked with a rude tone of voice. 

"Calm down Parkinson," Alex started "I'm just here for my little brother." He then looked at Hadrian with a smirk while everyone but Ron, Hermione, and Draco looked at him with shock. Alex suspected he won and that Hadrian was going to get up and follow him, but Hadrian looked him straight in the eye and said, "Didn't know you had a brother with the way I don't exist at home." Alex smirk immediately dropped and he looked as if he could kill. He stepped forward getting ready to drag Hadrian out of there, but Hadrian knocked him to the side while saying, "Now, now Alex. Wouldn't want to hurt your little twin brother, would you?"

 He smirked at the looks of shock and anger from his friends. Alex turned away from him and faced Hermione, "Well cmon Ms. Granger. You wouldn't want to hang around the snakes would you?" He then pointed to Ron, "My friend has taken quite the liking to you" Ron winked at her which made her subtly gag, "wouldn't you like to come back to our compartment to get to know him instead of this faggot twin of mine?" Hermione was about to snap, but Hadrian did something better.

"I'm not the one who has a slut for a girlfriend." Everybody let out snickers except Ron and Alex. It was true, even as a child Ginny flirted with anything that moved. "and you call me a faggot? Really Brother? Last time I checked, just yesterday you jerked off to some guy with long hair." Alex turned bright red while Hadrian's friends bursted out laughing. Ron then turned to Hermione "Cmon love, don't wanna hang out with the wrong sort now do you?" Hermione stopped Hadrian from saying anything by saying, "I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself thanks." Everybody laughed while Ron and Alex huffed and angrily walked (ran) from the compartment.

They later met Neville and Luna. Then an hour after that they met three thrid years that were wondering what all the noise was. Their names were Fred, George, and Cedric. These ten 0became fast friends and joked all the way to Hogwarts. They took up a whole boat and wierded people out by laughing so hard that no sound came out sometimes.

~Time skip brought to you by Arthur topping Percy~

(Here is the sorting for the main characters)

Granger, Hermione


 Malfoy, Draco 


Parkinson, Pansy


Zabini, Blaise


Longbottom, Neville


Lovegod, Luna


Weasley, Ron


Potter, Alexander

Gasps and whispers broke out. Alex strutted just like his father up to the hat. He sat on the stool and had the hat sat on his head. Almost immediately the hat shouted out.

~ Gryffindor~

Eveyone cheered and clapped Gryffindor being the loudest. Hadrian and his friends just clapped. Everyone was back to whispering until the next name was said. "H-Hadrian P-Potter...?" Everybody was dead silent, Hadrian walked calmly to the stool and everybody was surprised by the house he was sorted into. "SLYTHERIN!" It suddenly got super quiet. There was never a Potter that didn't get put into Gryffindor.

 After a few seconds of shock and silence, the crowd erupted into conversation. Everyone in Hadrian's friend group had at least one friend in their house. They exchanged passwords so that they could hang out. Tonight they were going to Hadrian's dorm to hang out. They all unpacked and settled in, and Hadrian decided that tonight he would ask about his Mate. Preferably before his creature kills him.

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