Start from the beginning

He grinned, like he'd won a prize. He ushered me down the hall and to the back exit of the school. The teachers' parking lot was designated there. There was no indication of sound, it was just us. For a moment, Ross and I stared at each other. Then, I wanted to run. I should've ran.

Where are the spies? The ones Nathan said were here, protecting me.

"Where are we going?," I asked, tentatively, tightening my hold on my backpack strap.

Ross sighed. "I'm sorry, Presley," he said, before taking out a cloth and smothering it over my mouth and my nose. I struggled against him, then a nauseating feeling overwhelmed me and I couldn't form coherent thoughts. I didn't even begin to feel afraid before I was unconscious.


It was dark. So dark that I thought I was dead. With the the heartbeat in my ears, I realized I was very much alive.

Ross, was the first thing that surfaced in my mind. Then, Nathan. He was going to be angry with me.

How could I be so stupid? So naive? Why didn't I listen to Nathan and the gang while I had the chance? Now I had no chances. No more luck, not that I had any to begin with.

I didn't know where I was, but one thing was certain,  I was chained to a chair. It was freezing, and my fingers felt frozen. It wasn't till I looked around me, that I spotted shadows in the dark. I willed my tears to stay back.

"H-hello?," I stammered into the dark, my voice was hoarse.

"They don't like it when we talk," it sounded like a child's voice. A girl. Her voice was a whisper.

I gulped. "Who?," I matched her whisper, then I shook my head. "Who are you?" I couldn't see her, I couldn't see anything but blackness.

The jingle of chains told me the little girl was shifting her position. "Ella," she spoke quietly.

At that moment, the lights flickered on and what I saw before me, made my stomach lurch. What seemed like twenty young children were slumped against the walls of the small room, all chained and frightened-looking. They looked starved and cold as they shivered in nothing but their undergarments.

I looked up to the doorframe to meet a stoned faced Ross and a gleaming-eyed Raymond. Still, I pushed back my tears.

"Healer," Raymond said, stalking over to my chained chair. "Did you have a good nap?"

I forced myself to match his gaze. "W-what is this?," I asked softly. "Who are these children? They look sick."

Raymond laughed. "That's the first thing you want to ask me?," he eyed me incredulously. "Your first instinct wasn't to ask why the hell you're chained to a chair?"

I looked past Raymond to find Ross' dark eyes, he offered nothing in his expression.

"I...," I looked down at my chained hands. "I think I know why I'm here," I spoke quietly. "But why are they here?" I asked, gesturing to the small children in the room.

Who were these children and why were they here? They certainly weren't gang material.

I saw Ross tense from the corner of my eye. Raymond waved a lazy hand.

"It's all just business," he said, shrugging. "No hard feelings."

My heart seized. "What is?"

Raymond rolled his eyes. "You see, healer, the K Blades and I run a...child sex ring. You should see the sales," he whistled.

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